Forum Replies Created
David A. Sobral
ParticipantI suggested that Mr. Latham write a prequel to “Space:1999” combining the format with “UFO”. In other words, something like Commissioner Dixon (“Dragons’ Domain”) gets canned by Ed Straker who then appoints Simmonds who appoints Koenig. The “UFO” aliens could possibly be from the “alternate universe” Mr. Latham details in his “Alpha” & “Omega” novels, and maybe they had a role in blasting the Moon out of orbit as a means of weakening the SHADO defenses. Anyone have any thoughts on this idea?
David A. Sobral
ParticipantUnfortunately, I no longer trust banks & with good reason. Never mind the current financial crisis. Several years ago, a doctor that I was making monthly payments to, with his consent, hired a new bookkeeper. She discovered my outstanding balance & its’ age (about two years). Since it was not paid in full & me being none the wiser, she turned my account in for collection. I continued the monthly payments. After about six months of this, I discovered that the checks I’d written for my mortgage, auto insurance & utilities all bounced. Reason being? The collection agency applied for & was granted a court order authorizing them to withdraw the entire balance due (around $300) directly from my checking account. Five DAYS after this was done & after the checks bounced, I received notification from the court about their action. A week later, I received the letter from my bank. Of course, during the intervening 12 days, my checks were bouncing all over the place. Due to that banks’ actions, I no longer trust them with my money…Nor should anyone else.
David A. Sobral
ParticipantNow, THAT is a great idea! Buy myself a gift card & order that way. Genius! I never thought of it cuz I’ve never given or received one. Getting one for myself is a wonderful suggestion, thank you!
David A. Sobral
ParticipantI really enjoyed this book! First off, it was the first of the new SPACE:1999 publications from Powys that I have read and, besides the two novels published through Fanderson of which I’ve only read one (“Earthfall”), it was a real pleasure to have a, more or less, all new adventure based on the TV series. It actually managed to combine two of my favorite subjects/genres: horror & sci-fi. If this were made into a film, it would likely get an “R” rating…maybe even “NC-17”, it was THAT bloody! There are probably some fans of SPACE:1999 who won’t appreciate globs of gore mixed in with the already established premise but, I don’t mind at all. I really enjoy it when familiar characters are thust into storylines that would probably NEVER see the light of a filmed production. To this day, my favorite “Star Trek” novel is “Planet Of Judgement” by Joe Haldeman (1978) because, not only did it tell the “backstories” of the main characters, including McCoys’ divorce, it placed the characters in VERY un-TV like scenarios. It also lead me to read other works by the author. If you don’t mind a bit of blood smeared all over MoonBase Alpha, read this book!
David A. Sobral
ParticipantI’m thrilled that you guys are FINALLY gonna be publishing these new SPACE:1999 novels & collections. I’ve really been enjoying the previous books you’ve put out…Well, actually I’ve only read “Eternity Unbound” but I loved it. The Balor backstory was really quite good…& gory. I love horror films & the gorier the better so, this novel not only satisfied my appetite for new SPACE:1999, it threw in a good dollop of horror as well. Very visual…& visceral.
Keep it up. -