Forum Replies Created
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantWell, I guess that means[url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantSomewhere in the known or unknown Universe, a circle of chairs, thrones and clouds…
“Why don’t we introduce ourselves for the new members. OK, I guess I’ll start. For those of you who may not recognize me, my name is Heracles, and I am a demigod…”
“Hi, Heracles…”
“Well, I [i]was[/i] a demigod, but I got promoted after a while, but I still understand the feeling. Sort of gnaws at you a lot. To my right…?”
“My name is Helen, and I am a demigod…”
“Hi, Helen…”
“…You probably know my brothers, Castor and Pollux. They’re stars now. Clytemestra, my sister, well, she’s a real piece of work. Still I swear Mom liked her better.”
“Helen, Helen. We need to take responsibility for our own actions. I understand you brought the refreshments tonight?”
“Yeah, the usual.”
“Wonderful. Now, our first new member. Please tell us about yourself.”
“Hi, my name is Zuul…”
“Hi, Zuul…”
“Oooo, I should have brought s’mores instead of pie tonight…”
“Helen, that’s not funny. Go ahead, Zuul…”
“… and … I just want to say, well, I’m tired of refrigerator jokes. You know, why was Zuul embarrassed? Because of the salad dressing…”
“Helen, that’s just about enough. You’re among friends, here, Zuul. Who’s next?”
“Hi, my name is Phil and I’m an MUF…”
“Hi, Fil…”
“No, that’s Phil, with a [i]Ph[/i]…”
“And you’re a MUPh…”
“Well, no an Em Yoo Eff.”
“A muph…?”
“Helen, I think he has explained himself.”
“Ye gods, no wonder the ships left. If I had to listen to that all day.”
“Nobody asked you, lettuce-head.”
“Dough Boy.”And so it goes.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[quote=”Ultra” post=3097][quote=”blatham” post=3095]
Ultra, I’m able to update my avatar — can you try again? Once you upload the picture, just Save. It’s not the most intuitive interface unfortunately. And make sure you don’t pick a picture from the gallery. Also, the URL in your signature leads to a dead link — if there’s a different URL you want, post it up here and I can update your signature for you.
the problem I’m seeing is that there are no options to modify *anything* on the Profile page.
No options to update the avatar.
No options to update the signature.
I’m thinking maybe as admin you have the options, but the rest of us don’t?my URL in the sig. broke after Martin Wiley updated the Catacombs awhile back.
my webpage is now: mondstation.space1999.netthanks![/quote]
What he said. :S
Patricia Sokol
Participant“Eternity Unhinged”? I haven’t a clue. Must be a figment of your imagination. A bit of an undone potato. :whistle:
Procyonstar is the Hospitality Queen at UK Chrysalis.
Apparently your fellow Nutmegger is on his way for the week-end also. Have fun, kids! :silly:Patricia Sokol
ParticipantThanks for the update, Bill!
Kudos to Powys and its connections for getting BB to write a foreword. She surely must realize that the folks who matter (that would be US – the fans) appreciate her character interpretation, haters be dragon food. :kiss:
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantNice to see the site back up; last time I checked it was still down & I was paranoid about coming back. :dry:
So… What’s the deal with the heterocyclic compounds on the top banner?
[URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]Patricia Sokol
ParticipantI’ll come only if there is a monstrous parade that necessitates I walk eight blocks out of the way just to cross the street.[url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]THEY’RE HERE! My books are here! They arrived a short time ago! :woohoo:Can’t wait to get home so that I can start reading “Children of the Gods”!
As Barbara Bain herself once said… “Come with us… to Moonbase Alpha…” ;)[/quote]
Me too me too me too. Nom nom nom nommmmm.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantWait wait wait!!!!
Did Computer wonder what was going on when he plugged himself in that last time and ask: ([i]Insert your response here.[/i]) :laugh:
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantYou hit the nail on the head, Steve. It’s actually mentioned in the interview w/ Simon. Sally Martin likewise is mentioned, though she dies straightaway in The Lambda Factor. If a character had an expanded role other than what was broadcast, he or she “got” an entry.
You DO embarrass me a tad whenever you mention my brilliance. You don’t have to stop, just know that I blush… :blush:
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]kerry wrote:[/b]
[quote]Got mine too. Thanks, Mateo![/quote]Ditto that. Love the red spine. Excellent judgement in keeping it.
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]I tried ordering via the Lulu button as well (just to see what would happen) and it does indeed take the buyer to a blank Lulu screen which says “your Basket is empty”.[/quote]Me three. Search results for either “Phoenix of Megaron” or “John Rankine” also come up empty.
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantNice catch, Steve! Have you considered putting this heads-up over on one of the Space:1999 forums on Facebook? All publicity is good publicity!
Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]You are shown as having ordered one book.[/quote][url=][img][/img][/url]
Patricia Sokol
ParticipantI’ll assume, perhaps, that Powys is first selling the already printed copies they have? That is why the link is to PayPal and not Lulu?
BTW, It took all of 15 seconds to order the book through PayPal. However, after I logged in and tried a “dummy order” to see what Spacer Ninety-niner might have encountered, I did not get directed to the PayPal page AT ALL. The browser timer spun for 5 seconds or so while “waiting for” appeared in the tray, and then I stayed on the order page. (Mateo, if you have control over this, please do not send me the six books that I may have inadvertently ordered while trying to figure this out :dry: )