Forum Replies Created
Steve Foster
ParticipantListening to the interview now. It’s extremely exciting! I love the fact that Bill sounds like the Hal 9000 Computer from 2001 whever he tries to voice the MUF in his OMEGA/ALPHA reading.
Enjoyed listening to this whilst sat in my room in the UK, sipping a glass of wine 😉
Gratifying to hear such diverse influences as the mythic DC Comic’s 12 part maxi series “Crisis on Infinite Earth’s” (first published in 1985 & early 1986) being mentioned.
Looking forward (with an increasingly desperate sense of longing!) to the release of “Phoenix of Megaron”, “The Whispering Sea”, “Children of the Gods”, “Prodigal Moon”, “The Final Revolution” & “Odysseus Wept” (intrigued to hear that Bill will be writing this with another, secret, undisclosed co-author – I’m guessing Christopher Penfold or John-Kenneth Muir!).
Great interview! Thanks very much to Phil for posting a Link to this so that myself & others could enjoy listening this B)
Oh & btw, Bill Latham rocks! :silly:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]…But mostly, we get caught up in and fell behind with our regular jobs and families and all the other crises life throws at you, but we haven’t forgotten about it. We’re just busy.[/quote]Then we will continue to be supportive and wait patiently 😉
Steve Foster
ParticipantAny news re: the re-release of “Phoenix of Megaron”? It’s almost the end of March…
Steve Foster
Participant[b]slindvall wrote:[/b]
[quote]Try coupon code “RETAILMENOT25” to save 25% off. It saved me $7.50. I think it’s good until the end of February.[/quote]Thanks for that Slindvall & Procyonstar for the earlier “heads up” discount-code wise (btw, where do you guys get those names from! LOL!). As soon as I get my card problem sorted out, I’ll definitely use one of these when ordering Pat’s book B)
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
[quote]Hmmm, try paying by PayPal. That doesn’t work. I have sent an e-mail to Lulu that will take up to 4 days to get an answer.Why do I always have trouble ordering through Lulu? 🙁
Like I said, no dance until the book is on my shelf.[/quote]
I tried paying by my VISA. It was declined. Went back to start again… checked all the details… everything was right… tried to buy it again… declined again! Bugger! I’ll ring my bank tomorow. I’ve definately got lots of credit on my VISA so I’m not sure why this has happened :angry: I promise to buy your book as soon as I can get this sorted out Pat :blush:
Steve Foster
ParticipantI’m going to order my copy now! Thanks Bill & can I just say, I am SO happy for Pat! I’ve not read much beyond where I finished proof reading (yes, that’s right folks. I was asked to proof read Pat’s book but alas, due to ill health, I was unable to finish the job) but I can tell you in all sincerety that she has written, imho, one of the absolutely seminal works on the series. Her insight into the characters themselves is, for me, the absolute highlight of this project. It really answers the critics and shows them that the characters are just as complicated & fascinating as any of those presented in TV series such as “Star Trek” & “Blake’s 7″. I have enormous respect for Pat’s opinions on the series. She is becoming one of the foremost voices in fandom (in my mind anyway) on the deeper wonderfulness of both the characters and the meaning behind the stories themselves. In all seriousness, I think Johnny Byrne (may he rest in peace on Terra Alpha) would have had an enormous amount of praise for the insight into the series that this book presents.
Believe me: You don’t *know” John Koenig & Helena Russell. Once you’ve read this book, you will! 😉
Must admit, I’m looking forward to reading the finished book at long last. A new [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] book from Powys Media! Hoorah on 10 levels! :cheer:
I’m delighted! (Obviously! LOL!) Roll on “Phoenix of Megaron” & “The Whispering Sea” (My God! I can’t tell you how utterly DESPERATE I am to read that particular book!) :laugh:[b][/b]
Steve Foster
Participant[b]PatS wrote:[/b]
[quote]That picture is from the June 14, 1976 issue of [i]People [/i]magazine. It was a piece about their marriage. The photo is a actually a rehearsal scene from “The Taybor,” with the director being squished into the whirly-gig in the background.This, I can remember, but do you think I can find my car keys? :laugh:[/quote]
LOL! I know how you feel Pat! :laugh:
As for the pic, you’re right! Barbara’s wearing Helena’s blue dress from “The Taybor” not her orange dress from “One Moment of Humanity”. Thanks for clarifying that Pat. Sucn an unusual photo though. Really nice to see it! B)
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Procyonstar wrote:[/b]
[quote]Here are a few more great FF stories just in case you’ve missed themEllen Lindow –
[/quote]I’m just reading this now. It’s wonderful! Wonderful, that is, once I put aside the fact that Victor, Kano & Paul are still on Alpha at the same time that Command Centre is still in use & are working alongside Maya & Tony (I have a feeling that this is one of those ff stories that posits that Main Mission was still in use during Year 2 & that Victor, Paul, Kano & Tanya were working “upstairs” the whole time that Year 2 was going on – which is utter, UTTER nonsense, of course! (imho) 😉 but the story itself is immediately engrossing. Its central mystery & the adult themes of John & Helena’s love relationship are handled tastefully & believeably.
Oh, & btw, the page opens with a unique photo of Landau & Bain from “One Moment of Humanity” that I’ve never seen before. It is in black & white & blurred… but quite striking imho! B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantI’ve just read a beautiful albeit very short piece of fan fiction entitled: “We Can Be Together”. Click on the Link below to read it:
I haver to admit, this has enhanced my appreciation of “Matter of Life and Death” enormously! Romantic & thrilling imho! :kiss:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]kerry wrote:[/b]
[quote]So…we know the Compendium is close. Where do the other books stand?? Just curious![/quote]Aren’t we all..? 😉
Steve Foster
ParticipantTo have been able to read and enjoy so many original novels set in the classic [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] universe has been… a dream come true to be quite honest! I’ve enjoyed each & every one of them B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantI should just add that these are just my thoughts & opinions. No offence is intended & hopefully, I’ve not upset Kerry or anyone else by posting what I have.
The new series is provoking a lot of online discussions & sparking a few passionate debates about both the original version of the series & the new one. Which I think is a good thing 🙂
Thankfully, there’s always room in the Alphan online community for differences in opinion & for different points of view 😉
Steve Foster
ParticipantThanks for the clarification guys.
News that Bill will be writing more [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] novels is wonderful news indeed! (obviously!) & I’m very glad to hear that JK-M will be contributing a story to “Prodigal Moon” as well B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantI noted with interest that nearly every point you made had something to do with the design/tech side of things. There’s nothing wrong in that & the design alterations you’ve suggested would probably make a lot of sense from a technical point of view. To be honest though, I think the designs of the moonbase, the Eagles & the Hawks etc. are AWESOME. I’d really rather they were left as they are.
Aside from the design/tech side of things, I’d be interested to hear what you’d do re: the [i]characters[/i].
Yes, make Koenig a Mayor or a Governor. Fair enough. But what would that *add* to the *character* of John Koenig that isn’t already there? It sounds less militaristic, but other than that, I can’t see that it would bring anything to the character that isn’t already there in the original series and that is being expanded upon in the novels.
Mayor Koenig would still have to deal with the same s*it day in day out on Alpha, irrespective of his rank or title (& Commander Koenig does sound so much better than Governor Koenig! LOL! 😉
Saying that, the re-location/Exodus to “Terra Alpha” in “Message from Moonbase Alpha” was “greatly disputed” (according to Sandra) so perhaps by that point in Alpha’s history, Koenig is seen more as a community leader rather than a Commander and that decisions on Alpha are made by consensus rather than by him from his seat in the Commander’s Office so perhaps by then, he’s “Commander” in name only, but his role is quite different by that point to the one he had in Year 1 & 2… :unsure:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]kerry wrote:[/b]
[quote]I would guess that part of the reason most of us welcomed and now enjoy the Powys Space:1999 novels is because it felt like there were many more stories in that universe that needed to be told. [/quote]On this, we agree Kerry.
There’re many, MANY more stories to be told but in [i]that[/i] universe – the original [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] universe with [i]those[/i] characters as portrayed and envisioned/brought to life by [i]those[/i] actors & writers.
Yes, there will be many stories to tell in SPACE: 2099. Different stories with different characters (who bear many of the same names as their 1970’s forebears but who are virtually unrecognisable when put side by side with those similarly named 1970’s characters!) Is this a good thing? No! (again, it’s just my imho). Does that proposition interest me? Not in the least.
Leave the original characters alone. Do something new & let the folks at Powys carry on doing what they’re doing… which is utterly fantastic! B)