Forum Replies Created
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Basically, it’s forcing it to open as a new page and lulu wasn’t liking it working otherwise. Some of our other links were also not working so these should be fixed now as well.Please let us know if the buttons don’t work for you (and please include browser you’re using).
[/quote]nope, not working for me. tried it with both Safari 6 and Firefox 15 on Mac OS 8. Both browsers open new tabs to an empty lulu shopping cart page.I tried the Lulu buttons for the other books – all of them work – but – some open as new tabs and some open on the same tab. So I’m not sure how that ties into the PoM button not working.
Patrick Zimmerman
Participantlook at what I got today.
it’s wonderful!
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Working on Phoenix of Megaron (and Android Planet) with John R. Mason has been a truly wonderful experience. I have only 30 pages left to go on my read of his Phoenix of Megaron SEQUEL![/quote]
What?? :woohoo: :woohoo:I’m starting to go into 1999 novel overload – Whispering Sea, Children of the Gods, Black Doves, PoM sequel (the Other Self??), and probably others in the pipeline, I’m sure.
so much to look forward to!!! :laugh:
Patrick Zimmerman
Participanthmmm. I guess something is slowing down the printing by a month.
meanwhile, electronic versions of these same comics are continuing to be published. Issue #3 of the re-mastered comics came out just yesterday, there have been 3 issues of the Aftershock & Awe storyline
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]I included Ultra’s link on the Phoenix of Megaron page. So now there are TWO ordering pages, One always displays in the address bar and one displays the actual URL: guess “We make it easy for you” is NOT the Powys slogan these days! And I think somebody is already using it. :-)[/quote]
I was playing around and checked that link – but for me at least, that still doesn’t work and the address bar stays the same.What did work though, is to ‘open link in new page/tab’. Either when clicking on that link, or when clicking on the image of the book cover. :cheer:
Patrick Zimmerman
well, initially no joy for me either. But I found an easy solution! read on…
in Safari, the Buy It Now buttons do not function. nothing happens at all when they are clicked.
in Firefox, the Buy It Now buttons take me to a blank page
(this is on an Apple. PC’s probably behave different)
BUT, I found the workaround! Zack, or anyone else having trouble, try this:
you need to go to the Phoenix of Megaron page, in such a way that the full url is displayed in the address field of your browser. For me, for the problems above, they are caused by the address field never showing more than no matter what page I’m on or where I am in the Powys site.
[b]The Solution[/b]
you can either right click on the PoM image on the powys homepage, and select ‘open link in new tab/window’. That will open a page with the FULL address. Or click on the full address I’ve pasted below. Either way will take you to a page where the Buy It Now buttons work:
Patrick Zimmerman
ParticipantI popped Breakway into my BD player on Sunday. (September 9th. The day the show starts.)
Purely to check out the player and see if it was still working… B)Patrick Zimmerman
Participantvery nice! I just noticed that new poster now as well.
and the author is Elena Cambio – who is on the Powys Panel at the convention coming up
and it has the cover for Children of the Gods too!
the excitement is building.
big things to come. very soon!see poster below at the Powys facebook page
Patrick Zimmerman
ParticipantOoooh. And an interesting new textless Ken Scott cover image for a surprise 1999 novel is up there now too…. What could it be….
B) B) B)Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]We are planning to release it at the convention in sunny Burbank, famous for its television studios, airports and black doves.[/quote] will that be in addition to Children of the Gods (as announced on the Alpha:2012 site)?Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
[quote]Where on the site did it appear, the only place I’ve seen it is on your post…[/quote]
on the Home Page – scroll all the way to very near the bottom.speaking of the home page, there are a few bits messed up now – missing images, and 404 links. I thought maybe PoM had been officially published – as it’s next to the Just Released! words, but no go. nothing there.
Patrick Zimmerman
Participantthat interview has piqued my interest even more for this book! looking forward to it. 🙂
Patrick Zimmerman
Participantthat’s was actually how I did my initial read through of the six novels before I made my Mondstation 1999 website.
It was near enough that I could understand the novels, but required mental gymnastics to really get into them.
For the pages that I did post, I cleaned up the translation a [u]lot[/u], used the LEO english/german dictionary quite a bit too, and smoothed over pieces that still just wouldn’t work out quite right. It was very slow going, so I hadn’t gotten around to cleaning up enough of my additional pages to make it post-worthy on my site.
here’s what I came up with for those first 3 paragraphs:Like a black cover, the darkness of the cosmic night
rested on the lunar surface. No stars were in the sunless
sky to create illusions of light and warmth. Only the
inset headlights in both of the men’s space suit helmets
threw light into the abyss-deep darkness and let the
dead, ragged moon mountains and craters emerge in a
spectral appearance.
With an unchecked arm swing, Dewey Copeland
hurled the sonarscope away from himself. The small
gravitational force of the Moon ensured that the heavy
sonar equipment flew many meters through the vacuum
and fell silently to the soil somewhere outside of the
beams of their headlights.
“Oh, damn it all!” he swore bitterly. “What’s all this
nonsense for?”Patrick Zimmerman
Participantand issue #1 digital version is now available for sale on comixology
comixology space: 1999 page Zimmerman
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
I was just wondering what stories people include/exclude in their own personal [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]universe of stories (or as Zack puts it – his Alphaverse)?
[/quote]Really simple and straight forward for me.[b]Space: 1999 Year 1[/b]
the original 24