Forum Replies Created
Steve Foster
ParticipantDarn it! Mateo’s figured out how to put a signature beneath his Posts… :blink:
To misquote John Koenig: “Guess there’re to be no Spoilers today!” 😉 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Perhaps, Steve, but we’re quick learners![/quote]Haha! Oh Mateo… I’d like to tell you… no really… I’d love to… but only if you reveal a…
SPOILER! regarding [i]Odysseus Wept[/i] 😉 😛 B)
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Steve, how did you get that signature below your post???Mateo[/quote]
My dear Mateo… it would appear that you and Mr Latham haven’t figured [i]everything[/i] out regarding the MUF… PMSL!
😉 😛 😆 :silly: :blink: :woohoo: :kiss:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]P.S. Thank you for the kind words regarding the death of my son. They are appreciated.[/quote]Yes… that part of your post was very touching Chase… & I too, would like to offer my sincere condolences… but I will admit to being uncomfortable about discussing such a matter on an open Forum like this, rather than saying it to Mateo in person. Still, I’m sorry for your loss Mateo. My heart goes out to you as I was not aware that such a private issue had become… public, and therefore open to comment from people such as myself, who, in the cold light of day, do not know you personally 🙁
That very upsetting issue aside… you’ve said many other things besides that Chase, that again, provoke an impassioned response from me. But having taken approx 5 or so hours out of my life to write, edit and re-edit what I posted in response to what you’ve said previously, I’ve sat back, prayed and then read and re-read what I’ve writtten and thought to myself: “no, that is how I feel and that is where I stand. I need justify myself no further”.
You sound like a lovely bloke… with a real love of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]. Quite frankly, I want to give you a great big hug, take you to an English pub, and then buy you a pint and debate [b]SPACE: 1999[/b], its good and bad points, long into the cold, snowy English night 😉
I too love the series… but it can never be anything more than a MUCH LOVED TV SERIES to me. Guess I’ll just have to ask you to forgive me for what appears to be an ENORMOUS shortcoming in your eyes.
Kind regards & best wishes to you for Christmas and the New Year from:
Steve F
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]As the book was published in 1976, I don’t think it is a spoiler to say that in the original book, Rhoda and Alan fall in love and Rhoda goes to live on Alpha at the end of book. Sometimes, changes are necessary.[/quote]Sounds like a good and positive change imo. Afterall…
Alan has a new family of his own living with him on Alpha now B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantInteresting thoughts Bill… thanks for sharing them with us 🙂
Makes me want to read CTC even more now that I’ve read them! 😉
Steve Foster
ParticipantI’d like to do the same. Merry Christmas to one and all and may you have a happy and uplifting 2011! B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantAn amazing post! Well thought out and obviously written with a deep awe, respect and love for [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b] as a TV series and as a concept. Thank you for sharing your thoughts/opinions with everyone on the Forum and for daring to say: I don’t agree with what you’ve done and I dislike pretty much all of it. That’s not an easy thing to do.
One question I’d like to ask you though: if you dislike/disagree with so much that Bill, Mateo and everyone else at Powys has done with their vision of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b], why are you still buying the books? I’d have stopped buying them long ago if I felt as you do about what’s been written in them.
I’m not going to try and reply to all the points you’ve made, simply because I think it’s enough to say, respectfully, that at worst, I disagree with just about all of them and at best, that I have a very different take on many of them. The truth of the matter is: we’re all different and we all think/feel/believe different things. It’s sometimes enough that people give us the opportunity to express those thoughts, feeling and beliefs, and for those same people to respectfully respond by saying: Sorry friend, I don’t agree.
What Powys have done in their novels is “canon” in my eyes and I have enjoyed the rollercoaster ride they’ve taken us on from the start. I am looking forward (with incredible excitement!) to future novels and to the re-releases of novels published by Rankin and Tubb that have been “altered” (out of necessity) to fit in to the continuity that Powys Media has painstakingly created for [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]. If you don’t like or agree with what Powys has done thus far, it’s a good bet you won’t like any of the “alterations” they decide to make to those 4 novels and that you won’t enjoy any of their future releases. That being the case, enjoy the original versions of [i]Android Planet, Phoenix of Megaron, Alien Seed [/i]and [i]Rogue Planet[/i] and don’t waste your money buying either the revised versions or any more of the novels that Powys release. It’s really that simple imo.
Powys is publishing a set of novels written by talented writers who have an appreciation for [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] just as you and I do, only they’ve taken its narrative in a different direction to the one you and I would have if we were in their shoes. The fact that what Powys has done with [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]: it’s characters, it’s mytholgy, the MUF, Maya etc. etc. is not what I would have done with it, is fine with me. I prefer Command Centre to Main Mission and I’m saddened by the fact that Maya is no longer a Transmorph – but that’s purely because I love Year 2! The fact that they [i]have [/i]done things differently to the way I would have done them doesn’t diminish the fact that what they’ve done is absolutely breathtaking and that I’ve found their novels hugely entertaining. I take my hat off to them for their efforts.
“One thing though” (as Victor might say) 😉 Your post was steeped in a lot of judeo Christian-type imagery and uses the language of Christianity to support many of the points you’ve made. That’s fair enough, and as another who would describe his faith and beliefs in Christian terms, I understand some of where you’re coming from, but quite honestly, I found it draining. [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b] is a TV series. Nothing more. I’m sure my religious views are of no interest to the folks at Powys. That being the case, I’d prefer to keep my faith and beliefs to myself and let these good people get on with the business of publishing a continuation of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b], an ephemeral TV series that frankly, has about as much spiritual significance to me as my toothbrush! LOL! 😉 Faith is a matter of personal choice and preference and a deeply private matter imho. It’s not something I would choose to talk about on an open Forum like this one.
[b]SPACE: 1999 [/b] is enjoyable fiction in any medium, be it written or filmed but imho… it is nothing more. You can read all sorts of deep and meaningful things into it… but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you [i]should[/i] or that it’s healthy to do so. My faith on the other hand, is real and important to me. But in all honesty… the two really have nothing to do with one another as far as I’m concerned, and I would deem it… [i]totally inapropriate[/i] were I to start criticising the work of a group of sci-fi writers on religious grounds using my personal faith, spiritual beliefs or pro-Christian bias as the basis for doing so.
Again, I want to thank you for your very provocative post. I’m sorry that I can’t agree or support much of anything you’ve said in it.
Steve F, Leeds, UK
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Yes, I will be approaching E.C. Tubb through his agent for the rights to reprint his two original Space: 1999 novels……if [b]Alien Seed’s [/b]publishing rights are available, along with [b]Rogue Planet[/b], I hope to bring both books out again under the Powys imprint.
Rogue Planet and Android Planet are my two favorites of the 70s original novels.
Mateo, I know you’re juggling lots of new [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] projects at the mo, & I have to admit I’m excited about all of them! LOL! 😉 but I just wanted to check that what you said here (see above) is still the case/still your intention..?
Hopefully, if it is, Ken Scott would do new covers for these 2 E C Tubb novels should Powys release them in 2011/2012..?
Btw, the Eagle One media version of Alien Seed is riddled with typo’s! It’s a terrible re-release! Powys would no doubt ensure the text was entirely corrected upon re-release, doing justice to it 😉 B)
They’re great novels btw. Very interesting indeed. Off on characterisation in places, but very good on the whole. They definately deserve a place in the Powys-verse [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] mythology imho 😛
Steve Foster
ParticipantShame Ken won’t get to do any new coveres for the re-releases… still, I’ll definately buy another copy of The Forsaken if there’re 2 covers. The copy I have is the one with the planet over MBA. I’d quite like to own the alternate cover (see attached pic below)
Of course… you could always do an exclusive 3rd photo cover… with Paul and Tanya on it (this would be in-keeping with the Bergman themed photo cover for “Survival”)
Attachments:Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]I just finished chapter three. On to four![/quote]That’s great news Mateo! Well done! B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantI’ve also had an e-mail to confirm that CTC has been posted out to me… sadly, I doubt It’ll arrive before the New Year. Postal services in the UK are being severly disrupted by the bad weather. Simon/Kalthon was very lucky to get hold of his copies so quickly… nice to know that he did though B) Still, I’m looking forward to reading the book a great deal B)
PS – get well soon Simon! :ohmy:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Procyonstar wrote:[/b]
[quote]I WANT STUFF… I WANT STUFF… :lol:[/quote]I’d like to buy Posters/Art Prints of Ken Scott’s covers… they’re just brilliant! The re-releases of The Forsaken, Survival etc. should DEFINITELY have new covers by Ken. His work is outstanding. Just outstanding! B)
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]…Android Planet — January
Phoenix of Megaron — February
The Whispering Sea — March/April?All to be released in the next three months! MUF willing![/quote]
Ah… The Whispering Sea. I can’t tell you how excited I am about the release of this novel! I know… I know… like Zack, I’m excited about ALL the Powysverse releases! 😉
But I’m excited about this one because… it’s set in Year 2. & JK-M is writing it. Considering how absolutely brilliant The Forsaken was, and how much I loved Futility in Shepherd Moon… well…
SPOILERS BELOW [alert added by Mateo]
1I just can’t wait to read a novel set in Year 2 whilst Maya is still a Transmorph :woohoo: (am I the only person to miss Maya being able to change her form? I still feel really sad about it…) 🙁
& then there’s Odysseus Wept… forthcoming at some point… set in Year 3 and written by the very same author. Me VERY excited! LOL! :woohoo: B)
[b]EDIT[/b] Apologies Mateo re: the unintentional Spoiler! – glad you spotted it! 🙁 sorry about that. I let slip only because my enthusiasm for The Whispering Sea release got the better of me!
Steve Foster
ParticipantAgain… a MUST HAVE purchase once it’s available B)