Forum Replies Created
Patricia Sokol
Participantblatham wrote:
>You’ll be reading about these very things very soon as experienced through some guy named Koenig. Maybe even in the next week or two.Aack! Too much foreshadowing – or reading too much into nothing.
Just wondering – how much cross-talk was there among authors in Shepherd Moon? I ask because, when I read at the end of “Futility” how JK believed that as long as Victor and Helena were at his side, Alpha would thrive, little alarm bells went off in my head. We know which direction that took in [u]Survival[/u]…and “Spider’s Web.”
The CCR song, “Bad Moon Rising” keeps running through my head. The next week or so should be interesting. Hope my kid doesn’t get sick or have more snow days and ruin my “me” time. (Such a bad mom…)
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantOh – please forgive my unintentional slight…
The earlier books – Resurrection, The Forsaken, Survival – were also everything these current releases are. In fact, having started the ball rolling, they have a special place in the greater universe. Additionally, having read the Omega diary, it sounded like Omega’s release (and comprehension thereof) was dependent on BfA, so if the latter never made it out, well…
So – YES! Would also love to see more from Mr. Muir, Mr. Latham, Mr. Ball or anybody else!
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantAfter reading the latest Omega diary entry, I was just reflecting on stuff…
I remember a loooong time ago on Online Alpha (if it was even called that back then, I don’t remember), Mateo asked the group if we were to show Space:1999 episodes to a non-fan (or at least someone who had never seen the show), which would they be? Of course, Dragon’s Domain, End of Eternity, Testament of Arkadia and Black Sun were the overwhelming favorites. If any Y2 stories were suggested, I don’t recall which ones – this post isn’t about the Y1 vs. Y2 debate – goodness knows that’s a chocolate/vanilla quagmire.
After some period of time, he fessed up as to what he had in mind – which we now know was born of his literal dreams of a new series of books. (BTW, I still occasionally dream that I’m watching TV and a new series of episodes comes on, but I know *that* won’t come to fruition!). Of course, everyone was all “rah! rah!” about it, but I don’t think anyone would have guessed it would have reached this level. Nor do I think most of us appreciate all the really difficult work that went in to orchestrating the renaissance of a cult 70s TV program.
When publication of Born for Adversity was delayed so very long, I figured the venture had died a quiet death. Small businesses are notoriously difficult to launch, or keep aloft, even when there is 100% investment of time. Perhaps real life getting in the way of a dream, and so forth. I was even hoping ebooks might be released, just so we could at least read what David and all the others (ie, Shepherd Moon) had labored on.
But now, just 2 short months after re-emergence, we have three really excellent new novels, and the prospect of more in the future. So, I say THANK YOU. Thanks to all of you who got this started, got it off the ground, fired up the boosters when it looked like it might crash. Thanks to the writers for being clever. Thanks to family members who shake their heads but are ultimately supportive. Thanks for having vision. Thanks for not giving up. We appreciate it.
PS – As Mr. Magpie is up for writing more, I’d be more than happy to read more!
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantMore thoughts, on the characters this time.
Koenig – Seems a little autocratic. Would have thought he’d be even more suspicious of the Psychons after Mentor. Sympathy after encountering the Dorcons? What’s the time between Survival and BFA? Seems to dwell on Victor as much as he did Sam and Tessa. Feels down on himself because of this? Lots of over-all personal conflict for a person whose feelings run deep, as we are led to believe Koenig is. He’s passionate. If the choice were between Alpha/moon and Helena, which would it be? MM back? Nifty – better office. Prepared for what’s ahead? Ultimately, probably, yes, because of his humanity.
Maya – Another kick or two in the gut for the lady. Set-up for regret in the near future? Little uncomfortable with her having a child and yet being torn between two suitors, but ultimately, she is not. It will be interesting to see how she uses the little box she receives at the end. Gabron seems mentally stable, if loyal to a fault. Will need counseling.
Tony – Still don’t like him; not enough gravitas. Too insecure to be head of security. Glad his beer wasn’t relegated to another punchline for a joke. Sorry – can’t be objective about this guy.
Helena – Largely relegated to the background. Would like to see her and Koenig in more heated policy discussions, or at least pillow talk. They did try to suck her brain, after all. Personality is enforced calm. Glad the pretense is over and they are living together. Always associated her with Lady Jessica in Dune series, having the ear of the guy in charge. Kill herself? Never.
Kano – Way cool. How did he die? Addiction to AI hook-up? Suicide after not recognizing self? Nah. Maybe I just missed it. Will have to go back and see if I can find clues.
Carter – Arse-kicking cowboy. Gotta love him. Revenge is sweet.
Secondary characters – Well used for color. Best line in the book- Koenig to Yasko when she contacts him about incoherent sensor readings – “Neither’s your message.” Considering the grief her character has gotten over the years, this made me smile.
Fate of the Alphans – For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky? Guess we need to wait and see.Patricia Sokol
ParticipantYes – the USPS came through here, today, too. Looks like a good read. I must admit I was never much of a fan of Maya – always too much deus ex machina for my taste. Looking forward to a lazy Sunday afternoon, though!
Patricia Sokol
Participant:angry: Stupid snowstorm. Airports closed – not sure if mail delivery even HAPPENED today. What’s that about “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” ? Apparently the Eastern Seaboard turning into Ultima Thule is a problem…Sigh. Perhaps on the week-end…