Reprint Eternity Unbound?

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  • #3060
    William Latham

    Hey, Folks:

    Just thought I’d throw a question out there.

    Normally we don’t solicit information on what we’re going to publish or not publish (and this one in particular may seem particularly self-serving) but as you may be aware, the Eternity Unleashed novel is due to be reprinted at some point, while the novelization of “End of Eternity” I wrote for Eternity Unbound is due to be included in the Year One Omnibus. However, every now and then, people ask if we’re ever going to reprint Eternity Unbound.

    Since the version of Resurrection that’s in Eternity Unbound is unique to that book (and that, and the author’s note, are really the only things that will be unique to that book), we never really considered putting Eternity Unbound out again (plus, we always viewed that as kind of a collector’s book, which is why the print run was pretty small).

    Anyway, should we reprint Eternity Unbound instead of just Eternity Unleashed? Tell us what you think. No promises that we’ll do it, but we’re curious. Vote above.



    Glenn McCrabb

    I already have a copy so I don’t care either way. It would be nice to have a second copy though.
    Maybe a different cover to distinguish the books apart. Or, print it as a regular paperback size and not the large size of the original.

    William Latham

    Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines — having it be the size of our regular paperbacks.


    [quote=”blatham” post=3015]Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines — having it be the size of our regular paperbacks.[/quote]

    I agree. The trouble with trade paperbacks is that, if you don’t have books the same size or larger on either side, the Cromdamned things “butterfly” on you.

    Though if y’all wanted to do hardcover versions of your books, you can sign me up for a complete set!


    Scott Lindvall

    I agree with those folks who have already replied. If you DO reprint the book, it would be nice to get another copy as a regular sized paperback instead of an oversized book like the original and Pat’s Compendium (although I like those 2 books, they stand out as special). That way, it would fit in nicely with the rest of the regular series.

    Not to be a nag, but any news on when we might see new Space: 1999 novels rolling off of the Lulu presses?

    William Latham

    We may be getting JKM’s book out soon!

    I promised I wouldn’t write at all until I finished final edits on Black Doves. Well, I’m cheating — I’m spending time daily on editing (in the home stretch) AND time writing. Final Revolution is underway. So that’s three books. When I can’t wait to write a book (not to toot my own horn too excessively), you guys usually benefit…

    Simon Morris

    I wouldn’t mind a reprint of [b]Eternity Unbound[/b] because the whole saga is one of my favourites (with [b]RESURRECTION[/b] being my favourite 1999 novel as published by Powys….). But it [i]would[/i] be nice to have it as a regular sized paperback so it fits nicely on the shelf with the others.

    Simon (Hi Bill!)

    Patrick Zimmerman

    I think your original thought is the way to go – just reprint Eternity Unleashed.
    As you say, the other two segments are out there, or will be out there, in their own books, so there’s no need to have all that duplication.

    Steve Foster

    I would like it to be reprinted (I too own a copy of the original book, which I really enjoyed reading) but as others have said, in paperback size in line with all the other novels which then leaves Pat’s Compendium as the stand out reference guide.

    Personally, I’d like you to reprint “Chasing the Cyclops” the same size as the Compendium as those tiny diagrams and flow charts are very difficult to read in the current small font size.


    William Latham

    And then Bill looked up from proofreading the final proof of Whispering Sea and said to himself….hmmm, I’d better not even mention that “Eternity Unhinged” thing I’ve been writing…

    Steve Foster

    [quote=”blatham” post=3032]And then Bill looked up from proofreading the final proof of Whispering Sea and said to himself….hmmm, I’d better not even mention that “Eternity Unhinged” thing I’ve been writing…[/quote]

    “Eternity Unhinged”! :blink:

    Honestly Bill… you’re such a tease! 😉

    But at least you’re teasing. Those months of silence a while back were really worrying. So happy that things are happening in the Powysverse once again B)

    Patrick Zimmerman

    I will update my vote to an emphatic “No, this should not be reprinted”

    this thread got me to pull Unbound of the shelves to re-read it, at which point I noticed that the back cover states that Unbound is a ‘limited edition’

    I’d hate to see Powys going back on their word. Just publish Unleashed as a solo work.

    William Latham

    Well, not for nothin’, if it did include something called “Eternity Unhinged” (no promises) the new edition would be different from the old one, which would still make the old one limited, right? Different size, different content, different animal.

    Steve Foster

    [quote=”blatham” post=3036]Well, not for nothin’, if it did include something called “Eternity Unhinged” (no promises) the new edition would be different from the old one, which would still make the old one limited, right? Different size, different content, different animal.[/quote]

    I’m REALLY liking the sound of this Bill! B)

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