Forum Replies Created
Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantThank you for the quick replies (and apologies for the tardiness of mine.)
4)-You beat me to the punch about Mary’s Monster. I’d like the Redux in hardcover, too, please. It will go on the shelf with my Everyman Library hardcover of Frankenstein. And the original edition of your novel will slot in NICELY between them.
Now let’s move on to another Powys series–The Prisoner.
5)-Will the 2nd book (Miss Freedom) be reprinted for general consumption? So far, you gotta track it down on the secondary market, like I did, and it would be hoopy if it could be made more readily available for Prisonerphiles everywhere.
6)-And will the Prisoner novels also be made available in hardcover? (You will note a pattern to my questions.)
And that’ll hold my fellow Alphans for a while. Good to see Steve F and kalthon still checking in for updates.
(at a research station FAR from Main Mission)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantYOW! I got noticed by Mr. Bill!
Facebook is a transient, non-searchable waste of time, and of little use save to promote things, or for folks to comment that they are going to >insert generic fast food hole hereinsert name of McCrap here<. Pointless back and forth will ensue, wasting more precious free time that could have been spent more productively READING (preferably Powys books.)
So, ten questions…
1-Will there be a Year One Omnibus?
2-If yes, which text for the Year One stories will be used (US or GB)? There are differences, as shewn here…
Pertinent quotes from the topic…
"The last lines in chapter four of Tubb's "Breakaway" novelization have Koenig and crew pondering their fate as the moon heads toward Meta.
Meta, the target of the probe, the mysterious world from which came equally mysterious signals. Luck? Coincidence?
Necessity, rather–now that Earth was lost to them, they would have to find a new home. A new home which they could call their own.
Meta, perhaps?
It would have to be Meta.
To Carter, standing at his side, Koenig said, dryly, 'Well, Captain, it looks as if you've got your wish to go exploring, only now you've got every man and woman in Alpha as your crew.'"The first line of chapter 5 is "They renamed it Terra Nova–wishful thinking, perhaps, but it looked good.""
"Well, your edition is different from mine. Mine's the original publication by Futura, 1975. And it says this at the end of chapter four:
Now that Earth was lost to them they would have to find a new home. A new world which they could call their own.
It was unlikely that their new trajectory would take them to Meta now. But there was still the rest of the universe and somewhere there might be a new home.
To Carter, standing at his side, Koenig said, dryly, 'Well, Captain, it looks as if you've got your wish to go exploring – only now you've got every man and woman in Alpha as your crew.'"Chapter five starts:
They named it Terra Nova, wishful thinking, perhaps, but it looked good. Koenig listened to the reports of the reconnaissance team;"Not, "renamed" notice, just "named" – and following on from the previous chapter, it's obviously not referring to Meta, but to the new world they have encountered here. The implication is that time has passed between the chapters.
"See, I'm not making it up. The text must have been changed between the British and US editions."
3-Will there be hardcover editions available? Since it's Lulu, there should be no cost to Powys for offering the choice (save for the initial grunt-work bashing the text into a new format.) And, since it's Lulu, you and Mateo won't have to move boxes of unsold hardcovers out of the garage every time youse guys need to park your Pininfarina Modulos.
That should do for now. More from the remaining seven to come, as interest from the rest of the crew warrants (time to drag their butts BACK from the abyss known as Facebook, yah?)
And THANK YOU for monitoring the Powys Forum. I thought that I was the only one doing so anymore.
(lone Alphan of the South Coast)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantThe Characters of Sylvia Anderson, from the Gerry Anderson website…
(still stunned)Charles C. Albritton III
I don’t think Ken’s art can be praised enough, so let’s all take the opportunity to thank the man who does all those WONDERFUL covers.
(whose artistic ability is below that of The Great and Powerful Latham)Charles C. Albritton III
Participant[quote=”Steve Roby” post=3191]Sorry, but I have no interest in remastered editions.[/quote]
That’s QX, SR. I hereby officially will take up the slack, and will scoop up the remasters in your stead.
(so then I have an excuse–as if I needed another–to reread ’em all again)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantFor those still on the fence…
Lulu’s latest coupon code is GETIT15, for %15 off.
(who just used it for a pair of 75yr old books from them)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantCount me in on wanting remastered versions in hardcover as well. I can then slip my paperback copies to others, and hopefully get them hooked on the good stuff you and the other writers have created for us over the years.
With thanks for all your hard work, and for keeping us up to speed,
(barely containing his desire to happy dance)Charles C. Albritton III
Thanks for keeping us old Alphans updated, Mr. L! B)
(looking forward to meeting old friends again)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantI just left a comment on the video above, pimping the site.
Hopefully SOMEONE will do a bit of Google-Fu and find us here (and maybe buy a few books to help keep the lights on, yah?)
(y’all do your part in pimping Powys out there, ‘hear?)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantFor those of you still on the fence, the new Lulu discount code is…
Valid until March 10.
(sho got his copy in the mail today)Charles C. Albritton III
Participant[quote=”Steve F” post=3060]My copies of “The Whispering Sea” arrived in the post this morning! Yay! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:[/quote]
AND we have a winnah!
Stay tuned for the next “Who gets their copy of the newest Space:1999 book first” contest as more books are released.
(HOPEFULLY a contest coming soon, yah?)Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantUm, interview, link, where?
(yer KILLING me man!)
******DERP! Nevermind.
[url=]New Interview with John Kenneth Muir[/url]
Charles C. Albritton III
ParticipantAnd the race is on!
The clock is ticking!
Who among us, the Powys Faithful, will be the first to get the book?
Not me, since I ordered a bunch of hardcovers with it.
(but hey, you know…Doc Savage)Charles C. Albritton III
Participant[quote=”Ultra” post=3042]Fantastic!
As I was getting ready to place my order, I received an email from Lulu for a discount code. Amazing synchronicity!
Placed my order and saved 25% !use: GETIT25[/quote]
(thanks fer the code, Ultra–I ordered a couple of the new Doc Savage hardcovers along with)Charles C. Albritton III
Participant[quote=”blatham” post=3015]Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines — having it be the size of our regular paperbacks.[/quote]
I agree. The trouble with trade paperbacks is that, if you don’t have books the same size or larger on either side, the Cromdamned things “butterfly” on you.
Though if y’all wanted to do hardcover versions of your books, you can sign me up for a complete set!
(bibliosnob) -