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- This topic has 15 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 13 years ago by
Steve Foster.
September 29, 2011 at 3:26 pm #2269
Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantI just had a thought; while we are all waiting patiently for the next book from Powys we could all help each other over our withdrawals by letting each other know of any “good” online fan-fiction.
You all must have encountered a hidden gem somewhere on the net so, come on, let me know what it is. Please? 🙂September 30, 2011 at 7:57 pm #2270Ally Davies
Participant…can’t believe you said the F word here…don’t you know – you’re not allowed :laugh:
got to go eat birthday cake and drink wine cos as you know I’m celebrating BUt I will send you some links tomorrow…I have an extensive library of brilliant stories xx
October 1, 2011 at 9:28 am #2271Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantWell, if I’m not getting my fix from Mateo and co, I’ll get it from anywhere else I can. Even if that means reading FF. If Powys read of my sad and pathetic plight they may relelnt and give me a nice shiny new novel… 🙂
October 16, 2011 at 7:22 pm #2277KERRY KEENE
ParticipantThere are many web sites out there with fan written stories on them. I’ve listed some that I’ve found over the years. These sites have stories from both seasons and stories that take place after year, and all in between.
October 25, 2011 at 9:32 pm #2289Ally Davies
Participant🙂 Zack – you’ve gone quiet…what did you think of the ff…any favourites ??
November 7, 2011 at 3:57 am #2326Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantSorry it has taken me so long to get back to this, but I have been a tad busy. Life got in the way for a while there.
There are several things that make fan-fiction what it is and we are all painfully aware of exactly what those things are so I won’t bother to go into them. I will simply state that we read fan-fiction despite those things and enjoy it nonetheless.
There are several things that make fan-fiction unreadable for me and these are the things that I will spend a little time on.
– Mary Sue syndrome. This is where the author decides to write themselves into the story as a fabulous new character who has all of the simply brilliant ideas and saves the day, the girl/guy, the base, the moon, and the universe all by themselves.
– Unicorns. Need I say more? I guess I’d better or you might not truly understand. The one thing that jars me back to reality (and it may just be me) is when the heros are exploring a strange alien planet and come accross a perfect idyllic valley with lush green grass, a bubbling stream, lots of trees heavily laden with exotic fruits and berries. The perfect location for the new city of Alpha… A light rustling in the tress and the Alphan’s are amazed to see a herd of Unicorns coming down to drink. This also applies to Gryphons, mermaids, centaurs and any other mythical creature made up by someone else.
– Girly frock syndrome. Any time a story takes 3 pages to describe what everyone is wearing you know you are in fora truly boring time.Unfortunately I seem to keep encountering these things. I have half read a lot of fan-fiction stories and I’m beginning to understand why Matteo and co don’t want any unsolicited material from any one.
November 7, 2011 at 10:26 am #2327Charles C. Albritton III
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
There are several things that make fan-fiction unreadable for me and these are the things that I will spend a little time on.
– Mary Sue syndrome.
– Unicorns.
– Girly frock syndrome.
Unfortunately I seem to keep encountering these things. I have half read a lot of fan-fiction stories and I’m beginning to understand why Matteo and co don’t want any unsolicited material from any one.[/quote]Hear, hear! Well spoken, Bruce!
Zack’s examples are a sample of why I gave up on reading fan fic.
(I’ll stick with Powys, thankee)November 8, 2011 at 3:58 pm #2331Steve Foster
ParticipantZack’s examples aside (& I’m completely in agreement with him. Those types of stories are very dissapointing to read), there is still a fair bit of truly excellent ff out there. Yes, there’s lots of dross, written by amateurs who are simply writing those stories out of affection for the series. But there’s some very good stuff out there as well.
I once came across a particular piece of ff set during the Year 2 episode “Devil’s Planet”. It’s set on Alpha and shows the Alphans reacting to the news of John Koenig’s death on Entra. The scene where Alan tells Helena and her reaction to it was very moving to read. I wish I’d printed off a copy of it as it was a very good story. The only problem with it, is that it would contradict the continuity that Powys has established in the Year 2 Omnibus version of “Devil’s Planet” in that…
[spoiler]in the Omnibus, “Devil’s Planet” is set after “The Seance Spectre”. Much of Alpha is still uninhabitable & badly damaged following the sudden 2 degree shift in the Moon’s course. The main members of the cast are on the orbitting “Alpha 2” (basically, all of Alpha’s Eagles docked together in orbit around the Moon) & busy doing other things. Alpha itself only has a skeleton crew (explaining the absence of Helena, Tony, Maya & Alan from the televised episode & from Command Centre). In the Omnibus, if memory serves, Bill plans to break the news to Helena and the others in person when he & Alibe return to Alpha 2. The ff story takes place after “Dorzak” and Alpha is fully manned and operational. Bill contacts Alpha shortly after take off (after the scene where we see Alibe break down in tears) and breaks the news to everyone via the Big Screen in Command Centre. With the main characters busy doing other things, it takes time for the news to filter through to Tony, Maya, Alan & Helena and we get to read about their individual reactions to Koenig’s “death”.[/spoiler]
The ff story ends with Koenig returning to Alpha and being reunited with Helena (who’s still grieving for him). It’s a lovely bit of writing… I just wish I could find the damn thing so I can read it again! :laugh:
So, in essence, what I’m trying to say, is that not all ff is automatically bad just because it’s ff.
November 10, 2011 at 4:12 pm #2333Ally Davies
ParticipantBL – close your eyes…you’re not allowed to see any of this… :huh:
It’s easy to say FF is poor quality but I would have to disagree…as with anything, if you look hard enough and you’re selective, you can find something to suit your tastes!
I agree with you…there is some really bad stuff out there. Stupid plots and silly stories…
…but it is possible to find some really good work too. Ellen Lindow and Philippa Sidle are great FF writers.
……………….Zack – you didn’t find any good stuff in the list I sent you? :dry:
Did you read ‘Childs Play’ and ‘Gray Moon’? What about ‘Inferons of Bintoss’ or any of the e-books.
I think that the ‘Unabridged Version of Bridge Two’ by David Welle – is an excellent example of good FF – the characters are written incredibly well and it has a good strong storyline.
………………..Steve – I think I know the story you’re referring to…
Hope this is the link. There’s also another great story about this episode by Caitlyn Carpenter:
‘Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Universe’http://izzieelsa48.tripod.com/catesspace1999alcove/id37.html
She’s a good friend of mine and I love her work.
………………..Kerry – Hi…good to meet you 🙂 we’ve not spoken before, but we seem to like the same sort of FF…so that makes us friends!
Powys is the BEST obviously but ther is a place for GOOD FF too ! :cheer:
November 10, 2011 at 7:48 pm #2335Steve Foster
Participant[b]Procyonstar wrote:[/b]
[quote]Did you read… ‘Gray Moon’?…Steve – I think I know the story you’re referring to…
Hope this is the link. There’s also another great story about this episode by Caitlyn Carpenter:
‘Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Universe’http://izzieelsa48.tripod.com/catesspace1999alcove/id37.html
She’s a good friend of mine and I love her work.[/quote]
Procyonstar, I agree: “Gray Moon” is UTTERLY superb. So is “Gray Moon – Part 2” for that matter. Both are set not long after “Breakaway” & prior to Simmonds “death” in “Earthbound”. Well worth a look imho.
As for that “Devil’s Planet” ff link, I’m going to have a look at it later today. Hopefully, it is indeed the link to that long lost piece of “Devil’s Planet” related ff I’ve been trying to find for years… 😉
I’ll have a look at “Child’s Play” & “Between the Devil And The Deep Blue Universe” while I’m at it.
Oh, & whilst we’re on the subject, can I recomend a ff story called “The Long Night”.
It’s set after “The Dorcons” and examines Maya & Tony’s relationship. They basically come to terms with what’s happened through “pillow talk”. There’s no sex (Thank God as I’m not into slash fiction of any kind!) but they discuss a lot of issues in a very honest & intimate way. The story takes place almost entirely in Tony’s quarters. Their love relationship is deepened by their discussions. The author probably didn’t intend this (as the ff story came out long before “Born for Adversity” was published by Powys) but reading this particular piece of ff before embarking on a re-read of “Born for Adversity” is HIGHLY recomended by this particular Year 2 fan 😉
Glad we can discuss ff on the message board & perhaps draw people’s attention to some of the better stuff that’s being written by other fans.
We all know that the Powys releases are official & absolutely superb, but there is definately some very good ff out there.
If nothing else, reading ff makes the wait for a new Powys book a little easier to bear imho.
November 11, 2011 at 12:05 am #2336Ally Davies
ParticipantHave to admit I’m a bit of a FF fiend 😆 👿 :woohoo:
I’d be surprised if you could find something I haven’t read!
Now there’s a challenge..someone…PLEASE find me a new story…I’m desperate…I’ve read ‘The Long Night’, it’s a good story and I can see how you’d enjoy it because of Maya!
Have you read the David Welle story? – that one is all about Maya and the challenges she faces to fit in on Alpha…it’s EXCELLENT!
Here are a few more great FF stories just in case you’ve missed them
Ellen Lindow –
New Lives beyond the Black Sun
Campfires and Darkness
http://www.ellenceleste.com/fanfic%20website/fanfic/public_html/cm/campfires.htmlBreakdown by Amanda
http://www.ellenceleste.com/fanfic%20website/fanfic/public_html/amanda/breakdown.htmlA plague of Fear by Em Wycedee
http://www.space1999fiction.com/story.asp?id=plagueLook what happens…I get totally carried away…this should keep you busy Steve.
Let me know what you think :silly:November 11, 2011 at 12:44 am #2337Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantNow, you see, this is what I wanted. Links to specific stories, I don’t have time to sort through the dross of FF that is out there to turn up a gem. I simply don’t have the time. Keep the specific stories coming this is exactly what I set this thread up for. Great job guys. 🙂
February 19, 2012 at 12:43 am #2527Steve Foster
ParticipantI’ve just read a beautiful albeit very short piece of fan fiction entitled: “We Can Be Together”. Click on the Link below to read it:
I haver to admit, this has enhanced my appreciation of “Matter of Life and Death” enormously! Romantic & thrilling imho! :kiss:
February 19, 2012 at 1:03 am #2528Steve Foster
Participant[b]Procyonstar wrote:[/b]
[quote]Here are a few more great FF stories just in case you’ve missed themEllen Lindow –
[/quote]I’m just reading this now. It’s wonderful! Wonderful, that is, once I put aside the fact that Victor, Kano & Paul are still on Alpha at the same time that Command Centre is still in use & are working alongside Maya & Tony (I have a feeling that this is one of those ff stories that posits that Main Mission was still in use during Year 2 & that Victor, Paul, Kano & Tanya were working “upstairs” the whole time that Year 2 was going on – which is utter, UTTER nonsense, of course! (imho) 😉 but the story itself is immediately engrossing. Its central mystery & the adult themes of John & Helena’s love relationship are handled tastefully & believeably.
Oh, & btw, the page opens with a unique photo of Landau & Bain from “One Moment of Humanity” that I’ve never seen before. It is in black & white & blurred… but quite striking imho! B)
February 19, 2012 at 6:18 am #2530Patricia Sokol
Participant[b]Steve F wrote:[/b]
[quote]Oh, & btw, the page opens with a unique photo of Landau & Bain from “One Moment of Humanity” that I’ve never seen before. It is in black & white & blurred… but quite striking imho! B)[/quote]
That picture is from the June 14, 1976 issue of [i]People [/i]magazine. It was a piece about their marriage. The photo is a actually a rehearsal scene from “The Taybor,” with the director being squished into the whirly-gig in the background.
This, I can remember, but do you think I can find my car keys? :laugh:
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