Forum Replies Created
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterTHANK YOU!
And the added bonuses of the new edition include:
Fixed typos
Cynthia is now Sue again, uniformly across all books that mention her.
A brighter image of the cover artworkMateo Latosa
KeymasterOther than a tiny rewrite of a paragraph or two to smooth out a point of physics, the book is now done. What does that mean? It means that:
*we need to contact the person we’d like to get to do the foreword
*we need to write the back cover text
*we need to ask Ken Scott to do a full wraparound cover (front spine back)
*we need to get ISBN info from Lulu for inclusion in and on book
*we need to format the book to Lulu’s specs (and get a page count)
*we need to add the foreword into the book, get a new page count and revise the wraparound cover dimensions
*we need to order a proof copy
*and finallly, make it available for purchase!Mateo Latosa
KeymasterSo…Children of the Gods (maybe as soon as this weekend if all checks out), The Forsaken (same), The Original Self has been sent to Ken Scott for his visual magic and it has been sent for approval as well. The author has requested a particular actor to do the foreword; and our friends at NDB are helping us make the contact. Meanwhile, the book will have to be formatted (with a space for the foreword, of course). Then when all the parts are assembled, we’ll order a proof copy and then voila–it’s like a magic trick that takes a year to do!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThe Original Self is a sequel to Phoenix of Megaron. Together with Android Planet, they form a trilogy of sorts.
Mateo Latosa
Keymaster“REVERIES” — the new album by TKU: Tecamachalco Underground with Vanessa Champion — will be available for purchase on iTunes, AmazonMP3 and via all the major online music digital download sites sometime within the next 48 hours (by January 15th, 2013 at the latest).
I’ll convert the album cover and listing into a link to the purchase page on iTunes once it becomes available.
I’ve updated the dates of the forthcoming releases for Winter 2013 on the main page of this site as well.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterWe have received the foreword for Children of the Gods. The manuscript and cover have been approved. All that needs to be done is to incorporate the foreword into the book and then check the formatting. Then we order a proof copy and if everything lines up–we make it available for purchase. Look for this book THIS MONTH!
I’ve received the revised draft manuscript (post edit) from John R. Mason of The Original Self. I will be proofreading it this weekend. Then it needs to be approved, a cover designed, a foreword procured…then see above.
I am halfway through my final proofread of The Whispering Sea. The book has been approved (cover too). I will then seek out a foreword, then formatting and, again, see above.
I’ll also be revising the site this weekend: new book covers, etc.
Finally, I, too, just got my hardcover copy of Aftershock and Awe–IMPRESSIVE!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThe new version of Phoenix of Megaron is merely “spectacular”. It is no longer “spactacular”, like the convention version. 🙂 In case anyone was wondering!
Thanks to Steve for telling us and Ken for re-doing the cover to fix it.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterWe’ve determined the problem is with the button Lulu provided us. We’ve asked for support (but) haven’t gotten a solution yet.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThe copies sold at the con and directly from Powys afterwards (a total of 50) were proof-copies–the ones we check for just such errors before releasing the book. I ordered 53 proof copies of Phoenix (which arrived three days before the convention) because if I’d ordered one (to check for errors) then fixed the errors and resubmitted the book to, we’d never have had copies of the corrected book in time for the con.
THANK YOU for pointing out the spelling error. We’ll make sure it’s corrected on the final version (and we’ve already corrected a couple of typos too!).
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterWhich original story? The 70s version of PoM or Forgotten Rocket? I don’t have the rights to publish Forgotten Rocket (which IS available–check out the links at the end of the Phoenix).
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI think I can speak for John too when I say, “We hope you enjoy it!”
Mateo Latosa
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI may order a number of copies and just sell them directly via Paypal (not even using a button, just a direct sale).
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterSorry for the frustration. Thanks for trying. We’ll continue to try to fix the problem.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI just tried it again (all in IE) and again it worked fine. I didn’t clear the cache or cookies or anything else.