Forum Replies Created
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantInstantly ordered. Looking forward to getting and reading it. Thanks for the heads up on the discount codes.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantHappy New Year to all of my Powysverse and Space: 1999 friends. Bill, I guess your announcement is not too surprising, but the promise that the series will be completed this year is very welcome news indeed. I have spent many happy hours reading each new installment and many months (and years) anticipating the next book to arrive. I have truly enjoyed your and Mateo’s interpretation of Moonbase Alpha’s saga.
Space: 1999 is unique in the annals of science fiction — preposterous premise but strangely compelling. I was a huge fan back in the day, collecting everything I could get my hands on and attending the very first Space: 1999 convention in Columbus, Ohio. But I eventually drifted on to other things as adulthood, career and fatherhood took over my life. I never completely forgot about Space: 1999, however, and would pick up videotapes and Starlog magazines along the way, but I honestly thought I was just about the only person who remembered it with any sort of fondness.
Lo and behold, the internet came along (thanks, Al Gore, for inventing that by the way) and I was able to dig into many of my old passions, including, of course, Space: 1999. Fast forward a few years, and I discovered a tiny little publisher that was putting out new adventures of my favorite moonbase crew. At one time, I had owned the novelations that came out in the 70s, but they were long since lost. But these were new stories that not only promised to continue the series, but also bridge the gap between the disparate seasons of the show. The earliest of the new novels were already out of print, but thanks to eBay I was able to get caught up. I was even able to track down all of the original books.
Powys Media helped bring me back to being a serious Space: 1999 fan. I have since gotten Andrew E.C. Gaska’s very excellent graphic novels, DVD and Blu-ray sets, Fanderson’s recent three-CD set of Year One music, a Moonbase Alpha model kit, Project Enterprise Eagles, and so much more. But of all the things Powys Media has helped bring back to me, the very best is discovering all of the other people who also love the original series. Through this forum and many of the Facebook groups out there, I have made many new friends.
My very favorite memory of being a Space: 1999 and Powysverse fan, however, came on a June day in a pub on 35th Street in Manhattan a few years ago. Going to the first (and apparently last) Powysverse convention allowed me to meet and spend a few hours with three of the nicest people I’ve ever known: Bill Latham, Pat Sokol and Ken Scott. Being the only non-Powys contributor in the group was a thrill and it sort of felt like the whole shebang was done just for me. I have unfortunately not been back to New York since then, but maybe next time I am we can get together and have a pint or two.
That is ultimately the best part of being a Space: 1999 and Powys Media fan — the people. Not the fictional characters stuck on the runaway moon, but the real folks here on Terra Firma who are just as passionate as me (some quite a bit more so, actually) that I never knew were out there until I happened upon a small publishing house that had a dream of completing Moonbase Alpha’s odyssey.
Many, many thanks to Bill, Mateo and everyone else who had a hand in making this happen. And to all of the other friends I have met along the way. May the New Year be wonderful for all of you.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantWhen I first read the topic title, my first response was:
“Oooh, ooooh, me.” (Waving my hand furiously above my head.) “Ooooh, I love diagrams… bring ’em on.” :woohoo:
Thanks for these, Bill. I appreciate the extra goodies you give us here at And I hope you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantOoooohhh… Ominous!! Thank you, Bill… both as a fan of your books who is anxiously awaiting the next installment, and as someone who is dealing with a grief with which I am having trouble grappling. I know that death is a natural part of life, and I have dealt with losing both of my parents along with other relatives and friends. But this time it seems so senseless and unfair. My friend was my age and so full of life (so full of himself, sometimes), and I’m just finding it hard to compartmentalize it, to put it in its proper perspective. They say that time heals all wounds, and I know I’ll be fine in time, but right now it is just overwhelming. My apologies to everyone for using this forum as an outlet to air my own non-Space: 1999 crap.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantThis may be the most fun topic we’ve had on this forum!! 🙂
Thank you, Bill, for a most uplifting story about friendship. I really needed a little lift, as I lost my oldest and dearest friend to cancer earlier this week. As you said, life does sometimes have a way of beating you up, but then a ray of goodness can shine from the most unexpected of places.
Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”Enik1138″ post=3105]I have found that the red Edit button is invisible in my profile, but it is there and, as you can see, I was able to add an avatar. In your profile, just go to the far right as Bill says and move your mouse over it…it should pop up a label that says “Edit” and just click there to go to the page where you can modify your profile. (This is in IE).[/quote]
Thank you very much, Enik1138. Who’d have thunk of looking for invisible buttons. Now I feel like somebody on this forum again…. not sure who, but somebody.
🙂Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”Ultra” post=3103]thanks for trying Bill, but that made no difference. I still don’t have the word EDIT in my profile page, and it looks the same as in the pic I posted above.[/quote]
Same here, Boss. I’m not able to edit my profile or add a picture either. Finicky little beast, this new website.
Did you notice the subtle homage to “The Shawshank Redemption” there? One of the greatest movies ever made, diluted somewhat by its unending airings on cable.
Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”blatham” post=3098]Okay, I fixed the link for you (that seems to work now). When you’re in the forum and you click the Profile tab (do you see that?), you should see an Edit link all the way to right, typically in red. Firefox seems to be spotty — IE seems to work fine.[/quote]
No joy, I’m afraid. I can’t find a link or any other way to add a picture to my profile. Not a huge deal, I suppose, but still slightly annoying. :S
Anyway…. big con in the UK this weekend. That will be fun, I’m sure, but unfortunately I cannot be there. Visiting England is VERY high on my and my wife’s list of vacations, but my son decided he wanted to get married next year in Washington state, so our time (and, of course, money) are pretty much spoken for until after that. Is anyone else stateside going to the convention? If so, please send us updates so the rest of us can live vicariously through you. Enjoy…. 🙂
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantNow this is what I like to see on this forum. This is the most activity we’ve had here in more than a year… all in just a week. I long for the old days (of a couple of years ago), when there were several threads going at once and something new to read practically every day.
Bill, I get your reasoning for wanting to avoid Facebook. I find it fun and entertaining, but sometimes it provides waayyy more stuff than I want and I do tend to spend too much time on it. But it does allow me to follow several of my passions besides Space: 1999, and keep up with some friends and relatives with whom I would otherwise have very little contact.
But thank you for the little tidbits and hints of what’s coming in the Powysverse. I’m anxiously awaiting any and all new books. And thanks, also, to everyone who responded this last week, proving to me that there is still a spark of life on this forum. I’d love to see some new threads and discussions here. Ciao!
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantHowdy Bill. Thanks for the update. As always, I’m looking forward to your new book(s). I’m not sure how many people will read this though. There’s not been any activity on this site in quite a while, and most folks are getting their Space: 1999 fix over on Facebook. I only happened on this by pure chance… I rarely check in here anymore, maybe a couple of times a month. You ought to consider signing up for Facebook. The whole gang is present and accounted for: Mateo, Patricia, Ken, Glenn, Ally, et al. If you do join, send me a friend request so I can keep up with you. (That goes for any other Powys buddies… just search for Scott Lindvall.)
Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”Zack” post=3069]:) :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :side: :woohoo: :side: :woohoo: :side: :woohoo: :side: :woohoo: :side: 😆 :cheer: 🙂 😛 😛 😛 🙂 :cheer: :laugh: :woohoo: :side: :silly: :side: :silly: :side: :silly: :side: :silly: :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer: 🙂 😛 😛
For those of you feeling robbed. :kiss: :kiss:[/quote]
There you go….. 🙂
Thanks, Zack!! You’ve made a lot of people in the Powysverse very happy. Enjoy the book!!!Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”Zack” post=3067]I’d happy dance but I’m too busy reading… :P[/quote]
I feel robbed…. :unsure:
Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”Steve F” post=3060]My copies of “The Whispering Sea” arrived in the post this morning! Yay! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:[/quote]
I got mine on Saturday, too!!! It immediately went to the top of my stack and will be the next book I dive in to. Can’t wait… I’ve been wanting to read this for quite a while.
Scott Lindvall
Participant[quote=”Steve F” post=3052]Really enjoyed reading this.
As a [b]Year 2[/b] fan (I love [b]Year 1[/b] too of course!) it’s lovely to hear John’s obvious enthusiasm for the Maya character and to read how much he enjoyed setting a novel within the confines of Freiberger’s radically altered second season format.[/quote]
Steve, I’m glad to see more Year 2 stories coming as well. While I prefer the Year 1 episodes overall, I always liked Year 2 more than many Space: 1999 fans seem to. I missed Victor, but liked the rest of the characters more in the second season, and always thought Maya was a great addition to the show.
I was also glad to read JKM address his first Space: 1999 book, “Exploring Space: 1999,” and what I considered that book’s shortcoming — that it seemed to spend so much time bashing Star Trek. That book was otherwise very good, and I remember enjoying it very much. Given JKM’s explanation of the timeframe and circumstances in which he wrote it, his references to Star Trek make a bit more sense. Still, it might be nice to see him revise and re-release that book. I, for one, would certainly buy a copy.
Scott Lindvall
ParticipantI got my shipping notice last night. With any luck, I’ll have it by the end of the week. (Although, I may be giving the U.S. Postal Service too much credit.) Anyway, once again, my thanks to Bill, Mateo, JKM and everyone else involved for getting this out to all of us.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 -