Forum Replies Created
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterJohn Mason has every right to be upset with me. I haven’t been able to pull my life back together and have pushed things back beyond all reasonable expectations due to my inability to deal with stress and depression. It wasn’t intentional–against him or anyone else. I apologize to John and to the fans for not getting this project done years ago.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterJohn Mason has every right to be upset with me. I haven’t been able to pull my life back together and have pushed things back beyond all reasonable expectations due to my inability to deal with stress and depression. It wasn’t intentional–against him or anyone else. I apologize to John and to the fans for not getting this project done years ago.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterSorry I’ve been away from the forum for so long. I am planning for a 2015 release. Sorry for the long wait. My life has been hectic and other personal matters kept me away from Powys biz stuff. Again, sorry for the wait.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterYes, we are going to release The Original Self this year. Any delays are wholly my fault. It’s been a stressful year for me (and I don’t deal well with stress–everything just grinds to a halt and very quickly I might add). My son was dealing with mental health issues that included depression, bi-polar disorder and suicide attempts. I spent months going to Mexico nearly every weekend after work on Friday only to return in the early hours of Monday morning to go back to work. Despite his diagnosis and medical treatment, though there was a period of improvement, it just got worse. In September, we had to start looking for a facility in which to have him institutionalized for his own safety–and we did so in October.
So yes, there are three books are ready to go and very little needs to be done, relatively, to get them out, but I’ve been somewhere else–both mentally and often physically.
I’m being open and revealing more than I should probably do in a public forum. But I am not embarrassed by this. And I want you to know that we are still here. And we appreciate–I more than anyone–your patience.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThe manuscript is being read by the contributors. I expect to receive the foreword and afterword soon! After that, well, you all know the final steps by now!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterVersion three of the cover art for The Original Self has just been approved. Version four will list the contributors of the foreword and afterword.
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterIf you wiki wiki want to know, there are places to find out…and have you seen the expanded Powys Media page in the Catacombs? Nice!
Mateo Latosa
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI don’t know what a postpack is, but might it have happened in customs?
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterSorry to rub it in, but I got my books today! ONE day after the shipping notice (which I suspect was not really accurate).
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI GOT IT! Kinda…I got a notice from Lulu that they shipped my order… muted ‘yay’. :dry:
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterStill waiting…. 🙁
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterRemember, Lulu has manufacturing and distribution centers in different places. Some may have less of a backload and so ship faster. Don’t worry, everyone will get their books. 🙂 It IS sometimes hard to contain one’s enthusiasm–and we at Powys consider that a compliment!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI’ve just updated the page for THE FORSAKEN by John Kenneth Muir. It is now more in line with the other book pages. I separated the two versions of the cover and made them the same size.
Tweak tweak tweak!
Mateo Latosa
KeymasterI just ordered my copies (and copies for ITV, etc.) just today. You’ll have yours before I do! Enjoy it!