Forum Replies Created
Ally Davies
ParticipantI understand where [i]Cricket [/i]is coming from. 🙂
I think in some stories [i]life on Alpha[/i] can get lost and the author become more involved with [i]alien races and new planets[/i]. Maybe they see it as more exciting.
To me, Space 1999 is about the Alphans on the Moonbase and one of the things I most enjoy is imagining how they would have adapted to their new lives. Their feelings and emotions. Their struggles over adversity, their battle for survival.
Have you read [i]Bridge Two [/i] by David Welle? Ok, the story is largly concentrated on Maya and Dorcans but all set within an incredibly complex and detailed description of the ‘day to day’ life on Alpha. I thought that side of the novel was fascinating and I think thats what Cricket is saying.
Can we not have both?
Ally Davies
ParticipantDdiolch ‘ch Simon.
Rwy’n gobeithio y byddwch yn cael dda cyn bo hir 🙂
Ally Davies
ParticipantOk…you’ve got us all feeling a little bit guilty now…we’re all sort of squirming around and feeling really uncomfortable – well I know I am 🙁
By the way Simon…’way to go’…you got me !! Thought you must have still been delirious and running a fever from your illness when you said you were extremely disappointed with Shepherd Moon. [/i]I think I’ve already said that I loved the collection of stories but I must confess – I didn’t go into a huge amount of detail…quite new… to this sort of thing and didn’t know if you would be interested in my opinion…anyway…
Firstly I just can’t waste words complaining about typo or grammatical errors. To me reading is a pleasure not a test and I guess my brain makes allowances for small misdemeanours! If there were any…they certainly didn’t mar my enjoyment of the book!
My absolute favourite story from the book was [b]Futility[/b]. To me it was everything a Space 1999 story should be. It was definitely an episode I would give anything to watch…( do you think the people behind of Avatar would consider working their magic on Space 1999 ?? ) I loved this story. It captured the characters so well. The strength versus vulnerability of Helena was very well written. John and Helena’s relationship was there, Victor was there…it was perfection as far as I’m concerned.
I really enjoyed [b]The Touch of Venus[/b]. The insight in to John Koenig’s early years was interesting and I enjoyed other characters were brought in as a way of linking us back to Alpha. Also there was the first mention of Koenig’s famous ‘pacing’ – that made me smile like someone making a connection with an old friend.
[b]Fallen Star [/b]has had quite a bit of debate. I enjoyed it. As a Helena fan I was pleased to have some contact with my favourite character. We saw Alan develop a deep bond with Jackie in Alpha Child and it was good to see that carried into this story and developed. I could actually visualise them playing together in the corridors of Alpha. A bit ironic though that in order for Alpha to survive their one and only child and thus their hope for the future had to be sacrificed!
Although not a huge fan of Tony and his beer – [b]Mission Critical [/b]was fun…I quite enjoyed this light hearted tale. If it makes me smile it’s done it’ job as far as I’m concerned! And I was smiling by the time I’d finished it.
[b]Spiders Web [/b]was excellent. To get to spend a little more time with Victor was a real privilege. The book brought out his complete devotion to Yendys. To be with the one you love is to choose true happiness and that was Victors destiny in [i]Survival[/i]. In Spiders Web his actions are then mirrored by Yendys who gives her life to allow Bergman to live.
[i]‘It is no sacrifice’ she said, resting her head on the deck. ‘It’s why we’re alive.’ [/i]
What else is there to say?
Where this story is going I can’t even begin to imagine and to me that’s the wonder of reading. You are taken places that you wouldn’t normally dream of going. And the journey is amazing.
Omega is on its way and I can’t wait 🙂
Ally Davies
ParticipantI’ve just posted a thread on the Sci-Fi World Forum telling everyone about the new books…
I am spreading the word as requested :laugh:
Ally Davies
ParticipantYAY…just been to Lulu and ordered it…and so the countdown begins.. 🙂
Ally Davies
ParticipantYou sure know how to keep us dangling…don’t you !! 😆
Ally Davies
Year Two is still available via Powys, just email us for prices and shipping cost (varies by country). This method allows for payment via Paypal ONLY. [/i][/b]This is the only book I am missing…I have looked repeatedly for it on ebay…amazon…small online secondhand books shops etc etc…If I go to it’s page on Powys there is no link to allow me to buy it. Are you saying that you have it available for purchase? If so please let me know how I can get a copy from you 🙂
Ally Davies
Participant[b][i]Our Main Mission (pun intended of course)–in terms of Space: 1999–is to create a body of work through novels, omnibi, and anthologies (etc) that, together, form a single, unified, internally consistent saga about the Alphans and their ulimate destiny or fate, as you prefer.[/i][/b]
Mateo…I am loving your ‘Main Mission’…
I am so grateful to you and everyone else involved for making it all happen 🙂
I am really looking forward to seeing how lfe for the Alphans evolves.
[b][i]Not everyone will agree with every decision we make as shepherds of this new flock of stories. It would be an impossible goal! [/i][/b]
Desperately hoping that nothing awful happens to ‘my favourites’ but again none of us know what the future holds do we, so why should life on Moonbase Alpha be any different!
I am hoping to be thrilled, excited, saddened, frustrated, intrigued and most of all satisfied with what you are setting out to achieve and if ‘Born For Adversity’ is a good indicator, I’m not going to be disappointed.
I’m onboard Eagle One and very excited to be on the journey with you…
Ally Davies
ParticipantI can’t believe you were worried… :huh:
I think we all have our own vision of Moonbase Alpha and what life would have been like up there. Well I know I have and I love stories that stay ‘true’ to that vision.
You wrote Born or Adversity with such an understanding…it played out in my mind so easily…I loved it!
Ally Davies
ParticipantGot to be careful what I say about the book cos I don’t want to give any spoilers away but it was really, really good. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I’d love to go into it in detail but this is not the place !!
Catherine Schell said in her Foreword that it could have been ‘made into a film’ and I agree totally…
Ally Davies
Participantgo look at the new thread !!
Ally Davies
ParticipantBeen away on business for last few days…so a bit out of the loop…
Glad you’re copies have arrived…can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend…
Must admit to carrying Born For Adversity around with me like treasured possession since it arrived on Wednesday!!
I have one problem though…I fully intended to sit and read it uninteruppted, savouring every sentence and paragraph BUT I couldn’t resit it’s calling. So I read chapter here and a chapter there inbetween meetings AND now I’ve finished it… 🙁
Ally Davies
ParticipantI can only speak for myself, of course, but I’m sure you’ve nothing to worry about !
The mere anticipation of a new Space 1999 adventure has made my day !!
Ally Davies
ParticipantI got an email this afternoon telling me it had been dispatched…so fingers crossed i should arrive tomorrow.
Can’t wait !!
Ally Davies
ParticipantIt keeps getting BETTER and BETTER !! :laugh: