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  • #1277
    Michael Kincaid

    Thank you for creating Powy Media’s line of Space:1999 books from the bottom of my heart andfor future Space:1999 fans. I was 13 when the show started in 1975 and hiding behind the sofa lisening to the Landau’s talk about the show on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Anyway you have personally fufilled the little child.s dream in all of us at seeing new novels appear and long may it continue. You are my hero! 🙂

    Mateo Latosa

    :blush: Aaw, shucks. :blush:

    Now you’ve made MY day.

    Mateo Latosa

    I should add that a lot of people had a hand in creating Powys Media and in the acquisition of the licence, not just me. If it had been just me, believe me, we’d still be dreaming about it.

    Glenn McCrabb

    Ah Mateo, but you are the front man, so you have to have all of our praise heaped upon you. It is then up to you to portion it out to the rest of the gang as you see fit… 🙂

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Where Space: 1999 Lives…