Forum Replies Created
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantHey, Zack – Here’s a suggestion for some music for the New Book Happy Dance (copyright pending).
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
…I wonder who the mystery co-author of “Odysseus Wept” will be… I’ve never heard of Elena Cambio (no offence intended, I just haven’t! LOL!) so I’m assuming it’s… the afformentioned Mr Penfold! HOW EXCITING WOULD THAT BE! :woohoo:
[/quote]You will soon enough, Steve [url=][img][/img][/url]
In the meantime, I say we start an internet rumor that Ken is going to be the mystery co-author [url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]I dropped into the Powys Chat room and noticed that someone called “Powysfan1459″ posted the following:[i]”down with the FGs”
“evil is as evil does”[/i]Intriguing. Sounds like there’s a new story arc being planned and as usual, only our favourite Alphans can save us! ;)[/quote]
Hmm. Perhaps something will be dovetailing with CotG!
Patricia Sokol
Participant“It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key.”
Unfortunately, the first thing that came into my mind was “No Flying Giraffes.” I’ll stick with that for a while because it is probably the easiest to verify.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantChase (especially),
First, glad you’re enjoying the read.
Second, just a couple of things I can tell you first hand about the thought process in writing some sections as you continue… When there is a term in a language other than English, it is to instill a subtlety that I didn’t think English could capture. For example, when you get to Psychon, you will see EXACTLY what [i]I[/i] think/feel in the first sub-heading… In the synopses, I was trying to be sensitive to people who had not read all the books perhaps because they are currently out of print, or whatever. I wanted to provide enough detail to stoke the fires a bit, without totally retelling the story… To paraphrase what I wrote to Robert Wood when his book came out: Who wants to read a commentary (which this is, in some parts) that only supports [i]exactly [/i]what you think? That would be boring. New depth? Alternate view? Something to give you pause? [i]That’s [/i]more interesting, IMHO.
Just wait until you get into the “P”s. You’ll find plenty you won’t agree with. Just think about it, objectively, though, and enjoy a bit of pareidolia.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantFortunately the good folks at Destinies have the foresight to make their shows available for downloading, for those of us who are unable to stay awake until airtime – regardless of how exciting the guest may be. Just go to the Destinies website in a few days & it’ll be there.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Thank you for our first review of Patricia Sokol’s Powysverse Compendium![/quote]I’ll second that. I’ve stated that if one person is able to understand the Powysverse differently or more completely, then I’ve accomplished my task. Whew! Good to see it’s happened! 🙂
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Okay, we’re gonna try this again…just floating a date out there (or two) — June 23rd or June 24th, a Saturday or Sunday. East coasters, chime in — who’s interested/available?Tentative attendees include myself and some compendium author…[/quote]
I vote for Sunday, but I’m only going if that compendium author can go.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]hrls1999 wrote:[/b]
[quote]Or would I risk seeing the dreaded “Sold out!” message against the Compendium if I wait too long?[/quote]I can answer this one, anyway.
Powys uses a print-on-demand system from Lulu. Therefore, there is neither danger of being “sold out” anymore, nor will anyone’s dining room be filled with cases and cases of published but yet-to-be sold books.
Thanks for your interest in the book 🙂 !
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]Oh, & btw, the page opens with a unique photo of Landau & Bain from “One Moment of Humanity” that I’ve never seen before. It is in black & white & blurred… but quite striking imho! B)[/quote]
That picture is from the June 14, 1976 issue of [i]People [/i]magazine. It was a piece about their marriage. The photo is a actually a rehearsal scene from “The Taybor,” with the director being squished into the whirly-gig in the background.
This, I can remember, but do you think I can find my car keys? :laugh:
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]blatham wrote:[/b]
[quote]Final proof copy ordered. Looking good for a release next week of some Sokolian goodness.[/quote]Sokolian goodness? [url=][img][/img][/url]
Thanks for your most most kind words. I can honestly say it was an unreal experience to be entrusted with this book. I tried to provide a good mix of bare facts, literary analysis, and reasons to smile and read another page.
It goes without saying that none of this would be possible without everybody on the Powys team for vision, understanding, tenacity, passion and affection for what [i]could [/i]have been, or maybe what was meant to be but never had the chance. If it is possible to go back in time and realign missteps without starting the journey over, Powys has done it with style, consistency, and comprehension of what has kept us all enthralled for 35 years.
To paraphase: “To everything that might yet be,” and, “To everything that was.” [img][/img]
Attachments:Patricia Sokol
ParticipantThis is a really good question. I went and tried different permutations of Space:1999 with and without spaces after the colon, etc., just to see if it was some kind of glitch you had encountered. The only thing I can think of is that Lulu might on-demand as well as having a backstock of some things. This is absolutely pure speculation, but they do have a range of services. If you go through this site and click on, for example, Prodigal Moon, it is orderable (clearly not a real word according to spell check, but you know what I mean), yet Prodigal Moon does not show up at Lulu. I would guess that Mateo has a deal that is actual on-demand printing only, aside from Born for Adversity for some reason. The fact that they print a PDF exactly as you send it (which I have recently encountered) supports this somewhat. No adjustment of margins, no checking for proper pagination… they just printed what was sent. Probably less expensive this way.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
Don’t hold back, Zack. Tell us how you really feel.
I feel oddly unexcited at the news. Could be because I looked at the list of ITV America productions and was reminded of why I no longer subscribe to any cable or satellite. Guess we’ll need to play the waiting game.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Ultra wrote:[/b]
[quote]I see new book images slotted into the “coming soon” queue…. so close now…[/quote]With respect to the Compendium, I can tell you that Bill has put Zienia’s foreword into its place and must order and review another proof copy to be sure everything is as it should be. The first proof copy didn’t have the acknowledgments, even though they were in the PDF. And the proper number of blank pages have to be inserted so the page numbers aren’t squished next to the fold rather than at the outside of the page. Still, it’s better than picking letters from a case and manually placing them into a printing press :S
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
Printing Phoenix with a red spine has always been the plan, however. I asked Ken to match it as closely as possible. I wish I knew why it had a red spine in the 70s![/quote]I really like that you kept the red spine. As for red, maybe it was the Phoenix/fire association. Maybe.
-P. -