Forum Replies Created
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterWow, Cricket, I am impressed. I don’t how to make a link like that!
But to the question–and questions will resurface from time to time, of course–no, Powys is not considering republishing the German novels either in German or translated to English. Anyone reading Omega will quickly realize that we’ve had a “masterplan” from the start. We littered the previous books with clues and passages that hinted at, set the stage for, and led up to the larger meta-story that comes to fruition in Omega.
As Patrick said in his post, it would take a lot of work to make the German books fit into Powys continuity. We are going to leave them as they are, as products of their time. I’m sure they are fine novels in their own right. In fact, I own a complete set myself.
But like the little-known anthology of short fiction called simply Space: 1999, published by Charlton back in the 70s, I am interested in it in the same way I am in the British annuals: non-canonically.
Space: 1999, unlike Star Trek, was never brought back with the original cast (except for Message for Moonbase Alpha). Indeed, if it were, it would be more along the lines of Space: 2099. (Meaning either the re-presenting of 1999 with different dates as in the re-edited version online now OR as a reimagining as proposed in the screenplay by Chris Paulson.)
In the books, we can have the original characters (in a sense) played by the original actors–and in the case of the forthcoming Resurrection audiobook, it WAS–as it was performed by Barry Morse!
I am biased, of course. I view the books as canonical. What other choice do I have–we at Powys either strive to meet the challenges the series poses or do something else completely unrelated. It is no simple happenstance that Johnny Byrne wrote the foreword to our first book, Resurrection. In his foreword he describes our books “not as a new series, but as one that never ended”. We take that endorsement very seriously. With Omega, we knew we were doing something “ground-breaking” and potentially controversial, yet tied intrinsically to everything that had been done before. And so we asked Christopher Penfold to read the book and contribute a foreword. He started with Resurrection and then on to Omega, and he gave us his approval.
With that as a background, I think you can understand why we choose to leave the German books out of our line. That was my long-winded way of saying, “No, but thanks for asking!” :laugh:
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterWe rely on the fans to spread the word. We can only announce the books’ releases. It’s up to the fans to review the books, discuss them. Certainly we can respond to questions, but it would be inappropriate for us to lead discussions of our own work.
I announced the publication of the books on OA and GBA and the Eagle Transporter Forum. From that point on, I can only really only answer questions, give updates, etc.
It’s part of the “silence is unfortunately golden” phenomenon that was mentioned in another thread. All of us, the authors, editors, artists, at Powys would love nothing more than to see the fans debate the content of each novel, the changes, the developments, the little details and revelations. We plan them out very carefully, always with future novels in mind. We set things up in Resurrection that don’t come to fruition until Omega. That’s eight years keeping secrets!
So post away! All we ask is that people put in SPOILER warnings and SPOILER space. Other than that, go for it!
And if people feel like posting on other Space: 1999 forums, well, we won’t complain. That’s what they’re there for–to discuss Space: 1999!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterResurrection, The Forsaken, and Eternity Unbound are currently out of print.
Survival and Year Two ARE still available. Both can be purchased by emailing us directly. The shipping cost’s for Survival (to Australia) are $7.50 USD, the shipping costs for Year Two are $28 USD. If you order both books together, the shipping costs will be an even $30
For our newer titles: Shepherd Moon, Born for Adversity and Omega, just use the LULU link on each book’s page.
Hope this helps.
Use this email: powysmedia THEN @ THEN
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterYou’re welcome.
De nada.
Maj Kab’ijSorry no more languages in my repertoire.
Mateo Latosa
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterLulu counts the title pages, copyright page, dedication, foreword pages and end pieces. That’s why it is 196. The novel pages are numbered from where the actual novel begins. Hope that helps!
Mateo Latosa
Email me! I would love to hear your thoughts!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThanks for letting us know you got the books. That was quick!
I get paid tomorrow and so have to wait to order a copy! In the old days, I’d have gone to the printer and brought back 1000 boxed copies. Then again, I’d have to spend the next few weeks SHIPPING orders for the new books. That part I DON’T miss!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterBTW, I think we’ve gotten a little off-topic on this thread. :laugh:
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterDavid Welle and I have known each other since we met in 1999. The best word to describe David is amiable. He is a quiet, humble, gentle soul. An all-round nice guy! I am sorry to say I haven’t read any of David’s stories, nor Ellen’s–another really good person! Of course, at Powys we CAN’T allow ourselves to read fan fiction for obvious reasons.
I did read New Moon Over Bajor (by Ariana) years ago (in installments–fun!). On the strength of that I asked her to write for Shepherd Moon–and I am glad I did! Her story The Astelian Gift is a high point of the anthology.
We call the books that fall between Year One and Year Two “bridge” books, that term comes directly from David Welle.
Finally David, on his site, has compiled all the posts of the 52 week discussion I began (and moderated) back in 1997/98 called Episode by Episode (aka ExE). If you have a few weeks with nothing to do, that will keep you busy! You might even recognize a few names from this forum. Pat S. was one of those who took part in the discussion.
Recently a fellow fan told me that years ago there was a year-long discussion online called ExE where they discussed each episode in turn, followed by the four original novels. I got to have a little fun revealing my role in it! How time flies.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThis is food for thought. It would be interesting to have a novel where the Alphans were dealing with a crisis of physics rather than aliens. For example, Seance Spectre, or Rogue Planet. Those were done well, episode and novel, respectively.
Should we list the non-alien encounter stories?
Matter of Life and Death
Black Sun
Death’s Other Dominion
Dragon’s Domain
The Troubled Spirit
Rogue Planet…Nice start
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThe poll results–although still only a small number of respondants–are very interesting. Perhaps a little surprising!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterNo need to feel guilty. It is, however, a joy to hear everyone’s thoughts. In my phone conversation with William Latham, I told him I thought people might feel self-conscious about posting their thoughts on forums where the people who wrote and published the books were present. I said I thought people might not think their opinions mattered.
Let me just say that everyone’s opinions matter. If you have a comment you’d like to make, post it! We want to hear what you think!
And if you spot a typo, email me. With Lulu, we can correct those mistakes in future printings.
Mateo Latosa
Keymaster[b]PatS wrote:[/b]
[quote]But now, just 2 short months after re-emergence, we have three really excellent new novels, and the prospect of more in the future. So, I say THANK YOU. Thanks to all of you who got this started, got it off the ground, fired up the boosters when it looked like it might crash. Thanks to the writers for being clever. Thanks to family members who shake their heads but are ultimately supportive. Thanks for having vision. Thanks for not giving up. We appreciate it.
[/quote]You are welcome. I am so grateful to you for such kind words. And in a larger sense to all the fans who read our books–we make them for you. It’s always nice to get a pat on the back once in a while, certainly.
So let me say, from all of us, thanks to you too!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterPlease post when you receive your copies of Omega. And, of course, let us know what you think when you finish. For us, that’s the fun part–hearing what people think, following the discussions. It makes all the effort and expense worth it! Don’t underestimate how important your thoughts are to us! Whether you agree with something or disagree. Post away (though we do ask that you warn people of spoilers and put in lots of spoiler space).