Forum Replies Created
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Procyonstar wrote:[/b]
[quote]tis a thing of beauty… :laugh:[/quote]
…with its uncreased spine and non-yellowed pages…
Patricia Sokol
[url=][img][/img][/url]Patricia Sokol
ParticipantYes – TYVM. I lent my copy out and it is still in the wilderness somewhere. :kiss:
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantI don’t think that’s exactly what she has in mind.
Maybe something more along the lines of the Velcro patch Kano’s got on the back of his head would be good. You know, then we wouldn’t have to type and make all those mistakes. We could just think out chat and taa daaa! :silly:
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Ultra wrote:[/b]
[quote]… as interesting as the prologue was, it spoiled the true nature of the Pyschons as aggressors as soon as I read that Psychons were aboard the non-Psychon ship in Chapter 6 … it was then immediately obvious that the marauders in the prologue were just shape-shifted Psychons. It took away the “are they or aren’t they” element to their true intentions.
Interesting – I might have moved this into the Pro category, actually. Part of what I found intriguing was that, as readers, we knew things the others did not. It is interesting to see characters be WRONG about things. With a 52-minute time-frame, there is no room to be making incorrect assumptions. But the Psychons being as confused about the computer issues as the Alphans, and the Korth Pathfinder sniffing out the differences between humans and Psychons? Those added another layer of credibility for me.[quote] …being a rocket scientist, they all made me wince, or confused me as to what was going on or just flat out distracted me enough to completely pull me out of the story.[/quote]
Ah, so it it [u]does [/u]take a rocket scientist to pick up on those things. Can I quote you on this? Really, can I? [i]*whisper*: Don’t tell anybody, but [strike]there’s some shaky biology in there too. [/strike]:dry:[/i]
[quote]…the continual swapping between English and Metric units…[/quote]
When Koenig got the distance in kilometers/kilometres and then called Helena, I thought it was, um – OK I’ll say it – cute that he switched to miles. It saves her the trouble of doing the conversion in her head; even though she’s a scientist, She’ a doctor, dammit, not a rocket scientist, and to visualize it, she’s most likely going to think in miles.
Nice review.
Patricia Sokol
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantIt might be god to see about getting rid of the archive. It feels like eavesdropping. Just a thought. Otherwise, it’s cool.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
[quote]Pat S wrote,[quote]Does 2011 count as Year 2 of the relaunch? Bigger. Better. More exciting than ever!
Let’s hope it doesn’t follow the history of the original series or we will be sorely disappointed. Year 2 was not bigger, definitely not better and in no way more exciting than ever.[/quote]
Ahhh…That was my point. Powys is living up to the hype![url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Some quick hits (sorry, not having time to come up here lately):
2. For everybody — Pat Sokol’s book is awesome and addictive…[/quote]
High praise, indeed. I hope that’s in a can’t-eat-just-one-potato-chip (“crisp” for our off-shore friends) way, and not the selling-blood-to-a-bloodbank-to-buy-more-books way 😛 You [b][i]are [/i][/b]fixing the typoes along the way, right? :dry:So, I’m sitting at a never-ending sporting event this afternoon (yeah, a swim meet) with my laptop balanced just so, and another mom asks what I’m writing. I tell her it’s a kind of reference book. Does she ask what kind? Nooo~~~~~ooooo. She just says, Oh that type of writing must be sort of dry. *[i]sigh[/i]* But I [i][b]know [/b][/i]her husband was going all gaga over the desktop background, which just happens to feature two of the latest and greatest from Mr. Scott. (No, not that one, [i][b]our [/b][/i]Mr. Scott.)
[quote]4. I’ll be doing something for Prodigal Moon — [/quote]
Do tell. I’m really gettin’ psyched about Prodigal Moon… Short stories are such fun.[quote]6. (perhaps we should add Powys Magnifying Glasses to the Stuff list?).[/quote]
Don’t rub it in.[quote]9. Don’t think we’ve seen the last of the ATAP Alphans — don’t think they’ll meet up with our Alphans again, but they may have their own adventures.[/quote]
Excellent.Does 2011 count as Year 2 of the relaunch? Bigger. Better. More exciting than ever!
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Ah, the things we do to keep you all happy…
hints and revelations of the unfolding mythology peppered throughout the books… and teasing the hell out of everyone with little tidbits of info on upcoming books. All in a day’s work here at Powys. :P[/quote]OK – Here’s some scary insight to one reader’s mind…
Easter egg=Easter bunny=rabbits=”Cargo”/Ernst Linden=rabbits digging holes where they shouldn’t=releasing things that are meant to be kept hidden Underground
or another… (which I’d be willing to bet mirrors the editor’s thinking 😉 )
Phoenix of Megaron=Rhoda=rescue=Helena hearing digging=tunnel that comes from Underground that leads to Hyria
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Ultra wrote:[/b]
[quote][b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]Would be great to see it… ;)[/quote]
yes it would…if only there were some way to perform a search on this site – then one could see if the book, and its smokin’ cover, had already been sneakily added – hidden like a royal blue Easter Egg waiting to be found, in the Underground….
but you didn’t hear this from me… :whistle:[/quote]
Hippity hoppity.[url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantWell, ain’t she a beauty?
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantMugs arrived minutes ago.
Dey’re goi-jis. Logo only, no Powysverse reference (such a catchy term, that…) but the graphics are nice and crisp.
EDIT: So, how come other people can put up stuff on Zazzle with Eagles and Hawks on them, and the words Space: 1999, but Powys can’t? Admittedly, I don’t know if they’re licensed, and the fonts are not Braggadocio, or whatever that font is called. Is it because you actually [u][b]have [/b][/u] a licensing agreement with Carlton, and this would be a violation? When I think of Ken’s superior artwork, it seems a shame not to be able to get it out there. Maybe I’m beating a dead Progron, but you can’t blame a girl for trying.
EDIT AGAIN: Did you ever think 10 years ago you’d ever have something like this available?
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantMateo, I don’t get paid until the last Sunday of the month. Please stop for a few weeks, OK? I have no self control… :blush:
Patricia Sokol
A toast to Powys!