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ParticipantAh, the Charlton comics, you’ve brought back some fond memories. Mostly of being a child on a treasure hunt trying to find them. It seemed like the only places I would see them would be when the family was out on vacation, typically when we went to visit my grandparents in FL. Even then it was a sketchy proposition, though. (Couldn’t drive yet, so I was at my parent’s mercy for comic shopping as it was.) I’d be surprised if I even have four of them.
Really liked the ones I found though. I seem to remember one where the Alphans were in an intergalatic zoo, and another where the aliens had a split personality of sorts. Good one minute, attacking you the next. Some cool concepts.
Participant[spoiler][quote]It was a gimmick, and we are looking forward to telling stories with Maya, where her greatest attributes are her intelligence, wit, and loyalty. Born for Adversity set the stage for those stories. [/quote]
Yes, I can understand that rationale. If you rely on her too much she becomes the alien version of a “ghost in the machine.” And I shouldn’t pass judgement on stories I haven’t read or that haven’t even been written yet.
Still, I wonder if this move doesn’t remove her uniqueness. I’m not sure what differentiates her from Sandra or just being a female version of Dr. Bergman. Lots of other ensemble sci-fi shows have had a crewmember or two with special abilities. Perhaps the thing to do was to give her a weakness along with her strength? Dunno.
I don’t really want to second guess your decisions, though. I know–plotting is tough, tough work. Especially when you’re plotting over a series of books. And i’ve really loved most of what Powys has done so far.
And yes, having Main Mission back is fun. I never understood why that change happened in the show. I mean, they had the set built already, right? :unsure: [/spoiler]
ParticipantJust finished Born for Adversity, and in general I thought it was fantastic…
[spoiler]Loved the return of the Hawks! Always wondered why Alpha never had a few of ’em sitting around for emergencies. Also liked that a plausible reason was given for the replacement and repair of the Eagles over the years. Maybe I missed this in the earlier novels, but I also really appreciated an explanation for why everyone on Alpha walks under normal gravity. Did they ever touch that in the show? Can’t remember if they did.Also liked the brief return of Kano.
The only thing I wonder about is if this isn’t too much of an attempt at a “rewind” to the way things were in season one. To me, removing Maya’s ability was overkill. I think it is OK for Alpha to have a bit of a “secret weapon” in her. But in the context of the book’s theme, I can see why it was done.
Overall, though, great job guys. Look forward to reading the next ones.
ParticipantI know I’m a little late to the party, here. (I didn’t know the new books were available until a few weeks ago.) That said, I just finished Shepherd Moon and really enjoyed it. Being a writer myself, I’ve been very impressed with the quality of the Space 1999 novels, and this one was no exception. Kudos to everyone involved.
I especially appreciated the last story, as that tentacled door monster is one of my lasting memories of the show from when I was a kid. (Along with the Balor episode.) The door monster needed another episode!
Nuff said,
Kerry -