Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHeh-heh-heh… :silly:
This situation reminds me of that Sienfeld episode with the ‘Soup Nazi’. You know – “NO! No soup for YOU! Now go AWAY!”. In this case it’s – “NO! No NEW books for YOU! Now go AWAY!”
In all seriousness 😛
I have to wonder if perhaps development of the new Space:2099 tv series might be affecting Powys Media’s license. Or it might be that the Powys Media staff is silent because they are focusing all their attention on the two or three nearly done books. Perhaps we are going to have two or three books to order all at once!
:unsure: … :blink: …can you imagine THAT predicament? Two or three new Space:1999 novels all at once? Space1999fangasm, USA! :woohoo:
But I wouldn’t get your hopes up folks. There is likely a more mundane reason behind the roaring silence. Perhaps the staff at Powys Media have lost interest in the Syren’s song that is our money? Yes maybe Powys Media is too good and above wanting what is in our wallets. :silly:
Maybe they have decided we – the worshipping flock – are not worthy of new Space:1999 goodness. Perhaps this silence and lack of fresh books is OUR fault. :angry: Perhaps we did not sacrifice enough of our first born children to the god that is Powys Media. :ohmy:.. 👿
At any rate the level of confusion has gone critical like the nuclear waste deposit sites on a certain wayward moon of our collective imaginations. I say we make ourselves a scapegoat. I say we blame the Trekkies! 😉
ParticipantWill a NEW novel of Space:1999 goodness be ready for sale in December?
Likely answer…NO. 👿
But go ahead and hold your breath.
Just kidding. I’m sure that the ‘powers-that-be’ at Powys Media are going to make us all very happy Space99ers…
…right…Powys Media?
(only the sound of chirping crickets can be heard…oh and the hoot of an owl)
:unsure: :blink: :unsure: :blink: :unsure: :blink:
Participant:woohoo: Thank You Mateo! The rebooted version of POM is now mine! Now I’m ready for The Whispering Sea. Where does that one stand? Or whatever is next? :woohoo:
Participant:woohoo: I’m so happy I could knock the moon out of orbit !!! Thank you Mateo and to all the other ‘Powers-That-Be’ at Powys Media. 😉
ParticipantUltra where were you when I needed you? :silly: I think I ordered mine because I got the Verified message thing back from PayPal. But your trick would have been sooo much easier…and perhaps surer. While I think I have sent Powys Media money and I think I have a copy of POM on its way…sigh…I really am not 100 % certain. All I know is that maybe Powys Media has my $30. I’m almost tempted to order a second book via your easier fix. Just to be sure you know? And knowing is half the battle – GI JOE! Oops…sorry :silly: Had a 1980s cartoon flashback. It happens. 😛
ParticipantOK I must have done it right…because yes I took the option of opening a new window and it took me to the PayPal site. I did use the address given. I received a Verified message complete with that TKUnderground…such and such thingy. So I guess POM is headed my way?
:whistle: checks mailbox :woohoo: checks mailbox :whistle: checks maibox :woohoo: checks mailbox :whistle: …I’ll save the cigarette till after reading the book :blush:
Participant:unsure: Well that address did not work. My payment was Unclaimed and the address was Unregistered. So I’ve cancelled that one and I’m now trying the address via PayPal. They say third time is a charm, eh? Or is it three strikes and you are out 😛 Oh and another question…I’ve been trying to send $30 for Phoenix Of Megaron. However that is a guess on my part regarding the price. I have never found an official price on all attempts to buy. I sure miss That was easy. PayPal…not so much. :blink: But hey I’m hanging in there. I’m just that dedicated to Powys Media and Space:1999. :woohoo:
UPDATE! Well I think Powys Media received my payment via that address. Maybe. Sigh. I really, really miss PayPal is for computer literate experts. I do not count myself as a computer literate expert. Not that any of you reading this could tell, right? 😛
But hey if all things work out I’ll have Phoenix Of Megaron!
:blink: :unsure:
Wait a minute…I’ve sent $30 on a wild guess at book cost and shipping / handling. I’m also not entirely sure how long it’ll be till the book arrives. Or for that matter who or what will deliver the book. Good thing I trust Powys Media. 😉
ParticipantHello this is Space99er…but then you know this, right? :silly:
I cancelled the order and retried ordering via – like you suggested. Did you receive the money at Powys Media? Will Phoenix Of Megaron soon be all mine? Mine! MINE! (evil Emperor Palpatine laugh). :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: 👿
ParticipantMateo I tried to buy a copy of Phoenix Of Megaron. I clicked on the Buy It button image. It took me to PayPal. Not sure if my PayPal sent the $30 to Powys Media or not. I assumed Powys Media’s address was Is this correct? It did not accept The last time I bought a book I was taken directly to…I think? Is this not to be the case for Phoenix Of Megaron? Thank You for all your efforts!
Participant:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo
This ain’t a trick is it?
Participant🙁 Bummer. Still no Phoenix Of Megaron. I’m starting to get that Waiting For Godot feeling regarding any further book releases. Sigh. 😛
Participant:blink: Still no Phoenix Of Megaron joy. Would it help if I sacrifice my first born to the next ‘Dragon’ I find? Not enough? How about my first born AND second born. 👿
I’ll just wait here for the magic – Buy It – button… :whistle:
Participant:woohoo: …oh… 🙁 . Still no Phoenix Of Megaron joy.
I apologize for my Trekkie biker nun comment. Particularly if it derailed the release of Phoenix Of Megaron. Please forgive me Powys Media? (groveling before the ‘Powers-That-Be’)
Participant:blink: Still no Phoenix Of Megaron joy, eh?
ParticipantHello I’ve got a question regarding E.C. Tubb’s Earthbound and Earthfall. Is there any chance of Powys Media obtaining the rights to those two novels for fresh reprints?
Another question – if properly submitted to Powys Media – would original Space:1999 stories in teleplay format be accepted? Just curious.
Third time’s a charm, eh? Yeah, another question. Would Powys Media release a Space:1999-centric technical guide. I know one was done by Starlog Press many moons ago. Perhaps that info and fresh stuff from the Powyverse could be added. The artist Ken Scott has done great stuff! Could he do a technical guide as described? Food for thought.