Forum Replies Created
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantI got a goody in my mailbox when I came home from work. :cheer: Thanks for getting them out to us quickly, Mateo.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantThis is pretty cool. I remember getting very excited about the special sneak preview of season 2 that aired in the summer of 1976 in Milwaukee on channel 18. This brought back those memories. Thanks!!!
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantA very nice looking hardcover graphic novel is being released in November (fingers crossed that it will be out on time) that contains two stories: “Aftershock” and “Awe.” “Awe” retells and expands on the original episode “Breakaway,” told through logs of Victor Bergman and John Koenig. The free preview currently online has the first several pages of that story. The other story, “Aftershock,” is an original story about the effects of the moon’s breakaway on those people left behind on Earth.
The book is currently available for pre-order on Amazon for the amazingly low price of only $11.27. Use the following link to go there and order a copy:
It’s not a Powys release, but the [i]Space: 1999[/i] universe is big enough for other interpretations, and this is also a fully licensed book. This is another great way to continue to show support for our show. And by the way, the introduction is written by Powys author John Kenneth Muir.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantCongrats!!! B)
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantBy the way, Bill (and Pat), I’m still looking forward to next month’s PowysCon East. It will be one of the highlights of my New York vacation (along with front row seats to “War Horse” at the Lincoln Center). It will be awesome to meet everyone who will be there. Be sure to let us know where and when…
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantThanks for posting the program, Phil. You made it so easy for all of us Powysverse fans to “tune in.” And Bill, terrific interview. I found it to be time well spent.
Scott Lindvall
Participant[b]Mainmission wrote:[/b]
[quote]Count me in! I think Sunday sound good.
Ken[/quote]Ken…. as in Ken Scott?…. As in Ken Scott, cover artist extraordinaire? Cool. I’m really getting psyched to meet all you folks. B)
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantWell, I just happen to have plans to be in New York that weekend (up from Florida), so it would be cool to get together with a group of crazed Space:1999 junkies. I vote for Sunday as well. Hopefully others can make it too (c’mon, if I can come all the way from Florida…).
BTW, I’m staying in Manhattan (Greenwich Village), so hopefully PowysCon East can be in reasonable proximity to the subway lines.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantWell, it arrived today!!!! 😉 :laugh: B)
It’s a lot bigger than I thought (hoped) it might be. And the way I read (slowly), it will take me some time to get through it. But, ooohhhhh, it’s gonna be a real pleasure. Congratulations, Pat!!!. It’s a gorgeous thing, and the little I’ve already read is amazing. Maybe this is the start of a new career for you. I hope to see more from you in the future.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantWoo Hoooo!!! Just got my shipping notice from Lulu!!! Pretty soon, the Compendium will be mine…. all mine. :woohoo:
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantTry coupon code “RETAILMENOT25” to save 25% off. It saved me $7.50. I think it’s good until the end of February.
Scott Lindvall
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]I patterned Powys Media on Virgin Publishing’s Doctor Who books. The interest in Doctor Who was kept alive and the fires stoked by their “New Adventures” and “Missing Adventures” lines of novels and their “Decalog” anthologies.A Doctor Who movie was even made for TV in 1996. Now the series is back on TV and extremely popular.[/quote]
I think the fact that a new version of [i]Space: 1999[/i] is being prepared for television is a testament to the Powys Media books. These books have kept alive and rekindled interest in the classic series just as surely as Virgin Publishing’s efforts did for [i]Doctor Who[/i]. At least that’s true for me. [i]Space: 1999[/i] was just about my favorite show growing up, but it had faded into the recesses of my mind over the years (cough… decades) until I accidentally discovered Powys Media a few years ago. Now, I not only purchase all of the new [i]Space: 1999[/i] books as they are released, but I managed to track down all of the earlier Powys books as well (including a copy of “The Forsaken” (Rose Petal cover) autographed by John Kenneth Muir, which is a prized part of my collection, and a first edition copy of “Mary’s Monster” by none other than William Latham). So these books are a dream come true for me as well (albeit a long dormant dream), and I hope they continue for a long time to come.
[i][b][size=4]Viva, Powys Media!!![/size][/b][/i] :laugh:
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantWow, it’s a great time to be a [i]Space: 1999[/i] fan. The year 2012 seems to be quickly becoming the [b]new[/b] 1999. First, Powys Media is releasing [b]three[/b] new books in the coming weeks, with several others in the pipeline. I am especially excited about Pat’s “Powysverse Compendium” and am impatiently waiting for the Year One Omnibus, but I want to get my hands on all of them. Also, another company is finally (after years of teasing) releasing a series of new and reprint [i]Space: 1999[/i] comics and graphic novels later this year. I’ve seen some of the pages and artwork from these, and they will hopefully be very good. And, let’s not forget that A&E and Network are busy prepping a HD version of Season 2 for blu-ray release hopefully later this year.
And now comes word of a new, reimagined television series: [i]Space 2099[/i]. It seems like this news would be welcomed with as much excitement and imagination as anything else coming out based on our beloved series. Instead, though, it seems like most fans are up-in-arms about the new show. Frankly, I’m a bit baffled. At the very least, I find the possibility of seeing a new version of this exciting concept intriguing. This new show will likely bring new fans into the fold, or at the very least give the original series wider exposure. But more than that, the new show might end up being good. Don’t know yet, since it ain’t out and won’t be for some time. But I do not personally see a potential reimagined series as a bad thing.
Remakes and reimagined series and movies are certainly not a new phenomenon, and they are, at best, a mixed bag. There are the good ones — [i]The Fugitive[/i] and [i]The Untouchables[/i] are examples of tv shows that were turned into awesome movies (and in the case of [i]The Untouchables[/i], it also became a reimagined television series that was really pretty good back in the early 1990s). [i]Battlestar Galactica[/i] is certainly one of the best examples, and most pertinent for [i]Space: 1999[/i] fans, of what a reimagined sci fi series from the 1970s can be. Although it’s not my cup of tea, the new version of [i]Hawaii Five-O[/i] is supposed to be pretty good too. Unfortunately, there are also dogs, like the recent remake of [i]Charlie’s Angels[/i], among others. And let’s not forget all the various incarnations — some good, and others… well? — of properties like Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan and so many others. There is even, believe it or not, a new, reimagined version of [i]The Munsters[/i] coming to television. Seriously! Google “Mockingbird Lane” to find out more about it.
When you stop to think about it, even Year 2 of [i]Space: 1999[/i] is sort of a reimagining of Year 1. The second year had only a passing resemblance to what was done in the first series, along with a few of the same actors. That Mateo, Bill, John and the Powys team managed to find plausible ways to tie the two years together into a cohesive whole in the book series is a testament to their creativity and imagination. But even this effort, which we all love so much, is their version… their reimagining of [i]Space: 1999[/i]. And Drew Gaska is busy prepping [b]his[/b] version of the series for comics and graphic novels, and it, too, will be different than Mateo’s version.
So why not [i]Space 2099[/i]? And yes, I know about the fan effort “Space: 2099,” which is a very noble effort to update and re-edit the original series with CGI effects, and to potentially follow that up with “Moonbase Alpha’s Legacy,” which would take place after “Message from Moonbase Alpha.” Heck, it’s something I’d like to see, but, realistically, it will never happen on anything other than a fan-produced level. Nobody but the most die-hard of fans of the original series — that’s anyone reading this, folks — would understand or appreciate it. But now, a [b]new[/b] version, a [b]new[/b] interpretation, made by people who know and appreciate the original series has the potential to be very good indeed. If a new series can take what was unique and mysterious and scary in the original and make it resonate with a 21st century audience, what’s wrong with that? I hope it works, and I hope it’s good.
But if it’s awesome or even if it sucks, [i]Space 2099[/i] will never replace [i]Space: 1999[/i]. Or the Powysverse. We will always have those. I love the new version of [i]Battlestar Galactica[/i]. It’s one of my favorite shows… I love the grittiness and the darkness. But it will never replace the original [i]Battlestar Galactica[/i] of my youth. I still love that show too. I see them as two seperate entities that happen to have some thematic similarities. So I guess what I’m trying to say is: keep an open mind. A new version of [b]our[/b] show can’t be a bad thing, even if it ultimately tanks. It has the potential to bring new attention (and potentially new customers) to the original version. And, ultimately, isn’t that a good thing?
Scott Lindvall
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]We are also hoping to release a one-man play on CD. More about that later![/quote]I’m intrigued…. I’ve always loved the theater and dramatic performances.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantIncredible cover! :woohoo: I was already really looking forward to reading John Kenneth Muir’s newest [i]Space: 1999[/i] novel, as he is such a talented writer and has such a grasp on the characters, but Ken Scott’s cover is truly exceptional, even among all of his really great book covers. How could anyone look at that image and not want to pick it up and learn more? WOW!!! Can’t wait…