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- This topic has 44 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 14 years, 1 month ago by
Steve Foster.
December 25, 2010 at 10:00 pm #1563
Todd Bennett
ParticipantMy copy came yesterday and I was reading it last night and this morning (Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!)
One purely logistical issue: the font you use in the book is kind of hard to read. Now that I’m on the wrong side of 50, I appreciate the readability of a serif font. I also love reading on my iPad, because I can customize the font to suit my eyesight.
Has there been any consideration made to releasing Powys books as e-books? I’d go back and re-buy them all, if I could get them in a version I could read on my iPad. I’d continue to buy the hardcopies, because I like having the “artifact” around, especially when it’s packaged as nicely as Powys books are. So essentially you’d be selling me two copies of each title. That’s got to help out the bottom line, right?
Plus, e-books need never go out of print.
December 26, 2010 at 5:22 am #1565Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantStill waiting for my copies. They’ll be a week or so yet. I will let you know my first impressions as soon a the post office delivers.
Reading the posts here I thought I would add my voice to the chorus. I to am not entirely happy with the path that Powys has taken with the Space 1999 mythos. I have had over 30 years of watching and reading to form my own ideas on each and every MUF incident. I loved the fact that every episode of first season left me with a question, something to ponder as I waited til the next week to see the next episode. Reading thebooks I discovered that they didn’t always match the episode screened and I had to come to terms with those little discrepancies, Then I read Earthfall which gave me a whole new 1999 universe to explore, on that was familiar yet, strange and new with lots and lots of new angles to explore. When I got the series on VHS one of the first things I did was to edit several shows together into a new story that had the moon return to Earth orbit and the Alphans returning home as they did in Earthfall. I still have that around somewhere, I’ll have to dig it up and give it a re-watch.
The Powys novels did several things for me. First, they reawakened my interest in Space 1999, I hadn’t forgotten the show I still watched episodes and read the occasional book. I even celebrated each year on September 13 (every year). But now my passion was refired with new adventures to expand my view of my favourite universe. Secondly they gave me new answers to old questions, not my answers but answers nonetheless. No-one can be expected to like every change in character or plot that the custodian of a mythology makes but if you love the universe and its inhabitants you accept it and learn to embrace it. Just as in real life when you are thrown a curve ball you dodge it or get hit. You don’t give up on life, you pick yourself up and carry on as best you can. The same can be said for Space 1999, it has been part of my life since 1975. I’m not going to give up on it because it doesn’t fit my theories on some of the episodes. The episodes are still there, they haven’t been changed (unless you’ve visited Space 2099) the source material is still there. We know that an established 1999 storyline features a parallel universe so all of this can take place there, your own universe with its own answers are all still sitting safely in you own universe that no-one can touch but you.
I for one am just happy that there is something new to read in the 1999 multiverse of which the Powysverse is but one possible future.
Thanks for yout time fellow Alphans… 😉December 29, 2010 at 5:23 pm #1586Ally Davies
ParticipantMy copy just arrived in South Wales :cheer: perfect timing – I shall take it skiing with me next week…ummmmm…that is if I can wait until then to read it !!!
Second thoughts – I shall probably re-read it while skiing next week – obviously not at the same – time that would be irresponsible :laugh:
BTW – Still love the hand !!!!!
– Ally
December 29, 2010 at 9:45 pm #1588Kerry
ParticipantJust ordered my copy! Looking forward to it.
December 29, 2010 at 11:29 pm #1592Steve Foster
ParticipantIt’s here! It’s here! :woohoo: :silly: 😆
I got as far as page 2… and realised I was hooked! B)
It arrived at my Work Address on Christmas Eve… we finished work the day before. So it’s been waiting there for me ever since.
I was supposed to be going out tonight… but my friend texted me to say it’d been cancelled for one reason or another… aren’t I terrible? I thought: “GREAT! I can read “Chasing the Cyclops” instead!” 😛 (it’ll be the only chance I get… I have guests staying for New Year – they’re arriving just after I get in from work tomorow & they’ll be here until the evening of the 1st, then I’m out with my Skinhead mates in Leeds on the 2nd… and on the 3rd… I’m probably going to be hung over! LOL!)
So… this being the case… I’ve made meself a nice cup of Earl Grey tea… got out some cheese and crackers… and am going to attempt to read it in 1 night. :S Darn that pesky Mr Latham… you pick up one of his books… and you just can’t put it down! :cheer:
December 31, 2010 at 8:56 pm #1606Patrick Zimmerman
Participantgot my Cyclops today.
ordered it late last Wednesday night, and it arrived a week and a half later on a Friday. Took a few more days than the usual lulu speedy delivery due to the holidays I suppose.
always exciting to see that lulu shipping box on the front porch!!
tore into the packaging and pulled out the new book. Looks sharp. I really like that the title font is not done in the Futura used for all the novels. Having that different title font on the spine clearly sets it apart from the rest of the set, while still being part of the whole by maintaining the red Powys on the black background. Very nice.as for reading it…. er, well, I hate to even admit it, but I haven’t read Omega/Alpha yet… even though I think I was the first to receive Alpha. So I don’t want to even read any cover text for fear of spoiling what awaits me… although, even the imagery has me thinking I’m too late…
In a way though, it’s somewhat thrilling to have new, unread Space 1999 novels sitting on my shelf.
But my priorities need adjusting, so –New Year’s Resolution #1: Read my Space: 1999 novels!!
January 1, 2011 at 5:05 am #1607Phil Merkel
KeymasterJust got my copy of Chasing the Cyclops, a New Years Eve present. Being the narcissist that I am I paged through it sitting here at my desktop looking for the words Phil Merkel. Loved what I read so far especially the fact that it was associated with two talented and friendly Alphans Ken Scott and Pat Sokol.
The first Space 1999 book I read that I truly loved was John Muirs Exploring Space 1999, it opened up the idea to me that all us fans are no longer kids playing with our Mattell Eagles and our walkie talkie commlocks, we’re now talented adults who can write books, make music, raise families etc etc etc.
When Resurrection arrived at the Sound Beach post office years ago I read the first few pages and realized Mateo was serious, he’d published a great novel by a real writer, a writer who in my opinion is way ahead of those old novelizations of the 1970’s. Like a lot of things we loved from our childhoods in the 1970’s Bill Latham and Mateo Latosa (John Muir your in here too) helped 1999 age with us. Like Jeffty in Harlan Ellison’s Jeffty Is Five Mateo, John and Bill channelled a grown up version of Space into our lives, something that has matured with us. (Go read or listen to Jeffty Is Five to get the vibe I’m talking about here, when Harlan talks about the old radio shows Jeffty is able to access…except I know the POWYS ending will not be the same as the one in Jeffty Is Five!)
I love reading books about science fiction, I’ve gone through Panshins The World Beyond the Hill: Science Fiction and the Quest for Transcendence, Aldisses Billion Year Spree, Disch’s The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made Of and Malzbergs Engines of the Night. I loved hanging out at conventions with Julie Schwartz and Sam Moskowitz (Not at the same time!) talking about Science Ficiton of the 1930’s and what fandom was like back in the day. (Sam could remember what they served for every Worldcon banquet he attended! I think up until he died he’d been to every one!)
So to have this book in my hands is a real triumph. For Mateo, for Bill and for all the POWYS authors and people in the POWYS bullpen (Excelsior!).
This has been a hell of a year for me really really touigh stuff ongoing with my son, the pressures of work and the joy of being a 13 year old trapped in a 48 year old body! The week before Christmas I stayed late at work prepping my Christmas/Holiday concert. It was going on 7pm and I was in the gym with my set up for the show tweaking a slideshow. I was doing the work on the main set up so I had a projector hooked to the laptop and the audio going through the main speaker set up I use. Since I was working with images I was playing some Gerry Anderson music podcast I had saved from months earlier to keep me company in an empty school. The podcaster was working his way through all the shows and when he made it to the year one theme I had to stop what I was doing and turn the system up to 11 and just let it blow the tin roof off the place. I think the night custiodian thought I had lost my mind but I became wonderfully centered and calm and I had two kick ass concerts the next day.
What I’m trying to say in about a billion words is there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think about Space 1999. More often now then not when I think about Space it’s about these books, these new works this new mythos. Thanks guys, I am so glad you brought me along for the ride and now I only have two words left…..
What’s next?
Phil B)
January 1, 2011 at 5:57 am #1609Steve Foster
Participant[b]captphil wrote:[/b]
[quote]What I’m trying to say in about a billion words is there isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t think about Space 1999. More often now then not when I think about Space it’s about these books, these new works this new mythos. Thanks guys, I am so glad you brought me along for the ride and now I only have two words left…..What’s next?
Phil B)[/quote]
Capt. Phil… Thank you for your post. So touched by it :kiss: you and I are so alike. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about [b]SPACE: 1999[/b]. Yes, a silly old sci-fi series from the 70’s. And yet… there’s something SO special about it. I really do love it, the actors and the characters they bought to life with all my heart 🙂
The weight of responsibility on Powys’s shoulders is great… for me, their novels are ABSOLUTELY THE authentic continuation of the series. I buy it. Absolutely. But… that doesn’t change the fact that I miss Command Centre and am saddened that Maya is no longer a transmorph.
Still… I look forward to the continuation of Year 3 in 2011. And…
Lucky, lucky me: I get a new novel, set in Year 2, with Command Centre still the centre of operations and Maya is still a transmorpth… written by John Kenneth Muir (who’s a HUGE Maya/Catherine Schell fan) called: [b]The Whispering Sea[/b]. Can’t wait to read this!!!!!!!!!!!! B) [/spoiler]Oh btw, I didn’t get to read CTC in 1 night :blush:
It was just… too fantastic! Like the materpieces that are [b]ALPHA[/b] and [b]OMEGA[/b], it is a work of genius. Really fascinating… but what was being revealed… made my head spin! Love it though. SO glad I bought it… and on the day I received it… I noted, William Latham had sent me another e-mail (sorry Bill, I’ll respond to it asap! Things are… hapilly busy here 😉 and I’m mulling over your comments re: Maya. You’ve addressed my concerns and I’m happier about the situation now. Thank you :kiss: ) )
Anyway, all’s well. I’ll read more of [b]Chasing The Cyclops [/b]this coming Monday… if I’m not too hung-over from the day before… 😉 😛
January 21, 2011 at 12:40 pm #1707Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantFINALLY! After weeks and weeks of avoiding posts and hints on what’s in this book, it finally arrived. I had almost given up all hope of holding it in my hands, I thought it had been swept away in the floods. But now it’s here and I can start reading it. I will also have happy customers again…
:woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo: :silly: :woohoo:
January 21, 2011 at 1:40 pm #1710Mateo Latosa
KeymasterTight-lipped as ever, that Zack. Always with the poker face–well, the poker face of a man doing cartwheels! :laugh:
February 7, 2011 at 5:54 am #1897Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantI’ve just finished reading Chasing the Cyclops. A couple of things that had never occurred to me before were brought to light. The whole secret sequel thing went right over my head, it takes so long for mail to get to Australia that Omega still hadn’t arrived when I saw that Alpha was available. I don’t think I was even on the forum until after I had ordered the books so the hints left there by others were lost to me. I must say that my chats with Bill Latham and Mateo have helped me understad the differences between the “Powysverse” and what I now have to call the “Zackiverse”. My relative isolation here in Australia means that I haven’t done much travelling for fandom’s sake. Conventions are nice to go to but the cost of the con, coupled with the air fare and accomodation makes for a very expensive week or two away. As such I have spent many years developing my own ideas about what was what on Alpha and who did what to whom and haven’t had the 1999 fan community to discuss the ideas with. No problem, my universe sits quite nicely in its own niche and the powysverse is a reasonable substitute, even though there are some things that are just plain wrong.
I really enjoyed Chasing the Cyclops, much more in fact, than I thought I would. It is almost a directors commentary to the books and I will now go back and re-read then armed with what new insights Cyclops has granted me.
Once again a big thank you to Bill Latham (and his faulty mouse) and Mateo who have revived Space 1999 for all of us fans and for keeping the quality so high.Before I go, why does the cyclops on the cover remind me of the flying spaghetti monster?
February 8, 2011 at 4:26 pm #1906Steve Foster
Participant[b]Zack wrote:[/b]
[quote]…No problem, my universe sits quite nicely in its own niche and the powysverse is a reasonable substitute, even though there are some things that are just plain wrong.[/quote]You’ve piqued my interest Zack. What things would you say are “wrong”?
I feel that a couple of things are… well, “not as I would like them to be”, but I put that down to personal preference & creative differences. An obvious example: Maya would still be a Metamorph if I was in charge of the Powys books, however, the decision to make her a pureblooded Psychon, non-Metamorph does allow the writers to explore “Maya the Woman” as an alien, an outsider, a figure shrouded in tragedy and grief but very much a part of the Alphan community. Yes, I miss Maya & Tony having humourous banter, but that to me, is where their relationship was at in Year 2. I’ve had to accept, with some sadness, that Year 2 is over 🙁 and that in Year 3 everything that’s comfortable or familiar about [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]is being shaken and challenged for the sake of creating exciting, innovative tales featuring our favourite Alphans and with the intention of getting the series “back on course” after the detour it took in Year 2. I’m fine with that and I’m enjoying the ride immensely so for me, I see the approach Powys has taken as being “different” rather than “wrong”.
Would be interested in hearing the thoughts of everyone’s favourite Happy Dancer on the subject 🙂
February 10, 2011 at 6:26 am #1921Glenn McCrabb
ParticipantFirstly, let me say that I don’t disagree with what Powys are doing, I love it! The more Space 1999 there is out there the better off we are. Anything that will promote dicussion and debate about Space 1999 is fine with me. I’m just used to thinking in my own way with my own theories and ideas. I have spent many years watching and reading and each time it reinforced my theories.
The biggest problem I have with the Powys novels is the ATAP Alphans. In my mind that story took place in a parallel universe, the title is the biggest clue. Another Time, Another Place. Not our place, another place. If the MUF was capable of splitting the entire moon and its inhabitants to return them to Earth, why not do it more? It could have split the alphans when they were on Retha and left Humans disguised as stone age people. Or split the moon at Arkadia and left 300 people there, etc, etc, etc… It would have been a boring story-line but it makes more sense in the Powysverse.
I also have an issue with the killing of the original Luke and Anna. Sandra mentions them in MFMBA so that means that they, to her at least, are still alive. I know why it was done, and all of the reasons for it and I agree with the intention. If I had done it I would have included a scene between the ATAP Luke and Anna with Sandra to create a bond between them. That would have created a connection between them and Sandra that would have warranted a special mention in what was a very emotional speech for Sandra. Maybe she could have given them some personal effects belonging to the original Luke and Anna that were left behind when they left for Arkadia.
On the plus side, I loved what was done with Balor, Paul and Tanya, Victors death and subsequent ressurection, the restoration of Main Mission, Maya’s powers being withdrawn and the addition of Hawks to Alpha. All of these are positive moves that have improved the series no end and fixed the biggest mistakes of Year Two.
I see the publication of Omega and Alpha as a way of explaining everything to everybody all at once. I just don’t understand why it was necessary to do it at all. The mystery was what drew me to Space 1999 in the first place. The Alphans may have been able to explain what happened to themselves if they had the time or the resources, but they didn’t have either. So the mysteries were left behind for us, the viewers, to ponder and muse over. I’m very glad that Powys didn’t just have one MUF responsible for the whole shebang or I would have been even angrier.
I have had to separate Space 1999 into Three universes now I have called them; The universe of Earthfall, The Zackiverse and The Powysverse. I’m happy and can continue to be so.🙂
February 10, 2011 at 10:16 am #1923Mateo Latosa
KeymasterThe decision to resolve some of the mysteries of the series was mine. I felt that after 25 years, it would be okay to answer some long-standing questions. However, from the start I set out with the authors to reveal the truths throughout the novels. Each one, even the short stories and omnibus, contain little bits of information that are eventually tied together with the bits revealed in the episodes to form the backdrop for Omega and Alpha. Of course Chasing the Cyclops tells exactly how that mythology was actually developed. In it, you’ll see how the groundwork for the duology was laid from the start. Anyone who’s read the book knows that William Latham is the principal architect of that mythology–my role in it was minor by comparison.
But new mysteries arise out of old mysteries. And there are still old mysteries we haven’t touched.
Another controversial decision was setting Year One and Year Two in the same universe, the same continuity. There were people who were very angry at that decision. Again, it was my decision. Love it or hate it, Year Two had some great new characters and lots of interesting backstory for the characters. And many of the episodes, could have been written (and some were) for Year One. I’d suggest that Lambda Factor, Seance Spectre, and Immunity Syndrome, just to name a few, could certainly have worked as Year One episodes in terms of the stories they told. We didn’t see anything to gain in disgarding 24 episodes.
The removal of Maya’s abilities was another decision, this one made by Bill and me together. We felt her metamorphic abilities were too often used as a deus ex machina that pulled Moonbase Alpha’s collective asses out of the fire. We felt that Maya (largely due to Catherine Schell’s wonderful portrayal) was a good character in an of itself and that the metamorphic abiliities had worn out their welcome.As David McIntee has said, this turn of events was in his “brief” for the novel. We wanted Maya to lose her metamorphic abilities and we wanted Main Mission back.
In the Powysverse, the alternate Alphans are on our Earth in the far future. The planet is nearly completely barren and now depopulated. We don’t consider them to be in an “alternate” universe. Now the “Future Alphans” from the “Alterverse”, well that’s another story!
That’s the beauty of the series! It’s open to interpretation and nothing is black and white!
February 10, 2011 at 4:20 pm #1924Steve Foster
ParticipantRe: the previous two posts…
Now THIS is what we need. Discussion, debate and the sharing of our various POV. [i]Real [/i]debate on the series’ themes, characters and story arcs. Not pointless discussions such as “If they bought back [b]SPACE: 1999 [/b]which Hollywood Actors would you cast to play John & Helena?” yada yada. How boring and pointless are those sorts of discussions! I’ve no interest in them at all! :angry:
How fantastic that there’re new novels being released regularly, written by very talented writers, that are exciting, thought provoking and sometimes, uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because there’s jeopardy. Nothing is cosy anymore. Nothing can be taken for granted. There are twists, turns and surprises applenty and, just as importantly, old questions are finally being answered whilst new and intriguing ones are being set up.
How fantastic, also, that we can come here, to the Powys Media Forum, interact directly with the writers and discuss/debate these things without fear of condemnation. Yes, we can (respectfully) agree to disagree, but we know we can talk about all this stuff honestly and passionately (as Zack & Mateo have above) 😉
I think that’s pretty fantastic, which is what [b]SPACE: 1999[/b] (despite its many faults) is. A really fantastic, much loved TV series B)
I’ve enjoyed everything that has so far been revealed in the novels… and I’m HUGELY excited by what’s yet to come.
Viva Powys Media! :silly: :woohoo:
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