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James Michael Calderone
Participanthehe, tell us how you really feel 🙂
having not read any of the books (yet), I’d have to say I’d be more interested in reading fiction which continued following arkadia, or perhaps even within the timeline of year 1. My main reason is to have Victor and Paul back on the scene.
James Michael Calderone
ParticipantLooking forward to reading this.
I was suprised the other day while watching the James Bond film “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service” to spot Catherine Schell. She looked fabo.
James Michael Calderone
ParticipantGosh how could i forget the opening montage in year 1. Classic.
I also forgot to mention there is a continuity of sorts in year 1 that I liked, that there was some sort of purpose why the moon went on its journey. Think back to Black Sun and also to collision course. Each had a scene where the question was asked… “who are you”. The answer “a friend”.
There is so much potential within the imagination when it comes to year 1.
I’m getting goose bumps just thinking about it, but the closing scene where Koenig is writing in his journal, when he puts down the pen. I’m happy there is closure in year 1 in that respect.
Not to go too far off topic, but I see a parallel in the first season of the new Battlestar. I would could have been completely fullfilled had the series ended right there. I look at the first season in the same way i look at year 1.
Though I enjoyed the the rest of Battlestar (sans the ending), season 1 is complete, as is year 1 of Space.
James Michael Calderone
Participanthehe, i’m sure the budget was toast by then. Well, certain aspects of the plot were kinda lame, but Ann Firbank (Vargis) totally did it for me in the episode, and it did have a kind of shakespearean quality to it. (fanatical devotion to a ruler, betrayal, usurping of power). The whole brain stems never dying thing is a groaner though. I do think there is the making of a suitable film in this episode.
This should have been listed as one of my problems with year 2. There are some really good stories floating around but not so great execution.
Again, New Adam New Eve comes to mind. I remember hating this episode when I was younger, but when I recently watched season 2 again, this episode stood out. Though it suffered from infantile takes on releationships, it had a solid plot, a being trying to create, not to mention some solid support acting.
I’m inspired to watch year 2 again, it has been over a year since i’ve done it
James Michael Calderone
ParticipantHey there, first posting for me. Just joined.
I’m in the Year 1 camp for certain, but I can still enjoy Year 2. In fact, the first and the last episode (metamorph and dorcons) are two that I particularly enjoy.
Also interesting to note, I first watch space on a B&W tv. Both seasons, so aside for the cast changes and my young age, I hardly noticed a difference in look. The moster of the week appealed to my age I like to think….
What I like about Year 1:
I like the pacing, the music, the quiet. I like that Helena is a serious doctor. I like the more subtle themes. I like the filming particularlhy. I love the washed out color, and yes, the uniforms. I LOVE the uniforms. I’ve often wondered if they might have been an inspiration for the uniforms in Star Trek the motion picture, or what would have been Star Trek Phase 2. And, the high def Network zone 2 dvds.. The guest stars.What I don’t like about Year 1:
The sometimes awful science. The fact that there always seems to be 311 people on moon base alpha, no matter who gets killed.——————–
What I like about Year 2:
Ok, shorter list… The music, and who couldn’t love Catherine Schell, hum…. Nothing in particular comes to mind. I guess I like that there IS a year 2 rather than having only Year 1.What I don’t like about Year 2:
The writing in general. Helena going from doctor to bimbo. The Tony/Maya John/Helena relationships. Not the relationships themselves, but how they play out on negative emotions like jealousy whereas in year 1’s protectiveness. The unexplained transition from year 1 to year 2.We’ll keep it a short list. I find I can sit down and watch year 1 epsiodes over and over, whereas year 2 gets a bit dull for me.
Some exceptions as I mentioned were the metamorph and dorcons, but also New Adam New Eve, which I enjoy.Anyway, great, site and looking forward to the new book.
Jim -