Forum Replies Created
ParticipantaNoThEr wEeK tILL aNdRoId pLaNet iS ReALeAsEd… :blink:
bbb..bUt i MuSt hAVe InStAnT gRaTiFiCaTiOn… :blink:
i fEeL lLiKe uNCle OwEn jUsT ToLd mE i’LL hAvE tO sTaY On tHe MoIsTuRe fArM a WhOle nOtHeR yEaR… :blink:
ParticipantsTiLl oN sTeP oNe… :blink:
nO mErCy fOr tHoSe wItH tHe BaD nEw BoOk jItTeRs… :blink:
sUcH SaDiStS… 😛
ParticipantPoM Novel Cover-
Oh my frakkin gods…er,uh…M.U.F.s !
That cover is just so cool ! No wonder you said it was “smoooking”. Kinda reminds me of that sequence from The Empire Strikes Back when Luke crashed his shot-up snowspeeder before that on coming Imperial walker. Sure hope the ‘Powers-That-Be’ allow you to keep that novel cover. Very dramatic.
ParticipantVERY, very nice cover! Geez I can not wait to add this novel to my collection. Great job all around! 😉
ParticipantIn regards to the impending Android Planet novel release…
I’m reminded of a sequence from the Simpsons TV show…
You know the one with Bart and Lisa riding in the back seat of the family car. The family is going on vacation…
(with a nagging tone – Bart and Lisa in unison)
“Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?…”
tRyInG tO bE pAtIeNt…
gOts tHeM nEw BoOk jItTeRs…
ParticipantHe’s such a tease 😛
ParticipantThe cover for Chasing The Cyclops has a nice Lovecraftian look to it! And as we all should know by now – Space:1999 and H.P. Lovecraft are like a peanut butter and chocolate breakfast cereal. Yes…yes the mighty Cthulhu loves to eat hapless Eagle transporter shapes and Hawk interceptor shapes in the morning. Seriously though I must have this book. I’m sure others in our dedicated little cult feel the same, eh? (using a Sith mind trick on the Powys Media ‘Powers-That-Be’) “You want to sell ME an early copy…” :silly:
ParticipantSpace:1999 – The Forsaken (caution: raving review ahead)
This haunting novel helps to underline why Space:1999 out does all the Star Trek spin-offs put together! Space:1999 – both the TV show and the Powys novel line – seem to really boldy go to strange new worlds. It’s nice to see gritty emotional drama of alien contact not being derailed by Trek’s prime directive. Space:1999 in general and The Forsaken in particular drives home that meeting and interacting with another culture/species will likely follow the ‘Old World-meets-New World’ models of Earth’s history – in short it’ll be a messy business with many ethical pitfalls. Muir gives his Space:1999 story a sociological angst one might expect from a Rod Serling style parable. Strange, but true – while reading The Forsaken I was reminded of Paul Simon’s song American Tune. It just seemed to fit the mood of the novel.