Forum Replies Created
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]… I still don’t see the point of…[spoiler]bringing Bob Matthias back in “Born for Adversity” only to kill him off 2 books later! Still, at least by doing that, there remains the possibility that Doctors Ben Vincent & Ed Spencer will start to get some “onscreen” time in future novels.[/spoiler][/quote]
[spoiler]As an aside, this is the 3rd time I’ve had to type this because of a computer MUBAR. (That’s an “M” for “mucked”, guys and gals.)
One thing that struck me from “The Forsaken” through “Omelpha” is the closeness of Helena and Matthias’ relationship. Matthias has far different interactions with Helena than any of the other physicians, regardless of how skilled they may be, and different from pretty much anybody else. For example, it is he who scoots her out of Medical Centre when she is trying to find a work-around and save the Cryptodira, and essentially tells her she’s being foolish when she considers terminating her pregnancy. In both cases, he is telling her she is reacting emotionally rather than objectively. Keep in mind that Helena takes [i]pride[/i] in being scientifically rational, and must actively tame her impulsive, emotional side in order to be effective. Matthias is therefore a professional peer, a confidant, a friend, and a little voice that keeps her together when others may hesitate to poke the tiger.
Now, he is gone, and his parting “gift” to her is a [i]*bonk*[/i] upside the head that stops her from once again burying herself in her work – categorizing the casualties – in order to avoid an unpleasant task/reality – facing Robert and John Koenig. According to the narrative, she was more moved by his death (and the fact that she didn’t notice he was missing, which may also grate on her at some point) than at anything else that had happened, although the cork-out-of-the-bottle effect could have something to do with that. His death will affect her somehow, either by pushing her further away from her (medical) colleagues & re-honing the edges that have softened over the years, or else shaking her sufficiently to keep her living in the moment and not seeing every relationship as a potential for pain.
I also found it interesting that Robert Koenig and Liliana Matthias had a parallel relationship in their parallel universe. They probably grew up together, and Bob Matthias would have been the person she would turn to when things were heading south in her relationship with Koenig. [/spoiler][b]Steve F continued:[/b]
[quote]I’ve realised that my vision of where I thought the series should go after Year 2 was far too narrow. Bringing … Kano back in the way that Powys … now makes sense to me.[/quote]
Although it can’t happen at this point, it would be fun to witness[spoiler]computer-embodied Kano playing chess and arguing with his ATAP self. Which would concede a point?[/spoiler][url=][img][/img][/url]Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]OK.I think the possibilities that Year 3 presents are very exciting! B)
Any thoughts anyone?[/quote]
I think there has to be a good reason for a character to come back. [spoiler]Like a fish out of water, Cellini just didn’t fit in on the ATAP Earth, and relished the opportunity to get back into space. But if the others had established themselves and their families, why go back to an unwelcoming place to live when a whole new planet complete with infrastructure is there for them? Would I rather live in Pyongyang or Suva? Morrow would never, ever go back to Alpha; he and Koenig were on the verge of a pissing contest as it was. [/spoiler]
I think a re-set button has to be used very carefully, or else it becomes a platitude or a snowclone. It’s the same reason that, dramatically[spoiler]Maya had to lose her ability to change for her to grow as a character[/spoiler] and not be pigeon-holed into the same role crisis after crisis.
Them’s me thoughts.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]…the last scene of “The Dorcons” is quite rightly damned by the critics because it’s false and inappropriate. Thankfully, Powys re-dresses this in the subtly altered, bleaker version of this scene in the Year 2 Omnibus, which sets up Koenig’s mood in “Born for Adversity”.[/quote]AMEN!!
[b]Steve F also wrote:[/b][quote]Sometimes, I think the comedy works. The ending scenes of “The Exiles”, “The AB Crysalis” & “Bringers of Wonder – Part 2” always make me smile whilst the ending scenes of “The Metamorph”, “The Mark of Archanon” (when Koenig says “Is that all you have to be grateful for? & he & Helena then embrace & kiss oneanother), as well as the final scene of “The Lambda Factor” (where John falls asleep and Helena gently kisses him on the forehead) are all scenes I find touching.[/quote]
Steve, you are quite the romantic.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]slindvall wrote:[/b]
Pat, how do you do these things? [/quote]A lady never gives away her secrets, but fortunately, it’s not [img][/img]
Attachments:Patricia Sokol
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantAlso, although BL’s misgivings have been allayed about any changes he may introduce into “CotG,”, it’s important to remember that many, [i]many [/i]of the episode novelizations from the 70s differ greatly from the small screen. The most egregious is “The Rules of Luton,” but even “Black Sun” had a significant change, and if not for that one a good portion of the mysticism of the Alphans’ survival is lost. In Tubb’s version, Alan proposes they follow the Moon and they take the chance. On screen, it’s made quite clear that, “Something…brought (them) home.” Just a quick glance at the script-to-screen section in The Catacombs suggests that even if “Children of the Gods” had been televised, it would have differed to some degree from Byrne’s original teleplay.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Shout out to Pat Sokol — I don’t know why it happens (and I’ve been a totally willing co-conspirator), but I just love it when dialogues on this forum go Python, and viewing this discussion through the prism of the Spanish Inquisition sketch was just so fun!
Well, is it not nearly impossible to even [i]think [/i]the words “Nobody expects” with out the rest of the phrase flying into consciousness?
Credit where credit is due, also: My son is reading [u]The Crucible[/u], and again, witches = “How do you know she’s a witch?” which conjures up an image of John Cleese suggesting the buoyancy of very small rocks.
([i]with [/i]cheddar cheese in her fridge)Patricia Sokol
ParticipantAs anxious as I am for new material, there is apparently an market/audience/readership out there who are looking forward to the re-release of The Forsaken, if one can judge by a few comments on the social networking sites. New cover art work can make this happen soon, right?
Strike while the iron is hot!
Make hay while the sun shines!
Hoist your sail when the wind is fair!
Opportunity knocks but once!
Carpe diem!
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may!
Don’t try to teach your Grandma to suck eggs. (Completely irrelevant, but I just like it.)
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Sometimes, I’m just a fool.[/quote]A Fool on the Hill in both a McCartney and Matt Ruff sense.
Sounds like you’ve just typed up your Author’s Foreword. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Nobody expects you or Mateo to be forced into a comfy chair and denounce any heresies. As a writer, and Mateo as editor/publisher, you have surprise and fear on your side; surprise at your dot-connecting, color-enhancing of Johnny Byrne’s sketch, and fear that … well … I can’t think of anything to fear except critics that have an almost fanatical devotion to “dogma.” Perhaps the story will not be written with a ruthless efficiency, and no nice red-shirted uniforms (Damn!), but if these critics rack their brains, they’ll find any insult to the original premise is cushioned by the nice cup of coffee they can sip and enjoy whilst reading, finally accepting that it’s this, or it’s nothing, really.
How many sins has Powys committed thusfar? [spoiler]Bergman did not die from a spacesuit malfunction, Morrow and Kano did not die in an Eagle crash, Maya has lost her metamorphic powers, and Koenig had a crappy childhood.[/spoiler] Now, if these don’t get you thrown into a hydroponics tank to see if you float, then don’t sweat it.
Seriously though, a thorough understanding on the reader’s part that this is done with Byrne’s input, blessing and your collective like-mindedness – as thoroughly outlined in the posting above – ought to be enough for the fan who has longed to see the premise fleshed out after nearly 40 years of fleshlessness.[url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantOh – you’ve gotta go to the chat room to see I’m not randomly posting things that pop into my head. Sandra is over there all antsy about somebody/thing called/named “Suva” tapping into an unauthorized channel.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantMeh – never mind. It was something of a rant, anyway. ([b][i]Not [/i][/b]a rant against Powys, but rather against the same old same old rearing its head elsewhere.)
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantExcellent news. Grats.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantHow did I miss this a couple of days ago? [url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantAhhh…But they did. They called it Meta.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantI think Zoref’s body just fried, and was not transformed per se. I’m still on the fence about how much influence he had over the energy-being. If it just needed energy, why not go into the reactor like it went through the walls of the base? OK, so maybe somehow it needed a biological host to transform the energy into a usable form, like animals w/ digestion, plants w/ photosynthesis, and Balor with his telomere-based photoreceptors.
So, if Zoref perceives that this thing is killing in the process of “feeding”, does he take it to the reactor and sacrifice himself for the good of the base? The Big Bad gets what it needs and is gone. Zoref’s consciousness may or may not go with it. I’d like to think that it does/did.