Agent Copies of OOP Space: 1999 novels on eBay

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    Mateo Latosa

    I have begun to put up copies of our early Space: 1999 novels up on eBay. These books are now out of print and are belonged to Carlton/Granada/ITV’s licensing agent in the U.S. They are only four copies of each title available–then they’re gone.

    The first book up on eBay is, logically, Powys Media’s first Space: 1999 novel, Resurrection by William Latham. It features an exclusive foreword by JOHNNY BYRNE. In the coming days I’ll be putting up copies of The Forsaken–BOTH COVER-VERSIONS.

    All books are first edition copies.


    Do the licensing agreements mean you will be unable to have a Lulu print run?

    Bill Latham

    Lulu versions of the out of print books are still coming, not to worry. They will not, however, be first printings, like the ones on eBay — these will be second printings.

    Mateo Latosa

    I have just put up one of the four remaining copies of The Forsaken (Launching Pad cover) on eBay. As with all of these Agent copies, there are only four available. One copy of Resurrection already sold, but I have put a second one up. These titles are a little more expensive than our In-Print titles, but nothing like what other people are asking for on eBay and Amazon.

    We even have the Agent copies of Miss Freedom! Coming soon!


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