Forum Replies Created
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Papillon wrote:[/b]
[quote]Steven F makes a valid point. His opinions and thoughts certainly mirror (echo) my own. I, for one, don’t want to see Space:1999 remade. It was bad enough that Battlestar Galactica and V were remade. Let alone Thunderbirds.The film industry really needs to leave the classics the way they are. Untouched and unblemished. There have been far too many remakes in the past ten years, and there should be no more remakes period.
Seriously, it is just ridiculous to tamper with a work of art. It’s as bad as re-painting Michelangelo’s beautiful creation on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, itself.
If ITC sanctions this huge mistake, then Space:1999’s reputation will be permanently tarnished. And in a very negative way.
:angry 🙁 :[/quote]
We are, as is always the case, very much in the minority Papillon.
And you know what?
That’s OK 😉
I love the original [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] TV SERIES (as all of you do) as filmed, as written & as shown, featuring those actors portraying those characters, with no CGI effects with my whole heart. Despite it’s many faults/failings (both Year 1 AND Year 2 have faults and failings), its faults & failings are [i]as nothing [/i]compared to its triumphs & its (dare I say it): daring subversion of the genre as well as its rejection of all the rules, especially the ones that say “this is what you must do to make an enjoyable, classic science fiction tv series!”. [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]said b”llocks to all that & charted (in Year One) its own course. I don’t want or *need* a re-make. What I want/need are more Powys(verse) novels that fill in the gaps (historically) and continue the odyssey of the original Alphans of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] beyond the end of Year 2.
The only really good thing that could come out of this re-imagining is that Bill Latham & John Kenneth Muir might be approached to write scripts for it. They’d be fools to turn down such an opportunity but tbh, I’d rather they do so, favouring the original tv series & the Powys(verse) novels as the “definitive” version(s)/continuation(s) of the original concept. They won’t be asked though. They’d write something with far too much depth. Young, sexy actors in spandex wouldn’t know what to do with the material… other than ruin it.
Steve Foster
Participant[b]kerry wrote:[/b]
[quote]Really, it is like arguing original Star Trek versus Next Generation. Can you honestly say that STNG was a bad idea???[/quote]Sorry Kerry, I disagree. TNG was a genuine continuation of/sequel to TOS (as DS9 & VOY were sequels to/continuations of TOS & TNG) & each, paid tribute in their own way to their origins with the episodes “Trials & Tribble-ations” & “Flashback”). SPACE: 2099 is a “re-imagining/reboot” of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]. Chalk & Cheese imho. TNG was a fantastic continuation of TOS. It wasn’t a re-make. & therein lies the [i]significant[/i] difference between the two (the two being 1999 v 2099).
EVERY other re-imagining of other classic series & films has left me… not lukewarm, but utterly, UTTERLY cold towards them. Terrible, soul-less travesties the lot of them imho.
I am one of those people who wants to watch something NEW. Something fresh & imaginitive. I want the classic TV series (like the 3 I mentioned in my original post) & Films (such as “Psycho” & “The Haunting”) left well alone.
Look at the legendary British TV series “Sapphire & Steel”. A re-boot/sequel was blocked by its creator & head writer P J Hammond (an immensely talented British Genre Writer). The original series was very dark & theatrical. Had ITV done a new series, they wanted the main characters re-cast with sexy young actors & everything done on film with straightforward, happier action/adventure storylines. You could argue that this is [size=4]*[b]NOT[/b]* [/size]what Sapphire & Steel IS, therefore, he was right to block the re-make/re-imagining to protect the integrity of the original, definitive version of his concept.
Some things should be left well alone. I for one, will NOT support ANY re-make of this series. That is my choice. If others want to jump on the bandwagon that is this “re-imagining”: feel free. All I want is for the original series to be left alone & for Powys to continue to be able to release books set in the original, unforgettable, incomparable, irreplaceable [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] universe that features those characters as portrayed by those actors.
Oh, & btw, if you have no idea what “Sapphire & Steel” is, check this out:
Steve Foster
ParticipantWell, seeing as PoM will have a red spine as a hommage to the original novelisation, is the same true of AP? Was the spine of the original novel black?
Steve Foster
ParticipantThat’s fantastic news! Yay! :cheer:
Will you be uploading the corrected version of “Android Planet” to Lulu at the same time that PoM goes on sale Mateo? I’d like to buy both tbh (a typo free version of AP would look rather good alongside my brand new copy of PoM) 😉
A question about the Chronological placing of the 2 stories.
Am I right in thinking AP is set after “The Infernal Machine”? If so, which Year 1 episode is PoM set after?
Looking forward to Zack’s Happy Dance! B)
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]I finished my editing pass of The Whispering Sea and am quite pleased with it……Finally, I put up the cover art for Reveries, a forthcoming CD (and videos DVD), by TKU with Vanessa Champion. The image is very evocative.[/quote]
The cover to “Reveries” is gorgeous as is the cover for “India” imho. Great to hear that you’ve finished your editing pass on the “The Whispering Sea” too.
Is John Kenneth Muir still going to write “Odysseus Wept”? In his interview he indicated he’d like to write a 3rd novel for Powys set in the [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]Powysverse. I can’t get enough of John’s stuff! I’m hoping he’s going to contribute a story or 2 to “Prodigal Moon” as well… I’m hoping Bill Latham is going to write something new for the Anthology too.
Would it be worth adding the following to the list of future releases on the website?
[i]Space: 1999 Children of the Gods by William Latham, based on a story by Johnny Byrne
Space: 1999 Odysseus Wept by John Kenneth Muir[/i]I’m hoping the following titles will appear on here one day as well…
[i]Space: 1999 Alien Seed by E C Tubb
Space: 1999 Rogue Planet by E C Tubb[/i]As Mama Cass once said: “I can dream, cant I?” 😉
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Rose Petal only this time, by preference of the author.[/quote]Yay! :cheer:
Might be worth adding that to the list of forthcoming releases for 2012 on the website Mateo. It’s certainly something to get excited about imho! 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Also, behind the scenes, The Forsaken is being readied for re-release, as is Android Planet (typo fixes).THANKS for all your patience!! B)[/quote]
You’re very welcome!
Great news re: the long awaited re-release of “The Forsaken”.
Will we be able to buy the new edition with the Rose Petal cover? (shown below). I’ve really grown to like this cover. When I bought the original, I bought it with the planet over Alpha cover. It’d be nice to have both 🙂
Attachments:Steve Foster
ParticipantYear 2… Command Centre… bright shiny jackets… – what a great interview! I LOVED IT! B)
This is going to be such a fantastic novel!
I really can’t wait to read it! :silly:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]And as ANYBODY who’s been on this site knows, all delays are due to me–seriously, I am terrible about getting things done in a timely fashion.:blush:[/quote]
But… you’re SO busy! It’s not surprising that it’s taken time for more [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]books to come out. The 2011 releases were thrilling! They really were! Well worth the wait! You’re doing a wonderful job Mateo. Ya know we all love ya! :dry: (quick! While no-one’s looking!) :kiss: 😉 we’ll keep on waiting as long as you & the writers maintain the fantastic story quality 🙂
PS – so pleased that you’re having such great success on the music front! Good for you! B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantI agree with the previous 2 comments.
I would like to add my voice to the chorus regarding the release of the [b]Year 1 Omnibus [/b]. I will certainly be buying it! I imagine the additions made to what will undoubtedly be the foundation stone of the Powysverse (as Year 1 is the foundation of the series itself) will be fascinating to read.
If you ever decide to re-release the [b]Year 2 Omnibus [/b](perhaps via Lulu)… give me a shout. I’ve got loads of ideas for additions that I’d love to sit down with Michael Butterworth and thrash out… 😉
That aside, I really enjoyed the [b]Year 2 Omnibus[/b]. I like Michael’s writing style very much. It was Year 2… and yet it wasn’t. I wasn’t 100% in agreement with some of the changes that were made, but I wholeheartedly approved of many others. The many changes made to “The Bringer’s of Wonder” (for example) both infuriated me & delighted me in equal measures! (but that’s a sign that the writer is probably doing the job right. I know these episodes back to front so for the writer of a novelisation to provoke this kind of impassioned response to what at first glance, appears to be very familiar material is, I think, actually quite impressive! LOL!).
Certainly many of the additions that were made Powysverse-wise were excellent and really sell Year 2 as an important stepping stone (rather than a disastrous wrong turn) in terms of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]’s established continuity. Something that I hope the Powys writers will build upon in Year 3 (a Year 3 visit to the ruins of Command Centre, with its burnt out, broken doors still left open, the Commander’s chair missing & the Centre itself now gutted & disused is a VERY provocative image for me as a Year 2 fan. It’d be nice to see Maya & Tony begin a discussion there which concludes as they enter & go to their stations in Main Mission, highlighting the fact that Year 2 & Command Centre are in the past, but the characters that Year 2 fans like me absolutely adore are still a very important part of Year 3 despite its more Year 1-like set up).
[spoiler]Going back to the [b]Year 2 Omnibus [/b]for a second, I very much hope we’ll get to see a story set during the period when the Alphan’s were forced to survive on [b]Alpha 2[/b] whilst the base was uninhabitable & being repaired. This is a very believable & credible consequence of the events of “The Seance Spectre” & one ripe with storytelling potential imho![/spoiler]
Anyway, let’s hope the two Omnibus Editions will one day sit side by side on our bookshelves 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Space: 1999
The Powysverse Compendium
by Patricia SokolForewords by Zienia Merton and Martin Willey
“The Powysverse Compendium is the definitive reference to the books, the
place to look up characters and ideas from the Space: 1999 television
series and books. But it is also a witty and imaginative analysis of the
elements of the Space: 1999 universe.”–Martin Willey, from his Foreword.[/quote]
Wow! How wonderful & thrilling it must be for Pat to have her work acknowledged and applauded by Martin in this way! To have gotten Zienia Merton to do one of the Forewords is a lovely touch as well.
I’m very much looking forward to buying the finished book 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]D’oh![/quote]Haha! Bless you Mateo. You can tell I’m back when I start spotting typo’s! 😉 😛
Seriously though, SO GOOD to see the website being updated like this. It sends out the right message: that Powys is alive and well & that there’re lots of releases to look forward to in 2012 B)
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Tex wrote:[/b]
[quote]Attention all sections Powys…[img][/img]
And remember to ask Santa to bring you new Space:1999 books in 2012!
(now go have some of Tony’s home-brewed “egg nog”)[/quote]I LOVE This! :laugh:
I hope all my fellow Alphan’s had a wonderful Christmas. Best wishes to you all for the New Year too! 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. And thanks for the heads up. I fixed the dates.[/quote]Thanks Mateo. I am indeed.
Don’t forget to update the release date for “The Whispering Sea” as well while you’re there! 😉
Steve Foster
ParticipantVERY excited to think that some new books are forthcoming in early 2012 :cheer:
Just wanted to send a little bit of encouragement to Mr William Latham whilst we’re on the subject (that’s if he’s reading this):
Bill, [b]I CAN’T WAIT [/b]to read “Children of the Gods” (but then you know that!). What’s exciting to me is that…
[spoiler]…we’ll get to read about Kano’s autopsy & perhaps learn more about the circumstances of his death (this part of the novel being set prior to “The Metamorph” & after “Survival” perhaps?) & better still, Bill Latham gets to be Freddie Freiberger and does Year 2: Now [b]THAT[/b] is something I’d pay good money to see (or in this case, read!)[/spoiler]
I’d better start saving up… there’s gonna be a LOT of fantastic new books to buy from Powys very soon! B)