Forum Replies Created
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantI have the UK hardcovers so maybe they weren’t all released. I only have the first two books, the UK didn’t even get around to releasing On the Edge of the Infinite.
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantIs that true Tex, I thought I had all of the Hardcovers of the 1999 books. Did Earthfall get a hardback release? I also only have two of the Year 2 books in hardcover, were there any more?
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantGreat news Mateo, thanks for all of your hard work. 🙂
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantNo worries Mateo, just glad I have a book on the way. 🙂
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantUltra you’re my hero! 🙂
I have been trying various combinations of servers and computers and browsers and search engines and.. and… and… Pretty much for the last two hours straight! My partner has been trying to get on the computer and complaining bitterly because I’ve forced him to use his phone.
I finally came back and got the updated messages, read what Ultra posted, clicked on the link and HOORAY! finally a link that worked. You should be getting notification of my order any time now Mateo.
I’m too tired to happy dance right now. Maybe with the Lulu order for my customers… 🙂
Thanks again everyone.
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantStill no joy. Downloaded and tried different programs but still nothing… 🙁
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantIt’s a trick for me, I still can’t order it. All three buttons take me to a blank page… No happy dance for me. 🙁
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantYes Space1999er the folks at Powys are being whipped with rosary beads forced to rewrite every book in proper Star Trek style with Star Trek characters and situations. Obviously the 40,000 odd books that paramount have issued so far aren’t nearly enough for the average avid Trekkie. 🙂
Nope, don’t worry Space1999er they’re just getting over their post Con depression, they’ll have it all sorted this weekend. Won’t you guys? Uh, guys… ? …? guys? Anyone?
:laugh: :laugh: 😛 😛 😉 😉
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantHave a great time Mateo. Wish I could be there to share the fun. 🙂
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantThanks for the update Bill, great to know that the wheels are still turning over there. Eagerly awaiting the release of a new book, or two new books, or three, or four… Get the idea? 😛
My timetable has been a little similar to yours of late.Eagerly awaiting Phoenix of Megaron.
Eagerly awaiting The Whispering Sea.
Eagerly awaiting Year One Omnibus.
Eagerly awaiting Children of the Gods.
Eagerly awaiting “Mystery Book” as long as it isn’t a Prisoner book.So, based on your timetable I should have something by the end of October. 🙂 Almost time for a happy dance.
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantI did see it after I last posted here but I couldn’t be bothered coming back and saying…
I guess we’ll find out sooner or later.
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantWhere on the site did it appear, the only place I’ve seen it is on your post…
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantWoo Hoo! Don’t tell me I have to get out my dancing shoes? 🙂
It’s happy dance time in the ole Powysverse…
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantAre you listening to this Mateo. Six books already written, just waiting to be translated, formatted to Lulu’s specs and sold to us. Instant gratification for us all. 😉
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantI remember, way back at the beginning, I asked Mateo if he had thought of getting the rights to these novels and finally publishing them in English. Alas it was not to be, the novels don’t fit into the Powysverse timeline so we miss out. I still think it would be a nice sideline, maybe it could be stories of the alternate Alpha… Hint, hint. 🙂