Forum Replies Created
Scott Lindvall
Participant[b]Exabyte2e64 wrote:[/b]
[quote]iTunes does all of the sorting on the basis of the file metadata, not the filenames. To get the audiobook in the right order, I had to scrub out all of the files’ metadata, re-enter them, and rename the files. Took quite a while.[/quote]The method I suggested worked for me, but if anyone is still having a problem with the track order in iTunes after importing the renamed files, there is an easy fix. In iTunes, just highlight the track whose order you need to change, click on “File” in the upper left, and choose “Get Info”. When a new box opens, select the tab named “Info”. Within that tab, there is a section for “Track Number ___ of ___”. You can reorder the tracks any way you want. Again, renaming the ripped tracks within my Windows folder worked fine for me, but this additional step [i]WILL[/i] solve any additional track order issues you may be having in iTunes. Hope this helps.
Scott Lindvall
Participant[b]MLP* wrote:[/b]
[quote]I’ve never been able to get on with iTunes and I’m having a hell of a time at the moment trying to get it to sort the tracks in the correct order rather than in some apparently random order it seems to have settled on. :([/quote]I don’t know if this might help anyone, but this is how I handled copying the book to my computer. I use Windows 7, so I can’t offer any solutions to Mac owners, but it is probably a similar process. But in Windows, just create a new folder in your music folder — I named the new folder “Space 1999 Resurrection”. (Creative, I know.) Anyway, I then just copied all of the files from the disc into this new folder. The file names on the disc are all named with titles like “Disc_1 Part_1” through “Disc_6 Part_12” or whatever. They are in obvious order. This next part is the most time-consuming part, but you should be able to do it in a half hour or so. You need to rename each file, in order, to “Part 1”, “Part 2”, through “Part 78”. I actually named the first file “Part 1 Introduction” and the final file “Part 78 Credits”. I also named the start of each chapter with the chapter number, for instance “Part 2 Chapter 1”, “Part 9 Chapter 2”, “Part 18 Chapter 3”, etc. It is important to make sure the different files are labeled correctly starting with “Part 1,” “Part 2”, etc., to keep them in the correct order. From there, it is easy to import to iTunes, Windows Media Player, or whatever other music player you use. By renaming the files in your music folder before importing them to your music player, the formatting and order should remain intact. Also, make sure to leave the JPEG image file alone and in the same folder with the renamed files. That way, the cover art will also be sent with the audio files to iTunes, or Window Media Player. Hope this helps. 🙂
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantThe release day is just one day away. 😆 I can’t wait to get my copy and listen to this wonderful tribute to Mr. Morse’s talent and dedication to [i]Space: 1999[/i]. I am assuming it’s still the plan to ship out preorders on Friday. Everybody should be getting their toasts ready.
Scott Lindvall
Participant— ..-. / -.-. — ..- .-. … . –..– / .– . / .- .-.. .-.. / .– .- -. – / – — / . -. -.. — .-. … . / – …. . / .- ..- -.. .. — / -… — — -.- / .-. . .- -.. / -… -.– / -… .- .-. .-. -.– / — — .-. … . .-.-.- / – …. . / — .- -. / .–. .-. — -… .- -… .-.. -.– / .-. . .- -.. / ..- -. – .. .-.. / …. . / .– .- … / …. — .- .-. … . –..– / .– — .-. -.- .. -. –. / .-.. .. -.- . / .- / .–. .- -.-. -.- …. — .-. … . –..– / … — / .– . / -.-. .- -. / …. .- …- . / .- / -.. .. … -.-. — ..- .-. … . / .. -. / .- / -.-. — -.. . / .. -. …- . -. – . -.. / -… -.– / … .- — ..- . .-.. / — — .-. … . .-.-.- / .. / -.. — -. .—-. – / .– .- -. – / – — / ..-. — .-. -.-. . / – …. . / .. … … ..- . –..– / — .-. / -.- . . .–. / -.- .. -.-. -.- .. -. –. / .- / -.. . .- -.. / …. — .-. … . –..– / -… ..- – / .. / …. .- …- . / -. — / .-. . -.-. — ..- .-. … . / . -..- -.-. . .–. – / – — / – …. .- -. -.- / – …. . / … — ..- .-. -.-. . / — ..-. / – …. .. … / . -..- -.-. .. – .. -. –. / .-. . … — ..- .-. -.-. . —… / -. .- — . .-.. -.– / .– .. .-.. .-.. .. .- — –..– / — .- – . — –..– / .- -. -.. / — ..-. / -.-. — ..- .-. … . / -… .- .-. .-. -.– .-.-.- / …. .- – … / — ..-. ..-. / – — / -.– — ..- / .- .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / .- -. -.. / .– .. – …. / .- .–. — .-.. — –. .. . … –..– / .. – / .. … / .– .. – …. / .-. . — — .-. … . / – …. .- – / .. / .– .. .-.. .-.. / .-.. .. … – . -. / – — / – …. .. … / .- ..- -.. .. — / -… — — -.- / -.- -. — .– .. -. –. / -… .- .-. .-. -.– / — — .-. … . / .. … / -. — / .-.. — -. –. . .-. / .– .. – …. / ..- … .-.-.-
Scott Lindvall
Participant.– — .– –..– / .-.. — — -.- / .- – / .- .-.. .-.. / — ..-. / – …. . / …- ..- .-.. – ..- .-. . … / … .. – – .. -. –. / .– .- .. – .. -. –. / – — / -… . / – …. . / ..-. .. .-. … – / – — / — .-. -.. . .-. / – …. . .. .-. / -.-. — .–. -.– / — ..-. / – …. . / .-. . … ..- .-. .-. . -.-. – .. — -. / .- ..- -.. .. — / -… — — -.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / — . / .. -. -.-. .-.. ..- -.. . -.. .-.-.-
Scott Lindvall
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Resurrection was long discussed as a story that would let Bergman take a leading role and save the base, but ultimately the STORY demanded that Helena Russell be the strongest character. And it is indeed SHE who saves the base. Even the author did not know that going in. Her role grew out of the needs of the story; we didn’t shoehorn her into the leading role.[/quote]This is so true of good writing. The story dictates the actions of the characters. The opposite is rarely true or nearly as effective. In my own writing, my characters often say and do things that surprise even me. Although my plot generally follows its intended course, the characters often take it down interesting paths that I had not originally intended or forseen. Good honest writing is often like that, and trying to force a situation or plot element to fit a particular predetermined goal usually cheats the organic nature of the characters and almost always rings false.
That’s one of the things I am enjoying about the new [i]Space: 1999[/i] books: you have a larger goal than just the individual stories, but you allow the characters room to explore the various aspects of their journey. The characters act in surprising, but actually very honest and believable ways. My favorite book so far is [i]The Forsaken[/i] (I’m only up to [i]Shepherd Moon[/i]) because although Paul’s actions were surprising, they seemed like something someone in his position would really do.
I guess this is off the subject of this thread, but I wanted to respond to this idea. These so-called hated characters could yet play important roles in the journey of Moonbase Alpha, in either positive or negative ways. But if written honestly in a way that contributes to the story, they could become important to the overall arc. Who knows?
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantFor whatever it’s worth, I would recommend printing directly on the discs rather than using press-on labels. I had CDs made for my wedding two years ago, and after a few months some of the labels starting pealing slightly, making them useless. That’s my two cents worth.
Anyway, looking forward to hearing Barry Morse recite Victor’s lines, whenever it is ready. Thanks for the update.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantJeez, do I feel like an ignoramus. I kept thinking that all this talk of a new book called “Alpha” was just an elaborate hoax that everyone seemed to be in on but me. But the discussion just kept going. I finally figured out that “Alpha” is a real book this morning and got it ordered. I guess the joke was on me. I have not started “Omega” yet, so I’ll be able to read both together.
Excellent idea, and a great way to reward those smart people who figured it out early on. How you managed to keep this secret from everyone for so long is a real mystery. But a big bravo to Mr. Latham and Mr. Latosa. I can’t wait to see what other surprises are up your sleeves.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantHi, you mentioned a couple of weeks ago that some of the earlier Powys books would be going up for sale on eBay. I know you’re busy getting out new books, but do you have any idea when those titles might go up on eBay? Thanks.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantYour second book in as many weeks… Congratulations!! I just noticed that Born For Adversity is now available, so I immediately put in my order with Can’t wait for it to arrive.
By the way, I was very impressed with the quality of Shepherd Moon. Sorry I ever doubted your decision to use
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantI ordered my copy this evening, and I am really looking forward to reading it. Thanks so much for your years of hard work and dedication to continuing this line of books. I am kind of curious, and maybe just a little apprehensive, about the new release method you are using. I am unfamiliar with Will the quality of the printed books be on par with the earlier books in the series? Also, how will this affect the release of the Year One Omnibus?
Anyway, quibbles aside, I want to thank everyone involved in getting this book out. I can’t wait for the chance to order the next several titles due out, including the Resurrection audio book. Keep up the great work….
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantGlad you’re back, and I am looking forward to ordering the new books as soon as you are set up for it. I was wondering, though, if it is possible to order any of the older books at this time. I notice that some say they are “sold out” or “nearly sold out” but the Year 2 Omnibus does not have any notation indicating its availability. I would really like to get a copy of this from you if it is still available. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks.