Forum Replies Created
Patrick Zimmerman
Participantfinally, finally received confirmation of order shipment.
I was about to fire off a really scathing email to Lulu for their lackluster service.
All my previous orders had been handled the next day or in 2 days. this one took over 3 days.
Especially frustrating since I had placed the order before both Tex and Steve, who already got their notices.
but, it’s on its way at last, should have it on WednesdayPatrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Hit the page, folks, and go order yourself some John Muirian goodness…Children of the Gods is available too!
And, OMG, you can now search for our books on![/quote]
I tried a search, and it works. very nice.and BTW – folks can use coupon code [color=#FF0000]JANBOOKS13[/color] until 1/31/13 for 20% off.
Patrick Zimmerman
Participantwoo hoo! :laugh:
order submitted – and used coupon code [color=#FF0000]JANBOOKS13[/color] for 20% off (good until 1/31/13). The next bit of waiting begins.
I then went back and checked out the preview, which is the entire foreword, which is very touching to say the least.
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Other than the first four pages missing on both books (you know, titles and copyright notices, nobody reads those anyway, so why worry?), the books look fine so we’re SO close to releasing both of these but we didn’t want to inconvenience anybody so through an abundance of caution, we’re letting give it another go.BL[/quote]
you’re right, no one reads that stuff anyways, so what’s the holdup? 😉here’s hoping that the ‘buy now’ buttons work correctly first time round…
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]We have received the foreword for Children of the Gods. The manuscript and cover have been approved. All that needs to be done is to incorporate the foreword into the book and then check the formatting. Then we order a proof copy and if everything lines up–we make it available for purchase. Look for this book THIS MONTH!I’ve received the revised draft manuscript (post edit) from John R. Mason of The Original Self….[/quote]
Looking at the front page, looks like 4 new books plus a re-issue within the next 4 months.
Sounds extremely challenging, to say the least.
Looking forward to lots of great reads this year.Patrick Zimmerman
Participantlots of awesome new book covers showed up last month, wonder if we’ll get one of the actual books in December? :whistle:
Patrick Zimmerman
ParticipantI just completed a side-by-side reading of Phoenix Pocket and Phoenix Powys.
It’s been a long time since I’ve read this one and I was amazed at how much I had forgotten – which was pretty much everything other than the first chapter or so and the ending!
Overall an enjoyable read with surprisingly little that had to be changed. My memory was faulty and I thought a significant bit would need work, but it was really just a few pages at the end.
The Powys version has some nice tweaks here and there to smooth things out, explain a few things better, makes some direct ties to Android Planet, and soften some descriptions (e.g. Bergman no longer has an ‘ape face’).
Typos are few and far between, and I’ll forward on my list to Mateo for correction in later prints.
The new ending I thought fit very organically with the story and I could easily see it as being the original. My only ‘con’ to the new ending is it plays fast and loose with the amount of time and the number of orbits that pass in the last few pages (they make no sense at all, actually). But I’ll take it as artistic license, let it slide and give the whole endeavor a thumbs up!
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]Ultra wrote:[/b]
[quote]and another cool cover image is up on the Powys facebook page!The Final Revolution by William Latham
and now four (!) more covers! wow, we are all going to have some fun in the coming year!Patrick Zimmerman
Participantand another cool cover image is up on the Powys facebook page!
The Final Revolution by William Latham
Patrick Zimmerman
ParticipantDespite having Android Planet on my shelf for well over a year now, it took the release of Phoenix of Megaron to finally kick me into gear to read the updated novel.
What I did with Android Planet, and will do with PoM as well, was to read through it side by side with a copy of the original. That way I could quickly see any subtle, or large, changes that came about.
And there were many! Lots and lots of tiny little mods, cleaning up excess commas, hyphenating or italicizing words, changing some pronouns to names to clarify events, etc., etc. Overall a ton of detail work, and all carried out well.
The changed bit that stood out the most (as Mateo pointed out earlier), was the taming down of Paul’s actions towards Sandra. These items were unbelievable! Berating her, threatening to kick her in the ribs, licking her neck, etc. Crazy stuff. And there were also the nice tweaks or inserts to smooth things over – getting the Eagle out of the lichen, characters looking at their commlocks instead of time discs, stun guns not freezing bodies in place, Sandra not using contractions (except in one paragraph still), stuff like that. Great job with these!
And I also found changes that I thought were made by Powys, but were actually changes made between the Futura/Orbit edition and the Pocket Books edition. From tiny things like correcting the misspellings of ‘millennia’, removing the description of Helena’s hair as ‘elastic’, to larger things like censoring a slightly sexual scene between Menos and Rama, or the changing of the last line of the book where Helena and Koenig kiss. I always thought the US editions were direct copies of the UK originals because they retained the British spellings, but changed lines like these have been found in many of the books now. Interesting stuff.
On to Phoenix!
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]So, there’s a new Phoenix button. Will work? Only time will tell!
looks successful.
I tried it in on my Mac using both Safari and Firefox, and both browsers popped a ‘PoM fixed’ into the shopping cart.there was much rejoicing. yeah!
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]Jcamts wrote:[/b]
[quote]As I read from so many other thread pages, it’s seems that the majority of people at Powys simply don’t have the time to continually produce the books you publish. Might I suggest you consider becoming a print on demand publisher? It would certainly allow you to satisfy demand, and you wouldn’t have to worry trying to sell a stock. However, would there be a problem with ITV licensing?Recently you’ve attempted to sell some of your titles on, and might I say that I think that is a great idea if you did it with all your titles. Not only does it work on a print on demand basis, but allows the books to be brought on and Again, would there be a problem with ITV licensing in doing that?
I am merely making some suggestions and hope that I am not imposing.
Jcamts[/quote]some good questions, which I’ll attempt to answer. But I am just Number 35, and I’ll leave the definitive response to someone in more authority.
My understanding from what Mateo (Powys) has posted over the months is that the goal is for *all* of the Powys paperback books to be available via print on demand from Lulu.
Powys transitioned from the bulk pre-purchase of stock items to the Lulu Print on Demand mode starting with the January 2010 release of Shepard Moon. And all subsequent paperback books have been PoD since then (I don’t believe there are any issues with ITV in selling PoD, just with eBooks, but that’s a different story).
The goal of Powys is to eventually reformat the out-of-print books into the print on demand mode as well. The trick, of course, is finding the time to work on all the new books (which everyone eagerly want), with squeezing in the additional time it takes to reformat the older books into the Lulu PoD standards.
I believe that Mateo posted earlier that they intend to have Miss Freedom available from Lulu by year end, schedule willing.
Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]kalthon wrote:[/b]
[quote]Well again, purely in the spirit of experimentation, I [i]still[/i] haven’t been able to get it to work in Firefox or IE, no matter what method I tried.Lulu need to sort out the problem of books not being visible when you do searches for them too.
All this web-trickery is tiring stuff. I’m retiring to bed to recuperate 😀
– Simon[/quote]same here – for experimentation I’ve tried this again on both Mac and PC, in Safari, FF and IE. No joy anywhere.
and I believe Mateo has blocked the searches on Lulu, that’s not a Lulu problem.
Patrick Zimmerman
Participantwell, I’ve tried all those tricks – logging on to Lulu first, clearing lulu cookies and trying to order, clearing cookies, cache, history and then logging in to lulu and then ordering – but PoM never shows up in the Lulu cart.
may still have an OS/browser thing going on here.Patrick Zimmerman
Participant[b]kalthon wrote:[/b]
Using the search facility on Lulu for the book doesn’t produce any results either, so I’d have thought [i]that[/i] meant that the book just isn’t there?– Simon[/quote]actually, the lack of search doesn’t mean anything. I asked Mateo about the fruitless searching before, and Lulu is intentionally set up to NOT find the Powys books through a search (other than BfA for some reason). This means the buyer can only buy via the Powys site. Brings more traffic to this site.