Forum Replies Created
Participant[b]PatS wrote:[/b]
[quote]What would I like to see? I’ve mentioned this in other posts, but in summary – address things that have been hinted at: the incident between [i]The Metamorph[/i] and [i]The Exiles[/i] that makes Koenig accept and rely on Maya and her abilities (referenced in the beginning of [i]The Exiles[/i] in the Y2 Omnibus); how did Tony and Helena recognize the symbol on Pasc’s head?; how did they recognize the plague warning coming from Sahala’s ship?… Short stories…Novellas…Novels…I don’t care. It’s like pizza – it’s all good.[/quote]Absolutely. I’d very much want to see a take on some of the ‘behind the scene’ events of the canon episodes. Forging ahead is fine, but it seems that you are overlooking fantastic story fodder by not also delving into the potential stories that could address loose story ends.
ParticipantI rather selfishly hope not. I rediscovered S99 fandom too late to place an order for one of the first 100. I feel very fortunate to have one of the second 100 Y2 books, but would love to have the chance to have a signed Y1 volume.
Participant[b]Procyonstar wrote:[/b]
‘To everything that might have been…To everything that was…To everything that might yet be!'[/i]It sums up Space 1999 and Powys and all they stand for :)[/quote]
Yes, this would be perfect.
ParticipantDavid, I’m looking forward to your chapter by chapter review. I’ll have to pull my copy and read along with your posts! m.
ParticipantEr… is this supposed to be a fair contest? We’re all a mite biased in these here parts. ๐
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]… why didn’t they just give Zienia Merton a regular cast position and be done with it. Her acting skills made a small part VERY memorable and most people would believe her character had a bigger role in more episodes than she actually did–such was the impact and memorable nature of her performances.[/quote]Agree.
[quote]Space: 1999 like Star Trek before was a ensemble show. True, its triumvirate of Koenig/Russell/Bergman was most prominent. But I felt Paul, Kano, Alan, and Sandra were also well used. Strangely enough, the episode where they got to shine was Full Circle.[/quote]
A point I made on another thread. I would really like to see Powys take even more advantage of this, although [i]Omega[/i] certainly allows the ensemble to shine.
Participant[b]Papillon wrote:[/b]
[quote]And what is so bad about Yasko? Personally, I thought she was a decent(if not attractive)character. She has been given a hard time for over thirty five years. Honestly, she is not so bad.)[/quote]Lovely lady, but very stilted acting along the lines of a high school performance. For a show criticized as having ‘wooden’ performances (which, btw, I heartily disagree with), the actor’s performance lived up to that reputation. But for what it is worth, her performances in ‘The Protectors’ was comparable.
Participant[b]annoyedchris wrote:[/b]
[quote]hmmmm … the only one that springs to mind is the costume designer for vindris[/quote]That designer would be tied for the one who dressed Julian Glover in ‘Alpha Child’!
My vote goes to Yasko, although the highly annoying voice of Brian the Brain makes ‘him’ a close second.
I’m surprised to see Commissioner Simmonds on the list. He is a wonderful ‘baddie’.
ParticipantI’m absolutely willing to pay extra for the imprinted discs. From a prior bad experience, I hesitate to put discs with press-on labels into my laptop. [i]Much[/i] cheaper to pay a little extra for the disc than to fix/replace the laptop dvd!
Participant[quote]For future novels my preference would be for well written, standalone sci-fi novels which take the Alphan characters forward into new and fresh adventures rather than harking back to stories from the past. [/quote]
I have very much enjoyed all the new stories (have not yet read [i]Alpha[/i]), but I find I agree with this sentiment.
I would also enjoy seeing a small amount of balancing hope in the Powys plots, which up to now have been, on the vast whole, rather ‘down,’ … although [i]Alpha[/i] might well have this. The universe of S99, especially series one, is certainly a somber place, but even so, there are moments where the Alphans are enjoying just being people. The music concert in ‘The Troubled Spirit’, the interactions of Eva and Anton Zoref in the opening of ‘Force of Life’, Koenig presenting Helena with the flower in ‘Testament of Arkadia’, even the chess match and guitar playing in ‘The Black Sun’. (Although I’ll grant the last was done as the moon plummeted to its expected death… at least they were not shown to be weeping and gnashing their teeth!) Just my 2ยข.
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]I think the actor they got to play Winters was great. For a one-shot he really pulled it off in a believable fashion.[/quote]While I suppose it was easier at the last moment to just drop in a one-off character to speak Paul’s lines, I have always thought it would have made a lot more sense to allow Kano to take command. I would have enjoyed watching his dry wit play out in that situation.
ParticipantThe easy answer, Yasko, is not even a choice. The others each have their strengths and uses in the episodes/stories, so the decision is not so obvious. Hmm…
ParticipantI’ve long been curious as to how many books were sold of the initial stories.
ParticipantIf you crank through population numbers as given in Y2 against known deaths, the population is always a bit high, supporting the argument for births. I’ve chatted with David Welle about this and he has done exhaustive statistical studies based on known canon facts coupled with extrapolated population breakdowns:
The takeaway point… there are little Alphans out there somewhere.
(Information from David’s Metaforms website Knowledgebase.)
Participant[b]Chase wrote:[/b]
[quote]I guess I”m different. I feel that almost anything that was 1999 that expanded the universe of that show FIT somehow. I would love to see all the past stuff adapted or put in. ANd I don’t like when stuff is deleted, cut out, changed, etc. It was, I felt, one of the shortcomings of the OMNIBUS.[/quote]I think you’ve lost me here. The German novels were based on premises that are very different from what was ultimately seen in the canon episodes, so that would be a little hard to fit into one all encompassing story. Not to mention [i]that[/i] storyline has the Alphans finally managing to execute Operation Exodus and return to Texas City. And then there are the comics, which would be a true challenge to merge.
I find the changes in the Y2 Omnibus, on the vast whole, acceptable (in fact, I liked many of them), and the ‘mopping up’ of many of the silly series incongruities was a welcome relief. Of course, if you postulate many parallel Alphas along the lines of ATAP, you could certainly have everything shoe-horned in, somehow (or perhaps, somewhen?? :S).