Forum Replies Created
Ally Davies
Participantphew…I have a few days with web connection…feel like I’ve missed so much..I was so worried I’d miss the vote :blink:
anyway…all three of the nominated fanfic writers are superb – well they are in my humble opinion…and it was a really difficult poll to vote in…( definitely the hardest so far :S ) and like Pat says with her analogy to icecream…how can you possibly be made to choose a favourite writer…it totally depends on the mood you’re in…
I’d vote for all three if I could…BUT… I am trying very hard to stick to the rules…
Ally Davies
ParticipantCricket…I just don’t understand it…
are we the only ones who read fanfiction…?
I’ve a long list of writers I could have nominated. Ellen is a great writer BUT there are so many others whose work I really enjoy…
I was hard pressed to choose a favourite and am puzzeled at the lack of response :huh:
Ally Davies
ParticipantNow that Resurrection is starting to arrive with us all…are we planning to follow through with Mateo’s suggestion of ‘A Toast to Barry Morse’ ?
It would have more meaning if we could plan it for one particular day…don’t you think…
A sort of Space 1999 ‘connection’ around the world !
Ally Davies
ParticipantMy copy’s arrived…Wales UK :cheer:
Ally Davies
ParticipantI second the nomination of Ellen Lindow
Ally Davies
ParticipantA HUGE [size=5]THANKS[/size] to you all, especially Pat S, Cricket and Mateo…
I’ve been having a really crappy week AND your postings on this thread just made me laugh out loud… :laugh:
wish I had time to join in…
Ally Davies
ParticipantI think that’s a brilliant idea…so I shall join in too !
Ally Davies
ParticipantKeeping it Space 1999 I would have to go with Barry’s words taken from his [i]Afterword[/i] from [u]Destination Moonbase Alpha[/u] and adapted from the episode Black Sun.
‘To everything that might have been…To everything that was…To everything that might yet be!'[/i]It sums up Space 1999 and Powys and all they stand for 🙂
Ally Davies
Participant.. / .– .. .-.. .-.. / -… . / ..-. .- … – / .- … .-.. . . .–. / -… -.– / – …. . -. / -. . …- . .-. / — .. -. -.. / .. / … ..- .–. .–. — … . / – …. . .-. . / .. … / -. — / .-. ..- … …. / .. – … / -. — – / -… . .. -. –. / … . -. – / — ..- – / ..- -. – .. .-.. / — .- -.– / .. … / .. – / -.-. — — — ..- -. .. -.-. .- – .. -. –. / -… -.– / — — .-. … . / -.-. — -.. . / .. … / -… .-. .. .-.. .-.. .. .- -. – / …. .- …- . / -.– — ..- / -… . . -. / .– .- – -.-. …. .. -. –. / .– — .-. .-.. -.. / .– .- .-. / ..— / — — …- .. . … / .. -. … – . .- -.. / — ..-. / .— .- — . … / -… — -. -.. / ..–..
Ally Davies
Participant.. / -.- -. — .– / .- -. -.. / .. / -.-. .- -. .—-. – / .– .- .. –
— .- – . — / … .- -.– … / .. – … / .- …- .- .. .-.. .- -… .-.. . / ..-. — .-. / .–. ..- .-. -.-. …. .- … . / – . .-.. .-.. / ..- … / …. — .–
Ally Davies
Participant— …. / .. / ..- -. -.. . .-. … – .- -. -.. / -. — .– .-.-.- / –. .-. . .- – / -. . .– …
Ally Davies
Participant.- — / .. / — .. … … .. -. –. / … — — . – …. .. -. –. / .. — .–. — .-. – .- -. – / — .-. / .- .-. . / -.– — ..- / -… — – … / .— ..- … – / — . … … .. -. –. / .- -… — ..- –
Ally Davies
ParticipantWell, you’ve had a FUN day haven’t you :laugh:
Can’t wait for Resurrection – hoping to get it by the end of May to take away on holiday with me !
Ally Davies
ParticipantMy thoughts on some of the mentioned episodes…
[spoiler]Life has been very busy these last few weeks, so my ‘Space1999 time’ has been limited to gym sessions and a snatched half hour in the evening before bed.
In the gym this week I watched Black Sun, Dragons Domain and Testament of Arkadia again for the first time since reading the new books. Mateo you are so right
[quote]The Powys books just may make you go back and read a few passages again, or watch a few episodes, or read the transcripts on Martin’s site. But that’s the fun of it.
And in the case of Omega and Alpha, you may see things with new perspectives–in fact, I guarantee it.[/quote]
It’s weird. :blink: After reading the latest books, the episodes themselves seem to make so much more sense.
In [b]Black Sun[/b], John and Victors experience has always been one of the most significant moments of Space1999 as far as I’m concerned. They are resigned to their fate, calmly awaiting death AND in that moment the real essence of life is revealed to them. It is their acceptance of death as a ‘life-experience’ that allows them to reach the understanding that ultimately ‘we are all one…’
[i]Everything is everything else…[/i]
It is at this point that they themselves truly become part of the Universe, which they are eventually going to play such a vital role in saving.
As I watched the episode this week I imagined the ‘friend’ not to be – just simply God – but a God with name – Adantia.
Her words to JK in [b]Black Sun[/b], [i]‘I have a thought…but you are never here to hear it!’[/i] seemed to tie in with the end of [u][b]Alpha[/b][/u] where they are again ‘talking’.
JK [i]‘I…you don’t know how much I wish we could keep talking.’[/i]
Adantia [i]‘You keep talking. If there’s a way I’ll keep listening.’[/i]
The mystery of Mike Ryan’s death in the [b]Black Sun[/b], while everyone else was able to survive the encounter now becomes significant. He was taken by the other side to eventually be used by NotMike against Alpha! Fiendishly clever 👿
In [b]Testament of Arkadia [/b]when Luke and Anna have their – experience – in the cave, again more pieces fall into place or rather you make them connect together flawlessly.
[i]‘A force … an indefinable intelligence did exist on the planet …and Luke and Anna were chosen as the agents of its will’[/i]
I know it sounds strange but it’s like the original episodes were written in the knowledge that Powys would come along and fill in the gaps.
I was also impressed by how big a part [u][b]Shepherd Moon[/b][/u] played in scene setting. Rather than being ‘just’ a collection of random stories, which was how I originally saw it, I now appreciate that there was NOTHING random about its compilation. It plays an important part in setting the scene for [b][u]BFA [/u][/b]and [b][u]Omega/Alpha [/u]. [/b]The whole project has obviously been incredibly well planned and I am only now starting to comprehend just how much effort has gone into the whole thing.
You didn’t just say – [i]‘oh you want to write about JK and Tony Cellini – ok, go on then’[/i] or [i]‘yes, ok incorporate Bergman’s force field into a story’ [/i]or [i]‘Yes…that’s a good idea, bring back the monsters…oh and while you’re at it bring back Victor.’[/i]
No,no,no…pretty much everything you gave us in SM was a tiny glimpse into the new world of Space1999.
With these new books you guys at [b]POWYS[/b] have really messed with my head AND I’m still trying to decide whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing :unsure: My life used to be so simple. I used to be quite happy going into ‘my space1999 world’ as my husband so eloquently describes it! Losing myself with the stories and characters and not really thinking too hard about any of it! Not anymore! I feel like I’ve gone back to school and I’m studying for an exam! I’m watching the episodes and making notes, I’ve got sticky tabs and scribbles everywhere. Book marks on hundreds of different pages throughout maybe eight different books, and Word documents in varying stages of completion…
and…I blame you and thank you for making it happen 😆
Ally Davies
Participant[spoiler]You’re right of course, [i]time [b]was not[/b] on their side[/i]
[b][b]BUT[/b][/b]… after waiting and planning for just such an opportunity you’d think that [b]surely[/b] there would have been some sort of talk about Exodus. No-one even voiced the possibility! I just can’t imagine that Exodus would’nt have been discussed and if, as we assume -[i] time was the determining factor[/i] – at least there should have been some reference to this! Wouldn’t you think? [/spoiler]