Forum Replies Created
Phil Merkel
KeymasterThis site is clean!
Phil Merkel
KeymasterBill we have to get together sometime this summer! Let me know your work schedule. I’ve been hanging out on and off in the city lately (The living room, Rockwood Music Hall) and would love to chat sometime this summer!
Phil Merkel
KeymasterMay 18, 2012
Live telephone interview with author William Latham, making his third appearance on the show, who discusses his “Space: 1999” novels “Omega” and “Alpha,” as well as his memoir of writing the duology, “Chasing the Cyclops.” Features a reading from “Space: 1999-Alpha” by William Latham and host Howard Margolin.
[img size=450 x 350 ][/img]Phil Merkel
KeymasterHowdy Space fans!
I am in the process of uploading the show Bill was on right now, expect an MP3 link in about an hour or so. Bill did an awesome job last night on Destinies, I listened live over the air!
Bill and Mateo sorry I have been MIA lately, I’ve gotten some bad news at work, I am being involuntary transferred which is bad because I’m being moved from the type of kids I’ve taught for 20 years to another population that I don’t know a lot about.
That’s in a nutshell. Mateo wrote music for those kids, SAMOSET….if you ever want t look it up. It looks like those days are coming to a close.
Anyway, next September I’m guessing I’ll have a lot more free time for FANAC so maybe I can make it to one of those POWYSCON East thingys!
Look for the show in an hour!
Phil Merkel
KeymasterI just scored tickets to NEARfest in Allentown PA which is that weekend. I wasn’t sure I was going to get tix but I managed to get one to that sold out show. A Progressive Rock festival and Sunday I believe the fest is closing with a rare concert by German prog group ELOY. So captain Phil will be there in spirit!
Phil Merkel
KeymasterWe performed two of these songs in my Spring concerts, Shines the Moon and Samoset (Name of one of the schools I teach in).
What we’ve done is play with these tracks on tone bells, cymbals, drums, rain stick some weird clicking thingy (I have no idea what it’s called)
My students are multibly handicapped teenagers, some autistic who enjoyed the experiance so much, performing live (I called it a world premiere) with pieces that Mateo and Cesar wrote with them in mind.
I have 2 more Spring concerts, this Friday and the following Monday with another set of students who are also privileged to get the chance to perform these pieces.
Thanks Mateo.
While I will eventually get some audio and video of the show to Mateo I can not, due to confidentiality post anything on the net so you just have to surf over to Amazon download and listen to those tracks and then imagine the smiles on these kids faces as they interact with brand new music to the delight of their parents.
Phil Merkel
KeymasterJust need to announce to Bill Latham that the Kids Choice awards is playing at my home this weekend. Bill understands the immense gravity of that announcement, possibly a MUF unto itself, completely influencing all life in this universe.
And yes the Paranormal Activity stroll is still in effect here as well.
Everyone else will just have to be confused but I’m sure with this news our beloved Mr Latham’s heart has just skipped a beat!
Phil Merkel
KeymasterDude you should get yourself a Zoom recorder and tape the show so we can all hear it! 🙂
Phil Merkel
Keymaster[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Well, I finally got back to work this week. Tecamachalco Underground has been asked to compose and partially record two pieces of music for the Brookhaven Learning Center at Samoset, whose students will perform their parts LIVE this spring. I spent most of yesterday working on the first of these pieces.Mateo[/quote]
It’s a great piece of music, my kids are going to love it and when it’s done I’m sure Me and Mateo can figure out a way for all of you to hear it as well!
Phil Merkel
KeymasterJust got my copy of Chasing the Cyclops, a New Years Eve present. Being the narcissist that I am I paged through it sitting here at my desktop looking for the words Phil Merkel. Loved what I read so far especially the fact that it was associated with two talented and friendly Alphans Ken Scott and Pat Sokol.
The first Space 1999 book I read that I truly loved was John Muirs Exploring Space 1999, it opened up the idea to me that all us fans are no longer kids playing with our Mattell Eagles and our walkie talkie commlocks, we’re now talented adults who can write books, make music, raise families etc etc etc.
When Resurrection arrived at the Sound Beach post office years ago I read the first few pages and realized Mateo was serious, he’d published a great novel by a real writer, a writer who in my opinion is way ahead of those old novelizations of the 1970’s. Like a lot of things we loved from our childhoods in the 1970’s Bill Latham and Mateo Latosa (John Muir your in here too) helped 1999 age with us. Like Jeffty in Harlan Ellison’s Jeffty Is Five Mateo, John and Bill channelled a grown up version of Space into our lives, something that has matured with us. (Go read or listen to Jeffty Is Five to get the vibe I’m talking about here, when Harlan talks about the old radio shows Jeffty is able to access…except I know the POWYS ending will not be the same as the one in Jeffty Is Five!)
I love reading books about science fiction, I’ve gone through Panshins The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence, Aldisses Billion Year Spree, Disch’s The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of and Malzbergs Engines of the Night. I loved hanging out at conventions with Julie Schwartz and Sam Moskowitz (Not at the same time!) talking about Science Ficiton of the 1930’s and what fandom was like back in the day. (Sam could remember what they served for every Worldcon banquet he attended! I think up until he died he’d been to every one!)
So to have this book in my hands is a real triumph. For Mateo, for Bill and for all the POWYS authors and people in the POWYS bullpen (Excelsior!).
This has been a hell of a year for me really really touigh stuff ongoing with my son, the pressures of work and the joy of being a 13 year old trapped in a 48 year old body! The week before Christmas I stayed late at work prepping my Christmas/Holiday concert. It was going on 7pm and I was in the gym with my set up for the show tweaking a slideshow. I was doing the work on the main set up so I had a projector hooked to the laptop and the audio going through the main speaker set up I use. Since I was working with images I was playing some Gerry Anderson music podcast I had saved from months earlier to keep me company in an empty school. The podcaster was working his way through all the shows and when he made it to the year one theme I had to stop what I was doing and turn the system up to 11 and just let it blow the tin roof off the place. I think the night custiodian thought I had lost my mind but I became wonderfully centered and calm and I had two kick ass concerts the next day.
What I’m trying to say in about a billion words is there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think about Space 1999. More often now then not when I think about Space it’s about these books, these new works this new mythos. Thanks guys, I am so glad you brought me along for the ride and now I only have two words left…..
What’s next?
Phil B)
Phil Merkel
KeymasterDownloading the show with Mateo now, I ought to get it compressed and uploaded sometime today. Those of you who can’t wait can listen to the stream if you follow my directions in the previous post
Phil Merkel
KeymasterThe show will be archived on my website as are Destinies shows from 2006 and onwards. Theres even a few shows with some guy named Bill Latham and a dude named John Muir! Dig around they are there. If you like soundtracks Howards been able to get a bunch of composers on of late, maybe not as famous as Mateo but still starting to make a name for themselves like Bear McCreary and John Debney! Also even more author interviews, movie reviews the occasional Radio Theater and more.
The main link is here
and if you scroll all over you’ll find the archives going back to 2006, a page of Classic shows which run parallel to the current show here
and Essential shows with old shows featuring great stuff like the Jon Pertwee or Colin Baker interviews
in fact on this link there is a bunch of POWYS Stuff
Now for this Fridays show it may be uploaded late because I’ll be attending the NASFIC in Raleigh North Carolina. The NASFIC occurs whenever the World Science Fiction Convention is held outside of North America (It’s in Australia this year) so they hold a sort of Worldcon for North American fans who can’t afford to travel that far.
I’ll be there already on Friday and I read that there is limited internet access in the hotel so I’ll be downloading and converting the show on Saturday and uploading it later in the day depending on what con panels I’m at. The show may not be uploaded until Sunday.
If you can’t wait you can go to the radio stations website and click on schedule at this link
then scroll to Friday, 11:30pm, you’ll see Destinies and a little speaker above it, click the speaker and the current show wiill play. The station keeps their shows available for 7 days.
Phil Merkel
Keymaster[b]stevejansen wrote:[/b]
[quote]Can anyone tell me where I can buy a copy of EC TUBB’S EARTHBOUND novel published in 2003?
it is advertised on Fanderson but I can’t seem to put money in!haven’t checked Ebay yet but help appreciated.
SJ B)[/quote]you have to be a member of Fanderson to get the book. If you dig Gerry Anderson stuff then it’s worth it, if you just want the book by Tubb then it’s a pain in the neck.
btw I Loved Remembering Julia. Excellent work.
Phil Merkel
KeymasterJust got a promo copy in the mail today (Am I allowed to say that Mateo?) since I did a little editing on it post production.
I played the first chapter in my car player and it plays perfectly.
When I was working on this I purposely didn’t listen to the entire book as read by Barry Morse because I wanted to hear it as a finished product. I also got quite emotional when listening to the parts i worked on because, well I met Barry several times at the 2000, 2001 and 2005 conventions and I miss him a lot. He was always very kind to us fans, tried to steer us towards Shaw and other masterpieces of literature and theater but always respected our love for Space 1999.
He truly was Space 1999 fandoms grandfather.
It’s great to listen to in the car but I also recommend a good set of PC speakers or headphones, close your eyes and you can see Barry sitting in the room reading it to you. The first time I went over the files and heard his voice was amazing, it was as if he was back.
And reading the last story in Shepherd Moon the other day also brought him back. Nice work POWYS!
Phil Merkel
I am loving this