Welcome to Powys Media › Forums › General Forum › Space:1999 › Omnibus › My YEAR 2 Omnibus & Mary’s Monster have arrived!!
- This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by
Steve Foster.
March 3, 2011 at 4:18 pm #2063
Steve Foster
ParticipantOh yes indeedy! :silly: :blink:
THANK YOU! Mateo for sending these to me.
My BIG questions regarding Year 2 (in terms of its place in the Powysverse) are (I hope) about to be answered. Questions such as…
1. What happened to Brian after his Memory Core was restored? Did Koenig and co. change their minds, strip him down and use him for spare parts? (Unlikely as he was a sentient being). They probably re-programmed him and then exiled him more likely. Condemning a lonely computer to an eternity of loneliness… is very sad, but then, seeing as Brian’s a rubbish character anyway, perhaps it’d be best to just get rid of him and forget all about that particular event in their history 😉
1a. And talking of Brian, whatever happened to those Swifts and the Mothership?
2. Whatever happened to the Derelict the Alphan’s recovered in Space Warp?
2. Carolyn Powell. Did she ever wake up? Was she successfully rehabilitated? Did she rejoin Alpha’s population? Or is she under 24/7 medical care? One wonders if there’re additional scenes in the Omnibus highlighting that?
I said to Bill Latham once that I thought that it would have been cool to see Carolyn drooling and in need of constant care one minute, and the next, to wake up, fully conscious and released from the influence of the MUF that had taken control/twisted and perverted her and then tried to use her to destroy the Alphan’s.
That’s a scene I’d have loved to have seen in OMEGA or ALPHA. Carolyn striding in to the big conference in Main Mission and backing up BadMike (by saying she was perverted by the GoodMikeMUF). It would have been a cool link to Year 2 imho. Imagine Carolyn using her psi powers to defend the Alphan’s… taking out Dragon’s one minute and then giving her life to save the people she was once forced to hate the next (she could have been swallowed up by a Brell). I just think that would have been awesome and would have added a nice/much needed (?) bit of continuity with Y2 B)
Anyway, to anyone who’s still hesitant about buying the Omnibus, hesitate no longer. It looks gorgeous, is printed to a VERY high quality and is rumoured to have a fair amount of new linking material, that sensibly takes care of everything that’s wrong in Year 2 whilst enhancing and incorporating all that’s good about it into the Powysverse backstory and has numerous links and references (for the sake of continuity) with Year 1 (a major problem in the Year 2 episodes is the lack of continuity with the first Year – a problem that Powys has solved via the Y2 Omnibus, The Forsaken, Survival and Born for Adversity).
Anyway, I’m just delighted that it’s here! Year 2 has come to an end. Year 3… is something VERY different and quite fantastic (as OMEGA & ALPHA have already proved). But for a little while, I’ll be back in Command Centre and it’ll be Year 2 again. There’ll be laughter, romance, action, adventure, beer jokes, Tony & Maya flirting and having a laugh with one another, John & Helena’s romance, awful Yasko, brilliant Operative Stuart (see “Journey to Where” and “The Dorcons” to see who I’m talking about), Bill Fraser, Ben Vincent, Ed Spencer, Petrov (I don’t think he has a first name. Years ago I gave him one myself: Vladimir), Alibe… all my favourite characters and Maya, still a transmorph and turning into rubber horned frog monsters at the drop of a hat! Haha! & I’ll love it just as much as I do all the deep, serious and thought provoking stuff I expect from Year 1 & Year 3’s vision of [b]SPACE: 1999[/b].
Anyway, I must stop gushing about Year 2. I just love it. For all it’s faults. I just love the whole series. I’m so glad Powys decided against pretending Year 2 never happened.
I hope to start reading the Omnibus (and trying to find time to read AP and then Mary’s Monster) over the coming weeks :woohoo:
March 4, 2011 at 12:02 am #2064Mateo Latosa
KeymasterEnjoy the books!
March 4, 2011 at 1:24 am #2065Steve Foster
Participant[b]mateo wrote:[/b]
[quote]Enjoy the books![/quote]Guaranteed Mr L 😉
Btw, following on from my earlier post, I opened the Omnibus & skimmed through “Brian the Brain”.
The ending… is very clever. I buy it and…
[spoiler]now I know what happened to Brian, the Swifts and the Mothership. The Moon being on the very edge of Eagle flight range to Planet D at stories end (therefore leaving the Alphans insufficient time for a salvage op) is believable. Sending the one remaining Swift with a re-programmed Brain aboard it on ahead of Alpha and sending data back ala Voyager 1 is a stroke of genius imho![/spoiler]
I like it! B) and I also like the fact that…
[spoiler]The Brain is mentioned in the heavily revised version of “Catacombs of the Moon”. Right at the start, it’s clear the Alphan’s have lost contact with it. Brilliant! I didn’t see this solution to the problem of Brian and the Swift coming. Much better than the oft mentioned “They switched him off and left him in a cupboard in Technichal Section” solution. Presumably, The Swift was destroyed by the approaching wavefront of the Fire/Plasma Cloud as it was moving too fast to turn and avoid a collision (or The Brain was so fascinated by this most unlikely of occurances in space that it was distracted by it’s analysis and in its overconfidence, failed to change course in time to avoid it). Even though they are aboard a much slower Eagle, Koenig and Fraser spot it, do a very quick analysis, turn tale and race back to Alpha at maximum speed! I’ve not read all of either story, so perhaps more is revealed about Brian’s final fate. Either way, as a BIG Year 2 fan, I love it![/spoiler]
Further thoughts re: Carolyn Powell from “The Lambda Factor”.
You could always re-introduce her in the Year 3 novels. Struggling to come to terms with her disabilities. In a wheelchair perhaps? Now that would be groundbreaking! A disabled character permanently present in a sci-fi series. DS9 managed to include a token disabled character in a Season 2 episode called “Melora” but imagine including one in [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] on a full time basis. Now THAT really would be something! B)
March 4, 2011 at 5:07 am #2066Mateo Latosa
KeymasterPeeking ahead will spoil the fun! But I am glad you liked what you saw. A few typos and errors made their way into the monster-sized manuscript, but it was inevitable, wasn’t it.
I think you’ll really enjoy One Moment of Humanity and Catacombs of the Moon–we had to make some carefully planned revisions. Catacombs, I think, works very well now and I am proud of what we did with it.
March 4, 2011 at 5:50 am #2067Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantI must admit to only reading this mammoth tome just the once and many of the details elude me at the moment. I do recall enjoying the revised books much more than the originals and liking everything that was fixed/edited/altered (take your pick for the correct term). I like the fact that the episodes were in production order and the addition of the new bridging material, the novelisation of The Taybor and Koenig’s interlude (you waht I mean by that, or soon will when you read it).
Such a pity we can’t go back in time and… ah well, no use wishing for the impossible.When’s the next book due Mateo? 😛
March 6, 2011 at 2:07 am #2070Steve Foster
ParticipantHmmm. My naughtiness continues… I’ve been skimming through the Year 2 Omnibus. Some random thoughts…
[spoiler]I’ve only read “The Metamorph” so far. A brilliant novelisation although an important scene is ommitted (Koenig at the entrance of the Travel Tube taking Annette in hand and saying that he’ll bring Fraser back safely, to which she says “Thank you” and Tony is then left to put his arm around her), highlighting the warmth and caring that the Year 2 Alphans display towards one another. A welcome departure from the understandable “We are unwilling work colleagues/survivors” mentality seen in much of Year 1.
I have also skimmed through “The Bringers of Wonder – Part 1”. I disliked some of the changes… although I understood the reasons behind them. I don’t really see the point in altering a VERY strong episode of Year 2. Very little needed fixing in this story imho. The changes (particularly in the opening scenes in Command Centre when Koenig is going bonkers in his Eagle & everyone is helplessly looking on) make the set up more sensible, and the changes are very clever… but imho, they are entirely unnecessary as the things they’re correcting are so minor as to be… irelevant. Still, the joy of the re-write is in the extension to the bitchy scenes between Diana Morris and Helena. The comment about Diana having had a nose-job had me laughing myself silly! Thank God Powys have decided NOT to write out the humour (corny or otherwise) that is present in Year 2! It’s one of the things I love about it!
Oh, & whilst we’re on the subject, the additional dialogue between Ben & Louisa is also very welcome. It’s just unfortunate that Ben has taken a complete back-seat in Year 3. I can only hope that Doctors Vincent and Spencer will come more to the fore now that Doctor Mathias is no longer with us.
I have noticed a BIG continuity gaff though. The Omnibus goes out of its way to write out any mention of the rather naffly named Milgonite… and yet in [b]Born for Adversity[/b] Dave talks about it! Methinks you’ll need to alter BFA to bring it into line with the Year 2 Omnibus. Other good things I’ve picked up on scanning though various bits of the Omnibus include: a brilliant taster for [b]The Whispering Sea[/b]. I’m even more intrigued about this forthcoming novel knowing that Maya’s initial few days/weeks with the Alphan’s were both troubled and dramatic.
I also like the numerous references to “Survival” littered throughout “The Exiles”. All serve to explain Koenig’s out of character actions onscreen.
For me, I plan to read E C Tubb’s novelisation of the Year 1 unfilmed script version of “The Exiles” first and then Michael Butterworth’s Omnibus novelisation of “The Exiles” after.
Btw, will Michael be contributing any further work to the Powysverse? In an upcoming short story anthology perhaps? It would be nice if he did imho as I like his writing style.
[/spoiler]Oh… and in case you’re wondering, AP has been put aside so that I can read the Year 2 Omnibus. What can I say? Year 2 brought me to [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]. That being the case, is it any wonder I’ve dropped everything to read the Omnibus..? 😉 😛
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