Forum Replies Created
Steve Foster
ParticipantThanks for the update Bill 🙂
If “Black Doves” and “Odysseus Wept” will be the last novels to be published, does that mean that “Prodigal Moon” is no longer on the drawing board..? 🙁
As always, I am waiting in quiet anticipation for the release of the last few books (as well as the new, proof read and typo corrected version of “Survival” – any chance of a new cover by Ken Scott for this..? An Eagle approaching Susurra surrounded by a debris field of dead and drifting Leiran vessels is a provocative one in my mind).
I think my feeling towards OW is an interesting one… there is a sense of anticipation, granted, but there is also a feeling of… fear. I fear for my favourite Alphan’s. But I must know their destiny.
Thank you for your continued hardwork on [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] 🙂
Steve Foster
ParticipantHey! Tex isn’t the only one who pops in here now and again to see what (if anything) is going on (although facebook does seem to be THE place for updates about the Powys books) 🙂
Steve Foster
Participant[quote=”Ultra” post=3184]Got my shipping notice today. Woo Hoo![/quote]
Got mine too! :cheer: so, approximately 3 weeks to go until I board the VIP Eagle and find out how my beloved Alphans are faring 😆
Attachments:Steve Foster
ParticipantCouldn’t even find a second hand copy on Amazon UK when I looked (didn’t try
There is a copy on EBay though 🙂 I’m lucky enough to own two 😉
Talking of “Survival”, I finished re-reading it last night. Absolutely 1st class and utterly enthralling once the Leira turn on the Alphans. The destruction of Main Mission and the activation of Command Centre are wonderful and iconic moments that I think every fan would’ve liked to have seen on TV. Characterisation and dialogue is spot on and the battle of Alpha is thrilling to read. The way that Victor’s “Death” is handled is also touching and hearbreaking. If anyone wonder’s why Koenig is so different in his approach and outlook in [b]Year 2[/b] to how he was in [b]Year 1[/b], this novel explains why, seguing from the first to the second series seamlessly.
It would be nice to see this made available via Lulu with Typo’s corrected and perhaps a new cover by Ken Scott. Like “Eternity Unleashed”, this novel definitely deserves a reprint or Deluxe Edition re-print!
Steve Foster
ParticipantWith regards to the Postage side of things, I also found that the Coupons didn’t work in the UK, however, I did find one that did:
FWD15 – this will give you 15% off & it worked for me here in the UK 🙂
Obviously, with the 2 books being Shipped from North America by surface mail, it’ll be another 3 weeks wait at least until mine arrive… but I think I can wait a little longer for my next flight to Alpha 😉
Btw Bill, I’ve tried to e-mail you at your usual address, but both attempts have failed and bounced back. Could you let me have your new e-mail address. Thanks 🙂
Steve Foster
ParticipantFantastic news! Just ordered two copies! Launch all Eagles! :cheer: :cheer:
Steve Foster
ParticipantSO EXCITED by this news! :woohoo: My eyes have also greeted news of a larger font size with great joy! :cheer:
Counting the days until the book is released…
News of the Remastered versions that are under consideration is also welcomed. I’d love to own a perfect set of these novels in Hardback with a larger font size (including “Chasing the Cyclops”).
The Final Revolution
Odysseus Wept
Prodigal Moon
Black Doves… there’re so many exciting books on the way featuring out beloved Alphans! Thank you for all your hard work Bill :kiss:
Steve Foster
Participant[quote=”Ultra” post=3162]editorial thought- avoid the repetition of the word ‘save’ in the second sentence on the back cover blurb.[/quote]
I’m with Ultra on this Bill.
Great to see the jacket of the new book! I am SO counting the days until [b]SPACE: 1999 – The Final Revolution[/b] is released! 🙂
Steve Foster
ParticipantFantastic news! Very exciting! Thanks for the update Bill! 🙂
Steve Foster
ParticipantSo, here we are. Heading towards the end of Feb. I just re-read the interview that was conducted with Bill Latham about his forthcoming novel [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] “The Final Revolution” and I have to admit, I’m getting ever so slightly desperate to read it!
So, what’s new in Powys Media-land Bill..? 🙂
Steve Foster
ParticipantI have written to Bill privately today to thank him for his wonderful and imaginative work on the Powysverse range of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] novels.
Although greatly saddened by the news that the publishing arm is to close down, I am very grateful for all the new and original [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] novels that have been published by Powys over the last 16 years.
I am of course, hopeful, that the last four novels “Prodigal Moon” (with new short stories by John Kenneth Muir in it I hope), “Black Doves”, “The Final Revolution” and “Odysseus Wept” as well as the Year One Omnibus and a fully updated, luxury hardback version of Pat Sokol’s extraordinary “Powysverse Compendium” get released. I intend to buy all of them if and when they do.
I’ll close this Post by sharing with all of you what I said at the end of my private e-mail to Mr Latham earlier this evening:
“…I didn’t want you to think that just because I hadn’t Posted anything in response to the announcement on the Forum, that I wasn’t interested. I think I’ve been in mourning as a result of it quite frankly. But now that I have absorbed the news, my only desire is that the Powysverse range of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] novels do indeed “go out with a bang” and that at least 4 new, original and exciting novels will be published this year, finally completing the Alphans literary odyssey. Any help I can give you in this endeavor, you only have to ask for.”
Thank you Bill, Mateo, Pat, Ken Scott, John Kenneth Muir and everyone else involved in this adventure. I’m looking forward to you and our favourite Alphans reaching the finishing line.
“To everything that might have been… to everything that was…” – Victor Bergman, “Black Sun”
“To Everything that might yet be!” – Barry Morse in his Afterword to “Destination: Moonbase Alpha” by Robert E Wood
Steve Foster
ParticipantThanks for the update Bill (particularly excited about John Kenneth Muir contributing a new story to “Prodigal Moon”!)
Any chance that Ken Scott’s wonderful covers for “Odysseus Wept” and “Prodigal Moon” could be added to the site so that everyone can drool over his stunning artwork? 😉
Very glad to hear that at least 4 new [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] novels are in the works for 2015, including the intriguingly titled “Black Doves”.
Please keep the Monthly Updates coming (great idea to do them!) 🙂 B)
Steve Foster
ParticipantThat’s great news. Thanks Bill 🙂
Steve Foster
Steve Foster
Participant🙁 Hi John,
Thank you for your Post. This is obviously very disappointing to hear. I think many of us suspected that something was up when [b]”The Original Self”[/b] was cancelled (which was a shame as it would’ve been nice to read the concluding third of the Trilogy that your late Father had started). As for the other two novels, you & Mateo had obviously gone to great lengths to update and revise both to bring them into line with what had been established on TV continuity-wise and to sit comfortably within the enhanced continuity established in the other, original, ongoing Powys Media [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]novels.
I am truly saddened to hear that this this project has been cancelled & that there is a great deal of upset/disappointment surrounding it.
On behalf of those of us who’ve bought your late Father’s novels via Powys, can I thank you for your work on them and wish you every success with your future projects.