Forum Replies Created
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]I know it’s cruel, but…..I’m on page 124 and loving it![/quote]Mateo… you’re a wicked man for teasing us poor, starving fans in this way… but we love ya inspite of it! 😉 :kiss:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
[quote]WoooooooooooHooooooooooo!!!! You know what that means, yes I’ve dusted them off, put them on my feet and I’m dancing. WooHoo! New book on the way.Happy Dance… 🙂 :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer: 🙂 :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer: 🙂 :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer: 🙂 :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer: 🙂 :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: 😆 :cheer: 🙂 Phew, a little more warning in future Mateo, that took a lot out of me… Lol[/quote]
PMSL! Zack… we are une in this! Any news regarding potential new [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]books being released by Powys just fills me with a deep sense of joy! :cheer:
SPACE: 1999 LIVES PEOPLE! Thank you to one and all at Powys! :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]The manuscript for John Kenneth Muir’s newest Space: 1999 novel was delivered to the vast Powys Media factory/warehouse :laugh: just a few minutes ago.[/quote]UTTERLY FANTASTIC NEWS! Thrilled to read this!
[spoiler]There’re hints dropped in the Year 2 Omnibus (at the start of the Powysverse version of “The Exiles”) about this long-awaited novel. Must admit, reading them made me want to read it all the more! As I’ve said on the forum previously, what with me being a HUGE fan of all that’s good about YEAR 2, I’m desperate to read a novel set during it, especially one that’s set so soon after “The Metamorph”.[/spoiler]
“The Forsaken” was absolutely brilliant! Can J-KM top that with “The Whispering Sea”? We’ll have to wait and… sea? 😉
Must admit, I too would like more news regarding the re-release of “Phoenix of Megaron”. Still reading “Android Planet” (in true [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]fashion, I’ve taken a detour into Year 2! LOL!). Looking forward to the revised/updated Powysverse version of Rankine’s follow up.
Steve Foster
Participant[b]kerry wrote:[/b]
[quote][quote]I love what Powys is doing and where they’re going, but it’d be nice to have the astronomy correct along the way [/quote]Except we’re by definition living in a universe here where astronomy and physics gets routinely ignored or twisted…I mean, who are we kidding? ;)[/quote]
I have to agree. Guys… the story, the characters, the drama… that’s what’s important. technobabble & scientific gobbledygook was a tired obsession of Star Trek. [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] just isn’t about this sort of stuff. The Moon being blasted out of orbit by a Nuclear Explosion. Ludicrous, and scientifically impossible (or at least, highly improbable, at most barely credible). Also, it is a very depressing premise. As there is no hope in it for the survivors of Alpha Colony at all.
The Moon… being grabbed, by MUF’s, torn out of its orbit, and hurled into outer space… OK. I’m hooked. Who tore it out of orbit & hurled it into outer space and why? Much more interesting than the correctness of the astronomy & the physics is the drama & the telling of the tale. The Greek Gods were not bound by science or the laws of physics, that’s why their stories are so fascinating! Everything they do is imposssible! The Black Sun… it’s a Black Hole folks. The Moon should have been destroyed – scientifically speaking. It isn’t… & the physics of that is impossible. But MUF’s… in collision, with different, secret agenda’s, with abilities that go beyond science, beyond nature and which turn the laws of physics inside out, fighting an eternal war, using the Moon and its survivors as pawns in games of the Gods, one side protecting it as it traverses through the Black Hole, the other using the Black Hole to try & destroy it… again, I’m hooked! See what I’m getting at?
If you want to be scientifically accurate… make the Eagles silent whilst in space & let them drop out of the sky and crash on the surface of any new planet the Alphan’s encouter because they’re not aerodynamic and don’t have preposterous Star Trek science guff like anti-gravity emitters or some such scientific bullsh*t to keep them skyborne, and silence every SFX shot & explosion in space whilst you’re at it. To be scientifically accurate, there must be no sound at all. Take away all the star fields too… & don’t forget to tear the base off the surface of the Moon as soon as the Moon reaches any kind of velocity… etc. etc. the list goes on & on. Star Trek’s no better. It invents nonsense science (technobabble) at every turn to get around every scientific obstacle. Warp Drive is impossible. The crew would indeed be chunky salsa. End of franchise right at the beggining of The Cage. The excuse given for why they don’t turn into chunky salsa… is frankly, scientific nonsense. But that doesn’t change the fact that Star Trek & [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]are both brilliant franchises that have very different premises and are exploring space travel in equally entertaining but totally divergent ways.
I am perfectly happy to leave Science at the door & happy to embrace the mystery, the awe & the terror of the Alphan’s Odyssey as seen in Year 1 & the action, the humour, and the romance of the Alphan’s Odyssey as seen in Year 2. I’m not interested in a science lecture.
I’m interested in good drama, stroy arcs, character interaction and development, plot twists, unexpected developments, tradgedy and everything else that makes for good storytelling on an EPIC SCALE & that is what [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]was always supposed to be. Good storytelling in the style of classic literature on an epic scale via the medium of a science fiction premise, not a dramatised technical manual.
It is, in my opinion, one of the few TV series that broke all the rules… and went against (particularly in the first year) every convention as to what you should do to make a popularist science fiction tv series. The novels are upholding this tradition, and in my opinion, are elevating the franchise above and beyond what was possilble on tv (witness the mind boggling brilliance and complexity of [b]OMEGA [/b]and [b]ALPHA[/b] if you really need me to cite examples to prove my point here)!
Gentleman, I hear what you’re saying, but, with all due respect, I think you’re missing the point.[i][/i]
Steve Foster
ParticipantI’m hoping to buy a CD at some point… not all of us are into downloading stuff. If it isn’t on CD, I don’t buy it tbh. I’m kinda old fashioned like that 😉
That aside, I think it’s wonderful that your music has taken off in the way it has Mateo. I wish you HUGE success with this endeavor… but not if it means no more [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] novels! 😉 😛
Steve Foster
ParticipantI think Victor summed it up quite well at the end of the episode – some kind of creative evolution. A next step in its development.
I personally think Zoref… was absorbed. The entity that absorbed him, was acting on pure instinct imo. I wouldn’t call it… consciousness. After it absorbed Anton & then left Alpha… I think it became… something more than just instinct. Absorbing Zoref and the radiation, triggered a metamorphosis of some kind, and the birth of a new & unique kind of life form. Whether or not it retained anything of Anton Zoref’s memories, feelings, personality etc. who can say? I’d like to think so Zack. Great question mate! 🙂
It’s funny. I’ve never really thought about it. But if there is a next step for “The Entity” (the name I’ve given “Force of Life” on my own personal [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]episode list), I’d like to think it’s something akin to DC Comics’ [i]Swamp Thing[/i]. Something new… and wonderful, that is an amalgamation of the person who died, and the being he was absorbed by.
& can I just say… “Force of Life” remains, in my mind anyway, one of the supreme sci fi/horror episodes of [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]Year 1. I agree with JK-M, it really is a masterpiece of the genre 😉
Steve Foster
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
[quote]I went to buy some blue suede shoes last week and they didn’t have them. 🙁 I placed an oder and they will be in stock in September… :blink: I may have them for Breakaway Day 2011… :ohmy:
You will have to put up with a happy dance in my red suede shoes, will they suffice? Red is, after all a much happier colour.Yay Bill! :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly:[/quote]
You just gotta love Zack… everyone’s favourite, much loved happy dancer 😉 🙂 I think we should have a Yay! Zack thread… all those in favour… say Yay! 😛
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]And the Alphans being chased along a corridor, back and forth from room to room, by the Beta Cloud creature!Yay, Bill![/quote]
PMSL! I can picture it now… like something out of Scooby Doo! & then Maya turns in to the Cloud Creature…. and she and the Alphans, waving their laser rifles like clubs, turn and start chasing it! 😆
Whatever people say about the faults of [b]Year 2[/b]… if you’re sat with a nice bottle of wine, you switch off your brain (not Brain, but if you have your own Brain the Brain: switch it off NOW! or it might leave you standed on the surface of a planet without life support! LOL!) & just sit back and enjoy it for what it is (for the most part) an enjoyable, straight forward, occasionally corny, sometimes touching, frequently dramatic action-adventure sci-fi romp, it’s actually quite harmless and ejoyable fun really imho :laugh:
Oh and before I forget…
YAY BILL! We love ya! :kiss:
& Zack…
& Pat S…
& Mr L
Etc. Etc.
Steve Foster
ParticipantI’m chuffed (English expression meaning “delighted in a soft and cuddly sort of way”) that Zack got the 1,999th post on the Forum. How very appropriate 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]On another note. I’ve been silent the last couple of weeks, busy taking care of some family matters. I haven’t had time to finish my part of the edit of Phoenix yet.[/quote]Hope everything’s alright on the Family-front Mateo. Best wishes to you and yours 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]kerry wrote:[/b]
[quote]It is just lull as the moon moves between systems/episodes.[/quote]LOL! 😆
Perhaps there’s been a Galactic Eclipse… Oh no! What if it cuts off all communication between us and the Powysverse… if it’s anything like the one in “Journey to Where”, it might last near enough… a century! :unsure: 😛 :laugh:
Steve Foster
ParticipantHaha! As always, Zack’s post makes me smile 😉
Is it me… or has it gone… awfully quiet here in the Powysverse… 🙁
Steve Foster
ParticipantHmmm. My naughtiness continues… I’ve been skimming through the Year 2 Omnibus. Some random thoughts…
[spoiler]I’ve only read “The Metamorph” so far. A brilliant novelisation although an important scene is ommitted (Koenig at the entrance of the Travel Tube taking Annette in hand and saying that he’ll bring Fraser back safely, to which she says “Thank you” and Tony is then left to put his arm around her), highlighting the warmth and caring that the Year 2 Alphans display towards one another. A welcome departure from the understandable “We are unwilling work colleagues/survivors” mentality seen in much of Year 1.
I have also skimmed through “The Bringers of Wonder – Part 1”. I disliked some of the changes… although I understood the reasons behind them. I don’t really see the point in altering a VERY strong episode of Year 2. Very little needed fixing in this story imho. The changes (particularly in the opening scenes in Command Centre when Koenig is going bonkers in his Eagle & everyone is helplessly looking on) make the set up more sensible, and the changes are very clever… but imho, they are entirely unnecessary as the things they’re correcting are so minor as to be… irelevant. Still, the joy of the re-write is in the extension to the bitchy scenes between Diana Morris and Helena. The comment about Diana having had a nose-job had me laughing myself silly! Thank God Powys have decided NOT to write out the humour (corny or otherwise) that is present in Year 2! It’s one of the things I love about it!
Oh, & whilst we’re on the subject, the additional dialogue between Ben & Louisa is also very welcome. It’s just unfortunate that Ben has taken a complete back-seat in Year 3. I can only hope that Doctors Vincent and Spencer will come more to the fore now that Doctor Mathias is no longer with us.
I have noticed a BIG continuity gaff though. The Omnibus goes out of its way to write out any mention of the rather naffly named Milgonite… and yet in [b]Born for Adversity[/b] Dave talks about it! Methinks you’ll need to alter BFA to bring it into line with the Year 2 Omnibus. Other good things I’ve picked up on scanning though various bits of the Omnibus include: a brilliant taster for [b]The Whispering Sea[/b]. I’m even more intrigued about this forthcoming novel knowing that Maya’s initial few days/weeks with the Alphan’s were both troubled and dramatic.
I also like the numerous references to “Survival” littered throughout “The Exiles”. All serve to explain Koenig’s out of character actions onscreen.
For me, I plan to read E C Tubb’s novelisation of the Year 1 unfilmed script version of “The Exiles” first and then Michael Butterworth’s Omnibus novelisation of “The Exiles” after.
Btw, will Michael be contributing any further work to the Powysverse? In an upcoming short story anthology perhaps? It would be nice if he did imho as I like his writing style.
[/spoiler]Oh… and in case you’re wondering, AP has been put aside so that I can read the Year 2 Omnibus. What can I say? Year 2 brought me to [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]. That being the case, is it any wonder I’ve dropped everything to read the Omnibus..? 😉 😛
Steve Foster
ParticipantLet me surprise you Mateo: I’d love to go 😉 but as I live in the UK, the likelyhood of me attending is non-existant 🙁
Still, I hope it’s a brilliant gig B)
Maybe I should check out this Tecamanawhateverit’scalled stuff that you’re writing 😉
Finances-wise, now’s not a good time for me to invest in that stuff (& I have a backlog of Northern Soul and Skinhead Reggae CD’s as well as BIG FINISH Doctor Who Audio Drama’s to get through).
Still, I hope it goes well. Tell us how you get on 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Enjoy the books![/quote]Guaranteed Mr L 😉
Btw, following on from my earlier post, I opened the Omnibus & skimmed through “Brian the Brain”.
The ending… is very clever. I buy it and…
[spoiler]now I know what happened to Brian, the Swifts and the Mothership. The Moon being on the very edge of Eagle flight range to Planet D at stories end (therefore leaving the Alphans insufficient time for a salvage op) is believable. Sending the one remaining Swift with a re-programmed Brain aboard it on ahead of Alpha and sending data back ala Voyager 1 is a stroke of genius imho![/spoiler]
I like it! B) and I also like the fact that…
[spoiler]The Brain is mentioned in the heavily revised version of “Catacombs of the Moon”. Right at the start, it’s clear the Alphan’s have lost contact with it. Brilliant! I didn’t see this solution to the problem of Brian and the Swift coming. Much better than the oft mentioned “They switched him off and left him in a cupboard in Technichal Section” solution. Presumably, The Swift was destroyed by the approaching wavefront of the Fire/Plasma Cloud as it was moving too fast to turn and avoid a collision (or The Brain was so fascinated by this most unlikely of occurances in space that it was distracted by it’s analysis and in its overconfidence, failed to change course in time to avoid it). Even though they are aboard a much slower Eagle, Koenig and Fraser spot it, do a very quick analysis, turn tale and race back to Alpha at maximum speed! I’ve not read all of either story, so perhaps more is revealed about Brian’s final fate. Either way, as a BIG Year 2 fan, I love it![/spoiler]
Further thoughts re: Carolyn Powell from “The Lambda Factor”.
You could always re-introduce her in the Year 3 novels. Struggling to come to terms with her disabilities. In a wheelchair perhaps? Now that would be groundbreaking! A disabled character permanently present in a sci-fi series. DS9 managed to include a token disabled character in a Season 2 episode called “Melora” but imagine including one in [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] on a full time basis. Now THAT really would be something! B)